Kim Jong Un and family will seek political asylum in Vladivostok, Russia
By Benjamin Fulford
April 25, 2017
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and his family will seek political asylum in Russia on or about May 8th, just before the South Korean presidential election, according to sources in Japanese military intelligence. This is the decision reached in secret discussions between the governments of Russia, China and the US under the aegis of the CSIS, the sources say.
This will pave the way for a Kim Han Sol, the son of Kim Il Sung’s older brother Kim Jong Nam, to become the new leader of North Korea, the sources say. This will be followed by the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, they say. However, it is not yet clear if the Kim Han Sol the CSIS plans to place in power will be the real one or the fake one who recently appeared on internet video, the sources say.
This information has not been independently confirmed but reflects the scenario envisaged by the CSIS.
Criminal charges were filed against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a press conference was held but nobody paid attention
By Benjamin Fulford
April 21, 2017
On April 20th, a group seeking to replace Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with Rockefeller family and Henry Kissinger protégé Ichiro Ozawa filed criminal charges against Abe. They also held a press conference, as reported on this site, at 4PM on April 20th.
However, the Japanese establishment decided to ignore this move, which is why Abe is still in power and the media here failed to report what was said at the press conference. What this incident proves is that the Japanese elite group mind has more power than a legally correct indictment and is also able to ensure that a press conference is ignored.
Abe is considered by to be by far a lesser evil than Ozawa, and this is why this latest maneuver failed, sources in the Abe cabinet say.
Japanese Prime Minister to be criminally indicted today, press conference due at 4 PM Japanese right wing sources say
By Benjamin Fulford
April 20, 2017 11:25 AM
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be criminally indicted today on charges related to the Moritomo Gakuen school land deal, according to an e-mail received overnight from a Japanese right wing source close to the Emperor, An announcement of this will be made today at a 4 PM press conference to be held at the press conference room of the lower house of Parliament, the source says. This will be followed by an announcement of Abe’s resignation, the source says.
The push to remove Abe is being orchestrated by Henry Kissinger who wishes to maintain Khazarian mob rule over Japan by replacing Abe, who has recently gone off the reservation, with Ichiro Ozawa, the source says.
Would be patsy for fake Muslim terror attack in US asks for protection
By Benjamin Fulford
April 19, 2017
An Egyptian American by the name of Amin Amin contacted me to ask for protection because he felt his life was in danger and that he was being set up as a patsy for a “Muslim” terror attack in the US.
Amin, who is currently in Tennessee, says that both the CIA and Sudanese intelligence have contacted him and tried to convince him to work for them. Amin says the Sudanese intelligence officers included people going by the name of Tarik and Wahir. He says he has known them since childhood and that they are nephews of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who is, in actuality, an Arab and not a Jew.
The other people who tried to recruit him are a Jewish person by the name of Andrew Lamont and a Palestinian 33rd degree freemason going by the name of Jamal Abuseyada.
Amin says he was offered large sums of money to cooperate but when he refused to, he was fired from his job as a teaching assistant in a Muslim school in Tennessee. Amin asked me to inform the world he is clean, sober and non-violent and that he is not planning any terrorist attack. He would like white hats in the intelligence community to contact him
He also said he knew a Palestinian by the name of Nazar who used to be a roommate of the Unabomber. He says Nazar told him that the real former Palestinian Liberation Organization head Yasser Arafat was “killed in a raid and replaced by a double.”
Henry Kissinger spotted at Florida military base trying to start World War 3
By Benjamin Fulford
April 18, 2017
Henry Kissinger was spotted in early April at a US military base in Florida, Pentagon sources say. It was Kissinger who wrote the plot for the April summit meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US Corporate President Donald Trump, the sources say.
The illegal Tomahawk missile attack against Russian and Syrian air-force personnel inside Syria that took place during the summit was also ordered by Kissinger, the sources add. US top General Joseph Dunford did not learn of the attack until 15 minutes after it took place, the Pentagon sources continue.
Kissinger is also orchestrating the attempts to provoke a war with North Korea, they say. For this reason US military and naval personnel need to be on high alert for bribed officers going rogue and attacking North Korea, they say. No attack on North Korea will be authorized by the regular chain of command.
Kissinger is fighting for the survival of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia and their financial control grid. He needs to be apprehended ASAP.
Warning from Japanese military police of possible April 13th mass terror attack on Tokyo.
The Japanese royal family is not going to be in Tokyo on that day. It is also a day of occult significance for the Satan worshippers. It is also in the middle of pass over, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the killing of innocent Egyptians through poison, germ warfare, infanticide etc.
The gnostic illuminati have issued the following warning to the Satanists: If you attack Tokyo then say goodbye to Jerusalem and Rome.
x-Dayは明後日13日夕方から夜とみています。 天皇陛下-何故かこの日のみ公務無し 皇太子殿下-羽田からマレーシアへ 秋篠宮様-広島へ 常陸宮様-沖縄へ 高松宮様-沖縄へ 数秘でも2+0+1+7=10 4+1+3=8 10+8=18=666 何かしらの儀式が控えている筈
Veteran’s today was blocked by US Homeland Security from publishing the report below so they asked me to publish it. I do not agree with everything Gordon Duff says or writes but this report is based on credible, on the ground reporting and needs to be made available to the world at larg.
The unpleasant truth behind the recent Syrian gas attack.
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Nahed al Husaini, Damascus
Veterans Today sent a team to Idlib from Turkey and then to Damascus, through rebel lines, to make the following report. Though the report is not comprehensive, it outlines the real situation “on the ground” at Khan Sheikhoun, what really happened and what is happening now. This was not done without considerable risk and without, as part of the process, VT being hacked by US Army Cyber Command and subjected to a National Security Letter by DHS and threatened to remain silent, which we are obviously ignoring.
The story below is not what is convenient, not what Russia and Syria are telling, it is simply the truth. We begin:
Plans for the April 2017 attack on Khan Sheikhoun, an town known to host an al Nusra command center, began some two weeks ago. The committee to plan the attack was coordinated on the ground in Idlib by Amir Abou al Baraa al Sheshani of al Nusra and the Turkish Army intelligence command, housed at Khan Sheikhoun, commanded by Colonel Osmon Ozon.
Sheshani returns from the dead yet again
There have been many claims that Sheshani has been killed, two from 2016 alone. We can confirm that he is coordinating al Nusra forces and combined FSA/Turkish military in Idlib province.
We received two version of the story in Idlib, one from a Turkish intelligence official with a love for single malt Scotch and another from an al Nusra commander. We give each:
The Turkish officer claims this was a planned attack, with orders from Ankara.
Our al Nusra informant says there was an “accident” and gas leaked. He may have meant an attack of some kind damaged the canisters, we just aren’t sure. We will publish what we have.
Logistics and planning for the attack were done by Colonel Ozon and coordinated with the White Helmets Foundation and a joint al Nusra and Turkish backed Free Syrian Army group. On site were media representatives of al Jazeera, a rebel friendly media group from Qatar, responsible for funding the attack, and Reuters “embeds” who had worked with the White Helmets staging videos both inside Syria or at studios in Egypt.
On March 31, 2017, two silver Renault 4×4 pickup trucks pulled into the Saraquib neighborhood where the offices for Turkish intelligence and al Nusra are.
trucks were silver but similar to this photo with Turkish plates
There they unloaded a shipment of chlorine gas, stored in cylinders. This is what was used during the attack, not Sarin.
This is what we know, where we can support using credible testimony. We can’t tie what happened on the ground with the CIA or anyone else, just what we have. But we have more, thus we continue, as we debrief our investigators in the lobby of the Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus, where VT “offices” are, frankly located in the lobby where we get WiFi and reliable electricity most of the time. Here we learn of an upcoming attack, buoyed by the Trump attack, they are planning a repeat performance. We begin:
“We warned you before the staged gas attack and now we see it again. There is an al Jazeera film crew here meeting with the White Helmets Foundation. They have begun filming scenes, using smoke machines, actors running back and forth, shooting and reshooting scenes to get them right.
This attack is to be a bombing by the Syria Air Force using white phosphorus, not sarin, not chlorine gas.
When we left, the film team was busy in Saraqib, it looked just like a movie crew filming an episode of Homeland for the Israelis.”
Media Deception Key to the Attacks
For a new wrinkle on the story, we go to of all places, Russia Today. Normally, one expects Russian state run media to play down the idea that the Damascus government would be involved in chemical attacks.
We all remember the claims of gas attacks in Aleppo, that and the mass graves, the gunning down of civilians that, once Aleppo was retaken by Damascus and open to the world press, was quickly debunked.
The video below was done by the same White Helmets team that worked the gas attack in Khan Shiekhoun, that staged the attack in August 2016, one that the US recognized as fake and failed to respond to. Obama was in the White House.
It was his familiarity with the fakery of the White Helmets and their alleged relationship with Hillary Clinton and the Soros organization that brought Trump to support Assad in the first place. Steve Bannon, top Trump advisor, recently removed from the National Security Council, had used the White Helmets as an example of the hypocrisy of Obama and Clinton.
RT Penetrated
Why would Russia Today have a Mideast Bureau Chief that our sources tell us works for Israel’s Mossad? This is Paula Siler whose viciously slanted broadcast, now disproven by events on the ground, was highly instrumental in forming the basis for the US attack on Syria in April 2017.
Yet Siler works for the Russian government as a paid correspondent and obvious propagandist for the other side? This is not at all uncommon for Russian media, long penetrated and as much a part of the problem as the “fake news in the US and Europe. From Wikpedia:
Slier is Jewish. Her Dutch grandparents and many other family members were killed in the Holocaust.[4]
What is less well known is the penetration of Russian media by political enemies of Putin. The video we present below, and please take a moment to watch, is beyond curious. This is a Russia Today report that, again with only White Helmet staged videos, which Russia normally claims are fake as a matter of course, RT turns on Damascus much has Trump has done with his missile attack.
Note first that the Aleppo attack is mentioned, this time using chlorine gas dropped from a helicopter. It is one thing filming a supposed air attack at night by a fighter-bomber and quite something else for there to be no video of a helicopter stupid enough to drop poison gas.
Then again, the real insanity comes when RT turns to a Tel Aviv based correspondent to report on Syria, a correspondent obviously in the midst of the enemy camp, reporting on Russian state financed and managed media [BFulford comment: Duff is only now just finding out Russia Today is a Mossad front]..
Today we are getting reports of a command center being set up between Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Russia but there are no reports in Russian media, certainly not from Russia Today and Sputnik. These omissions have alarmed both Syria and Iran.
From Press TV, Tehran:
Key to running these campaigns, false flag terrorism, even pushing the world to the brink of nuclear war, is full complicity by all media, not just America or the infamous “Guardian” in Britain but Russian media as well. Media organizations have to defend themselves from attack like any nation state, defense that requires a counter-intelligence capability few or none have, perhaps but Veterans Today.
VT keeps penetration agents around like house pets, as many are aware. As VT editor, Colonel Jim Hanke, former intelligence chief of NATO’s 3rd Army likes to say:
“We get bored.”
Where the American system fail most miserably can be seen in how the media has treated Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, the only member of congress that publicly doubts the version of events that the “regime” in Washington is promoting.
We hope Tulsi learns she has been vindicated.
Many people died to obtain the sent to me by the individual below who, for good reasons, wishes to remain anonymous
I like to comment about something you said in the video titled: "Benjamin Fulford On David Rockefeller's Passing & the Power Vacuum Created. The Ochelli Effect 2017"
In the video you say that you believe "the Rothchilds are neutral and just want to be left alone". I can tell you that all those in positions of absolute power like the Queen of England, The Rothchilds, The Bushes, The Clintons, The Rockefellers, The Pope, The hidden Jesuit Hierarchy, etc. they are all ONE big happy blood family. They are all cousins, nephews, uncles & nieces to each other. I know some of these people so don't let them fool you!
They are like Medusa, one single but intricate brain with many little serpent heads attached. The main figures are not even in the public eye, the top of the pyramid are known as the black nobility AKA Ancient Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers; The Saturnalia brotherhood, "The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati"
The following list of crime families are in total control of the company of Jesus (Jesuits), High Grey Council Of Ten, the Black Pope, the White Pope and everything else you often talk about including all kingdoms around the globe. These are the families that make up the intricate brain/head of the serpent. The self-designated Luciferian Demi-Gods who rule over their own G.O.D. (Gold-Oil-Drugs):
House of Borja
House of Breakspeare
House of Somaglia
House of Orsini (Orso)
House of Conti
House of Chigi
House of Colonna
House of Farnese
House of Medici
House of Gaetani
House of Pamphili
House of Este
House of Aldobrandini
As you noticed the Rothchilds don't make it to the top 13. There are of course other powerful crime families like the Maximus Family, The Pallavicini (Maria Camila Pallavicini is more powerful than Queen Elizabeth) Yes, Queen Elizabeth is a subordinate to this people. The most powerful man in the word is The Grey Pope, his name is Pepe Orsini and he lives somewhere in Italy, most likely Venice & The Vatican. He controls the Black & White Popes who are now both commoners. The Grey Pope always remains unseen!
Did you notice David Rothchild married Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini? Because they are all one huge family who are always changing their last names to keep the conspiracy hidden and to avoid public scrutiny. Many of this people now live in Asia, mainly China, India, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. What does that tell you, Yes, to create the New NWO with Asia at the helm? This is why they slowly moved all the US manufacturing infrastructure to Asia & China.
In short, the Black Pope is the President of this world and the Bourbon King of Spain is the Monarch of the world (Not Queen Elizabeth as most believe) He controls the vatican through the Jesuits -The Spanish Borgias/Borja created the Jesuits- He is also Known as the King Of Jerusalem (What does this tells you about who secretly rules Zionists-Khazarian rough state of Israel?) and the Grey Pope is the "designated" Ruler of it all!
If you are wondering why are always Italians & not Spaniards ruling Vatican city? Because their modus operandi is to always run the show behind the scenes without any publicity or public acclaim and as to not arouse the 500+ age- old Italian hatred for the Spanish. (for details of this see the history of terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI & also The Divorce of Henry VIII -England- from Catherine of Aragon -Spain)
We need to stop looking at Countries as enemies and start looking for those bloodlines & their foot soldiers such as the Comm. of 300, Builderbergs, Trilateral Comm., etc. as the true enemies not only of the human race but of all life upon this planet! if we really want to create the Power vacuum we need on the top of the Pyramid of power to effectively start implementing some real changes we need to move on this Demonized people. Don't mind about the art & treasure stored within their compounds, for every year one of them live 100,000 of us die. What treasure could be worth that much? We need to nuke them before they nuke us, simple logic Benjamin.
One last note, the best US political leader we have is by far, Ron Paul. He has proven to be the ideal leader for the USA, research him carefully. Lets not support another clown for office. Paul Ryan or any military man would be disastrous as well. They only know to follow orders, it is amazing how mind controlled the military people is, alway following orders blindly (see this 1 min video):
It was such relief to read what you said about Donald Trump in this week report. I am glad you now see him for what he truly is..