The following people have been recorded as saying they nearly got me killed when I was stabbed with a needle in June: Leo Zagami, Daniel Dal Bosco, Vincenzo Mazzara, according to the CIA and Swiss authorities. In addition, they say they have sent 6 individuals to Japan to kill me.
The opium wars and two atomic bombs was not enough to learn the lesson? 11 Billion carcinogen lower form of life gnawing the planet earth. Shit hits fan at every corner of it and they deserve a grand lesson from the nature which would not be far. One tsunami in Shanghai, another tsunami in Tokyo, and another in Taiwan to end these disgusting races. Planet earth would be grateful. No more pollution, no more communism, no more pathetic submissive slaves, the human race would be grateful.
Posted by: Fullshit | 09/27/2012 at 04:04
台湾も 9/29日頃、100隻の船団が尖閣に向かう計画あり!!
Posted by: 中華ラーメンナチス駆除が必要 | 09/18/2012 at 07:18
B-B-B-B-B-Benny & the Ninjas, he's got electric boots, a mohair suit... lol
Let those ninjas out, biatch!!
Posted by: bivens | 09/17/2012 at 16:56
Posted by: 桃ちん(反イルミナティ派) | 09/17/2012 at 13:33
Who Are the Real Slaves? Black people?
Nobody would affirm the proposition that Western people are intrinsically better leaders, for instance. Similarly, nobody would say that Asian people (particularly Japanese, Chinese, East Asians etc) are unfit to be leaders. Not all Asians are short, uncreative, uncharismatic.
Maybe the Asian upbringing is the problem.
“Be humble, be passive, be obedient,” her mother/society told. “Never react, never complain or make excuses,” her father/government instructed. “If something seems unfair, just prove yourself by working twice as hard and being twice as good.”
But, the Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade has calculated that an Asian applicant must, in practice, score 140 points higher on the SAT than a comparable white applicant to have the same chance of admission. This is obviously unfair to the many qualified Asian individuals who are punished for the success/obsession of others with similar faces. Similarly, racial quotas began to be implemented during the 1970s and demanded a certain number of black people into the unions, employment and education.
Asian culture/schools taught children to be obedient and passive, to follow orders without complaint and never question the system, just as slaves were taught to be ass, submissive and obedient.
Asian culture = education for slavery = submissive people = enslaved nations = victory of Nazionist!
Western culture is a body of knowledge derived from reason (racial darwinism and social science). A pro-human life culture recognizes the requirements of proper human survival, namely the values of reason, individualism, happiness, arts, rights and capitalism.
Western culture can also be referred to as advanced and supremacist culture; this is because its ideas and values promote the development and sustainment of advanced and supremacist civilization.
And if current trends continue, Asians will be swallowed - completely enslaved - by Western supremacy.
A cultural, educational and philosophical revolution is urgently needed in Asia.
Posted by: Anti-Slavery | 09/17/2012 at 11:42
ben,i thought you were freinds with zegami?
Posted by: leighton wattkins | 09/17/2012 at 11:13
BenjaminFulford : スイス当局とCIAによると以下の人物が私への6月の暗殺未遂を支持したと言う事実が録音された:Leo Zagami, Daniel Dal Bosco, ...
Posted by: Don | 09/17/2012 at 11:05
There is another freelance journalist who is fighting against the cabal and his name is Jim Stone at: http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/fukushima1.html
Posted by: Yessica | 09/17/2012 at 10:04
日航ジャンボ123便 日本航空のホームページが中国からのサイバー攻撃により閲覧できず。元寇による、日米勢力への攻撃だった
(回答先: 日航ジャンボ123便 元寇(マルキスト中国+ソ連+イスラム自衛隊)による、日米勢力(ユダヤ人及び米軍)への攻撃であった。 )
Posted by: 123 | 09/17/2012 at 05:38
SPREAD THE WORD this is a must see, about the CFR + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxMayaeHd6I&list=PLqQQFOVUZBLiTrCI1y5DyKIj0ZWLa9RCL&feature=plpp_play_all * + extra: http://www.navigate3d.no/mbbs22/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1663&start=251#M8539
Posted by: Otto Lund | 09/16/2012 at 23:28
No Time To Waste
Roy Process for the Neutralization and Elimination of nuclear waste: interview with theoretical nuclear physicist Dr Radha Roy from 1991 Satellite Broadcast of EIS, Earth Information System.
The following youtube needs to go viral around the world. If this will work holds the key to cleaning up the mess that man has made on this planet through irresponsible nuclear inventions and their use. This approach would immediately deal with the contamination in Japan and the ability to eliminate all nuclear waste and spent fuel. The mere fact that it look possible to drop all the half life element to 14 days, would obsolete nuclear weapons all together and would negate the driving war engine. Get this viral so it lands in the hands of people to make this a scientific breakthrough into a momentum of reality. For those motivate by things other than saving the Earth from assured destruction, then thinks of the business opportunity of becoming a planetary "cleaner" ....
Posted by: Priscilla Bardes | 09/16/2012 at 23:19
Posted by: sakusaku | 09/16/2012 at 19:04
Panel: Individual Systematic Agenda against Islam? Western Nations and Geopolitical Power Map? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZnZUFn9JJE * Hillaryous still at large
Posted by: Otto Lund | 09/16/2012 at 09:02
Fukushima Diary
[The Voice of Russia] Cs137 in Pacific ocean 500~800km from Fukushima, “10 times higher than norm”
More than 1000Bq/Kg was measured in 99.4% of a village area in no-man’s-zone
JP Gov to restart the construction of 2 nuclear plants
10,502 Bq/Kg from Karuizawa Nagano, 253km from Fukushima
88 Bq/Kg from well water in Minamisoma Fukushima
Posted by: ...---... | 09/16/2012 at 06:07
Dude. This is embarrassing. The cabalists are in such bad straights yet they continue to pick off your colleagues and good guys with impunity.
How about your contacting “Drake” to see if he can muster a few of his Special Ops buddies to help cover your flank.
Even initiate some proactive “search and destroy” missions.
By the way the Dow is going through the roof. When can we expect to see Monsanto go under?
cc: Drake
Posted by: ...---... | 09/16/2012 at 05:54
Asian people are slaves?
Nobody would affirm the proposition that tall people are intrinsically better leaders, for instance. Similarly, nobody would say that Asian people (especially Japanese, Chinese, etc) are unfit to be leaders. Not all Asians are short.
Maybe Asian upbringing is the problem.
“Be humble, be simple, be obedient,” her mother/government told. “Never react, never complain or make excuses,” her father/authority instructed. “If something seems unfair, just prove yourself by working twice as hard and being twice as good.”
But, the Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade has calculated that an Asian applicant must, in practice, score 140 points higher on the SAT than a comparable white applicant to have the same chance of admission. This is obviously unfair to the many qualified Asian individuals who are punished for the success/obsession of others with similar faces. Similarly, racial quotas began to be implemented during the 1970s and demanded a certain number of black people into the unions, employment and education.
Asian culture/schools taught children to be obedient and passive and to follow orders without complaint, just as slaves were taught to be submissive and obedient.
Asian culture = education for slaves = enslaved countries
Western culture is a body of knowledge derived from reason. A pro-human life culture recognizes the requirements of proper human survival, namely the values of reason, individualism, arts, happiness, rights and capitalism.
Western culture can also be referred to as advanced and supremacist culture; this is because its ideas and values promote the development and sustainment of advanced civilization. North African, Eastern and Middle Eastern individuals developed the first Western civilizations or Western civilized cultures. And while these cultures flourished, Europeans had generally not yet developed beyond savagery. Further, significant elements of Western culture came from other parts of the world, including the first civilizations of Asia.
And if current trends continue, Western culture may be taken to new heights in Asia in this century or the coming centuries rather than in areas dominated by Western or people of Western ancestry.
Asian rulers are sucks, a action has to be taken against these bastards...
Posted by: Anti-Slavery | 09/15/2012 at 13:34
Please please take care, Ben.
Posted by: Lorna | 09/15/2012 at 08:41