Dear Benjamin Fulford,
I just wanted to tell you I have been following your reports for a few months now, thank you so much for all the information you are providing, it gives us all some hope! I am still concerned as there still seems to be a lot of worrying things going on every day where our rights are still, and much more quickly now, being taken away from us. I won't ask if you are speaking truth as I know you have answered this question for other people many times now and as you say, seeing is believing.
The question I really wanted to ask you is, do you believe that there will be some sort of attack on the London Olympics this year? There is a lot of stuff on youtube about it, including the illuminati game cards. I have always had a bad feeling about it ever since it was announced that the Olympics will be held in London, around the same time as when the 7/7 London Bombings happened in 2005, and more so now since I have learned more sinister info about the reasons behind 9/11 and 7/7. Then there was the young guy Rik Clay who mysteriously died after his research into the London Olympics symbolism.
The reason I am so concerned is because I have family in London. I started to feel better about everything after reading all your reports, but I have become concerned again since learning about all the billions in bank fraud going on, it would seem a perfect opportunity for the cabal to take out the City of London and destroy evidence of all their corruption etc, also I have recently found out that the BBC have now moved offices from London, up to Manchester, which I thought was strange. Do they know something?
Anyway if you can please put my mind at rest, I would be most grateful. I know you normally post questions on your website but I would prefer it if I could remain anonymous please.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience, I know you must be very busy.
Many thanks and best wishes.
Unfortunately my own direct sources tell me that a nuclear weapon has been smuggled into London by Eastern European underworld types. It is believed to be one of the nuclear weapons stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk. The British authorities should definitely take this threat seriously.
We are hoping to convince that if we can resolve the financial crisis before this happens the would be terrorists will be convinced to not go ahead with this attack. I hope I am wrong but I got this information from "Alexander Romanoff," who has extensive Eastern European underworld contacts.
Romanoff warned us in advance there would be nuclear terrorism against Japan and he was right.
Benjamin Fulford
Expected is a 550 kiloton russian nuke. Data regarding the effects / blast radius and fallout can be viewed here:
Posted by: Noname | 04/27/2012 at 20:19
Watch this video:
Benjamin can you post a full article about this, people need to be warned?!
Posted by: Noname | 04/26/2012 at 20:05
Olypics games from 27 to 12
See bible 27:7 27-12
"I gave the same message to Zedekiah king of Judah. I said, "Bow your neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon; serve him and his people, and you will live."
Flight 77 / 9-11 / Boeing 727
Posted by: Fkyup | 04/18/2012 at 07:14
keep up your guard England is all i have to say,i have had some visions of you guys out where and its not even the populations fault,
i feel for the good of you guys
Posted by: Jason Thunderbeing | 04/14/2012 at 05:15
Wtf... sorry if this sounds rude but how long have you known about this... You said you are trying to help everyone, yet in a previous post you say that the west needs to get rid of the criminal cabal themselves. And now you say that you know for a fact that there is a nuke in terrorist hands in britain. It looks from hete that you dont really care for us brits. How big a nuke? What radius is the fallout likely to be? as i said i apologise if this sounds rude but i live in scotland... Not a kick in the pants away from england.
Posted by: dave | 04/14/2012 at 01:58
See Illuminati Card game:
And this link; It's pretty serious. Be sure to exit London during the olympics.
Posted by: Noname | 04/13/2012 at 22:11
RE: 疑ってください、『期間が、面白いポストであってください
私は、ちょうど2、3ヵ月(あなたが提供しているすべての情報はそんな程度のありがとう)間のそれが我々にすべての若干の望みを与えるというあなたのレポートに、今は続いていたとあなたに話したかったです! まだ我々の権利が現在まだ、そして、ずっと速くある日ごとに近づいていて、我々から取られている多くの心配しているものであるようで、私にまだ関します。 あなたがしばしば今は他の人へのこの質問に答えたということを私が知っているように、あなたが真実を話しているかどうか、私は尋ねません、そして、あなたが言うように、百聞は一見にしかず。
私が本当に、あなたに尋ねて欲しかった問題はそうです、ロンドン・オリンピックへのある種の攻撃が今年あると、あなたは思っていますか? 多くのものが、啓蒙主義者ゲーム・カードを含むそれについて、youtubeにあります。 私が9/11と7/7の後で理由についてより不吉な情報を学んだ時から7/7のロンドンBombingsが2005年に、そして、よりとてもその時起こった時としての同じ時間ごろ、オリンピックがロンドンで開催されると発表されて以来ずっと、私は常にそれについての悪い印象を持ちました。 それから、不思議なことにロンドン・オリンピック象徴性の彼の研究の後死んだ若い人Rik Clayが、ありました。
私にとても関する理由は、私にはロンドンで家族があるからです。 私はあなたのすべてのレポートを読んだ後にすべてについて気分が前より良くし始めました、しかし、続いている銀行詐欺においてすべての数10億について学んでから、私に再び関しました、それは秘密グループがロンドン市を取り出して、すべての彼らの腐敗その他の証拠を隠滅する完全な機会のようです、また、BBCが、マンチェスターまで、今は、私が奇妙であると思ったロンドンからオフィスを動かしたと、私は最近外へわかりました。 彼らは、何かを知っていますか?
とにかく可能ならば、私の不安を鎮めてください、私は最も感謝します。 あなたが通常ウェブサイトに質問を掲示するということを、私は知っています、しかし、どうか匿名のままでありえるならば、私はそれを好むでしょう。
残念なことに、核兵器が東ヨーロッパの裏の世界のタイプによってロンドンに密輸されたと、私自身の直接的な関係者は、私に話します。 それは、ロシアの海底クルスクから盗まれる核兵器の1つであると思われています。 英国当局は、まじめにこの脅威を確かに冒さなければなりません。
これが起こる前に、我々が財政危機を解決することができるならば、我々がそれを確信させるために望んでいてテロリストが意志ですこの攻撃を進めない説得します。 私は間違っていることを望みます、しかし、私は「アレキサンダー・ロマノフ」からこの情報を得ました。そして、その人は広範囲な東ヨーロッパの裏の世界の接触をします。
Posted by: Kekokeko5529 | 04/12/2012 at 14:22