I am observing accusations and lies at the blog http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/. Many good names in alternative community are blamed for any kind of bizzare guilts and there was no proper response to that BS so far.
The problem is this cabal's blog is getting too much attention and credibility. It creates mass suspicion & doubt in valuable people and also creates strong divison among the alternative anti-NWO community. It HAS TO BE STOPPED. The proper way to stop it is by showing THE REAL TRUTH, so I took some time to find out the sources of »original« Plejarian photos on fwh's blog. Anyone who is willing to click a few minutes through Google-Images-Search can come to same results.
I think publication of original photos will secure alternative community from further accusations -- we must not divide any further, we must not be distraced anymore and we must fight together for the better of this planet!
So please, announce this photo-investigation massively on your forums and blogs and help bringing alternative community closer together. If we move together, we are strong, otherwise we are controlable and weak.
Thank You!!! Best Regards!
(my name is not important)
So far I have not responded to the "former white hat's" accusations because they were so bizarre and infantile. However, enough people have e-mailed me that I have decided to respond. My sources are telling me that the "former white hat," is an agent by the name of Mike(please respond in person Mr. Cotrell if you wish to deny this). Mr, Cotrell is being hunted by the Russian FSB because he was, along with Leo Wanta, one of the people who looted the resources of Russia and helped cause the collapse of the Soviet Union. He is in London, England right now.
Cotrell was hoping to make himself hyper-wealthy by getting personal access to the funds meant for the people of the planet and became disillusioned when he found out his group was not being taken seriously by the people setting up the new financial system. Leo Wanta is a good man as far as I can tell but the funds he had access to belong to the people of the world and not him personally.
The accusations that I was "replaced by a clone," were so ridiculous I did not feel the need to respond until I found out many people took this seriously. All that happened was that on December 13, 2011, I went to the mountains of Japan and sat by a stream with a friend to make sure we had complete privacy so that I could ask her if she was being blackmailed by Luciferian agents. It turns out they had her younger brother hostage which was why she was doing certain things against me. That situation has now been resolved.
The "black hats," monitoring me went into a panic when I went off their observation grid on that day as did the agency people who were protecting me. The result was a sort of under-cover panic and subsequent internet storm of misinformation that I had been "kidnapped." I was not.
The only evidence put out that I have been cloned is that recent pictures of an overweight me with long hair and a beard look different from 10-year old pictures of a thinner me with short hair and no beard.
Also, I recently found out the bizarre tumor removed from my spine a few years ago was something known as a teratomatic tumor which has many different types of cell in it. The Japanese doctor who removed it did not want to tell me what it was because, thinking I had typical Japanese sensitivities, he thought I would be upset at the loss of my "twin." That is why it was a mystery to me at the time it was removed.
In any case, truth-seekers must not fall for the old cabal tactic of getting their opponents to fight each other. We all agree we want to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, have world peace and enter a new age of discovery, abundance, wonder and freedom. Let us concentrate on that and avoid negativity whenever possible.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford
RE: FWHによる告発の流れを止めることについて
私はhttp://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com のブログで発表される告発情報とそのウソに注目しています。ここではオルタナティブ・コミュニティーにおける多くの著名な人々が、奇妙な罪によって責められています。しかもそのBSにこれまで適切な返答がなされたことはありません。
問題は陰謀組織によるこのブログは、ますます衆目の関心を集め、情報の信憑性を増しているということです。これによりNWOに反対し、世の中の状況を改善すべく活動している掛け替えのない人々に対して、疑惑や疑念が広がっています。加えてそういった活動をしている人々の間にさえ、深刻な分裂状態が生まれるようになっています。このようなことは止めさせなくてはなりません。そして真実の情報を示すことが、この一連の動きを止めるための適切な手段となるでしょう。よって私は少々時間をかけて、FWH上にあるPlejarian photosの>>オリジナル<<の出所をつきとめました。同じことはGoogle Image Searchを通じて誰でも簡単に行えます。
これまで私は“former white hat’s”上での告発についてコメントしてきませんでした。何故ならそれらはかなり奇妙で子供じみたものだったからです。しかし多くの人々から問い合わせのe-mailがあったため、これについて返答することにしました。私の情報源によれば“former white hat’s”とは、マイクという名前のエージェントです(もしこれを否定したい方がいれば、Mr. Cotrellに直接言ってください)。Mr. CotrellはロシアFSBによって追跡されています。その理由は、彼はLeo Wantaに協力していたからです。Wantaはソビエト連邦の崩壊を後押ししたり、ロシアから資源の略奪を行ったりした者たちの内の一人です。彼は現在、英国のロンドンにいます。世界中の人々のために用意されたファンドに個人的なアクセス権を得ることで、超絶な資産家となることをCotrellは目論んでいました。しかし新たな金融システムを立ち上げようとしている人々に、彼のグループは重く用いられていないということを悟ると、幻滅するようになりました。私がコメントできる限りでは、Leo Wantaは善き人です。しかし彼のアクセスしたファンドは、彼個人にその所有を認められたものではありませんでした。それは世界中の人々に帰属するものであったのです。
“black hats”という常時私を監視しているグループがいます。その日、私を守護してくれている組織の人々が、このblack hatsの監視網から私を外したために、彼らが混乱に陥ったのです。その結果、ある種の“仕組まれた”パニックが演出され、私が誘拐されたという情報がインターネットを駆け巡ることになったのです。
Posted by: a | 04/05/2012 at 07:57
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Posted by: Coach Factory Outlet | 04/02/2012 at 16:01
Humans Being Beautiful
I wish to see
humans being beautiful
in all ways
and with grace and glory
regarding the bond we share
of DNA, smiles, and CARE
Love is
so let us not forsake that which we are
Our shared love
builds coherence and tensegrity
in our young species – humanity
We are beautiful beings
like Benjamin Fulford,
a human being beautiful…
is one that loves and one that gets rid of the evil
because he is so tender due to innate pure love
and that equates to true intelligence, true power,
joy, bliss, and heavenly things
Being true, being protective of each one,
and of our planet
is what we really are
Ever and forever
the glory of the earth
and free will
among humans being beautiful
sjp 3-27-2012
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