« Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120326: Over 200 senior bankers arrested last week as new financial system goes online | Main | Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros!. »




Dear Ben,

Hope that you are well. I would like to share following clips about Rosewell Alien interview with you. I remember hearing a partially similar story from Alexander Romanov.



Alcuin Bramerton

Stolen from Isis: a crown.

zaanu poruka



i wish to share this link to benefit those who are seeking truth and a right way to break free, if you could please post this message. Thank you!



Alexander Romanov is a COMPLETE FAKE. Ben I highly respect and appreciate you research, but do not associate with Alexander.

The real Gnostic Illuminati website:


The part of the website that declares Alexander as a fraud, ego-centic, psycopath(his converasations as well as yours with him are recorded):


The offical youtube channel of alexander, with his pictures included in his own psycopath videos, under youtube name "AlexanderAntichrist":


he declares himself holder of master of the "rings" (watch his videos), Alexander Tsar of Russia and decendant of jesus christ "king of the world".

DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH THIS EGO INFLATED PSYCOPATH, he justs want to pretend he is in the middle of world events because he HAS NO LIFE.


Alexander Romanov is a COMPLETE FAKE. Ben I highly respect and appreciate you research, but do not associate with Alexander.

The real Gnostic Illuminati website:


The part of the website that declares Alexander as a fraud, ego-centic, psycopath(his converasations as well as yours with him are recorded):


The offical youtube channel of alexander, with his pictures included in his own psycopath videos, under youtube name "AlexanderAntichrist":


he declares himself holder of master of the "rings" (watch his videos), Alexander Tsar of Russia and decendant of jesus christ "king of the world".

DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH THIS EGO INFLATED PSYCOPATH, he justs want to pretend he is in the middle of world events because he HAS NO LIFE.




 エンジントラブルで羽田空港に引き返した日本航空機=増田教三撮影 30日午後5時35分頃、羽田発鹿児島行きの日本航空1873便(ボーイング777―300型機、乗員乗客150人)が、静岡県沼津市近くの高度9200メートルを飛行中、右エンジンに異常が発生した。
(2012年3月31日00時54分 読売新聞




David Lory Van Der Beek

Unrelated, but do you have any comment on the underground explosions in the US in Clinton?


Dear mr. Fulford,

I would like to mention Servant Leadership [url] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servant_leadership [/url] as a great solution to the hierarchy problem.

Kind regards,

coach outlet handbags

Hi... I read your post and I want to say that it is very good and informative. I like it and I appreciate you for your effort.Thanks..

Alex Beach

The problem with 'freedom of the press' and 'transparency' is that the people who wish to censor the press and hide their self-interests, will begin to do so in subtle ways and do so secretly as they always have. Face it Ben, people are evil (they seek strength through weakening others) by nature.


Hi Ben:
You and your readers should read this:
by Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist

In response to the report by "Farewinds"
Arnie Gundersen is a fraud, with a one man company. He has recently fraudulently titled "Maggie Gundersen" as the founder of the company, this is an outright lie. It's awful easy to be the president of a company where you are the only employee, (seems Arnie has picked up a girlfriend since Fukushima) and also the "chief" engineer or whatever other title. As part of the Fukushima report, I conducted a background investigation of Arnie Gundersen, and put it in the Fukushima report. It follows, this is in response to a bogus report about an organic farm that is no longer producing out West.

The excerpt from the Fukushima report follows:

About "prompt criticality" - As it turns out, Arnie Gundersen, mister "prompt criticality" with regard to the massive explosion at #3 is very poorly credentialed. His crowning achievement was playing with a 100 watt open water tank reactor in a classroom for a short period of time.

Fuel rods are only 20 percent fissionable, sometimes even less, and until you reach over 90 percent purity in U238 and about 70 percent purity in Plutonium NO "prompt criticality" is possible in ANY case no matter how much of it you have laying around. Furthermore, even with 100 percent pure material you need a precision trigger slamming or crushing material together to get a detonation. Even if 100 percent pure material is slammed together at high speed, if it is not done right you will get only a nuclear "sputter" that pushes the pieces apart, and no detonation. Nukes are hard to do!

more here: http://www.degaray.com/?p=2216


Hello Benjamin,
I'm writing from Germany as a frequent reader of your outstanding messages. I listened to all of your comments as well as these from Romanov and I'm sure that there is enough truth inside. Please let me know your knowledge about the new financial system coming to Europe. Is this a fact or just illusion to face a new currency system as it was 1948 when "Reichsmark" was changed into "Deutschmark". Everyone got 40.--DM and was said "That's it". Now whistlers blow similar scenarios like that but there is no concrete facts available. Do you think this will happen or are there other ways already fixed. Sorry for my bad english.

Best regards





また彼は能力主義を推進しているようですが、しかしその一方で“ロシア皇位の継承者”であることを主張しています。こういった物言いは、統合失調症的であるように私には思えます。彼はその出自をもとに自分が“The One King”であるにふさわしいと信じているのでしょうか。また彼は自ら“グランドマスター”を名乗っています。私は自分自身のことを“マスター”と呼んで憚らない人たちには常に疑いの目を向けるようにしていますが、さらに“グランド”まで付くとなれば、いかがわしさも倍増するというものです。この言葉は自らを大きく見せるための文句として、ペニスの増強剤やバイアグラの宣伝に使われています。物事に当たっては、飾らずに謙虚であることが望ましいと思うのですが。









Karen Koyote

I appreciate your warrior spirit and the sacrifices that you, Alexander Romanoff and Chodoin Daikaku have made. Thank you. I have one message...remember the Divine Feminine. Much Love.


日航ジャンボ123便 ブッシュ小泉時代に盛んにJAL123便がリークされたのは、中国と武州(ブッシュ)との戦いの構図だ。









Q. "Is Alexander Romanov (Romanoff) a member of the Illuminati?"

What planet are you living on? The Illuminati helped to execute the evil Romanov dynasty. This character - a liar and plagiarist - is living out his own Lord of the Rings fantasy. He thinks he's Aragorn, the returning king, but he is actually Gollum.

Romanov contacted us some years ago and announced he was a close friend of conspiracy theorist Benjamin Fulford. We note that Fulford has made a video with Romanov (aka Richard Sorge and many other aliases), where they pretend not to know each other. Romanov makes the absurd and deranged claim that he is the Grand Master of the Illuminati. He claims that the great secret of the Iluminati is that the God of Abrahamism is the Devil. Anyone who knows the first thing about Gnosticism knows that there is nothing secret about the assertion that Satan is the "God" worshipped by the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Draw your own conclusions about this pair of con men. Romanov stole material material from this site and tried to pass it off as his own for financial gain - and Fulford is fully aware of this (we have the emails to prove it). Judge for yourselves what kind of people these are.

A: Sadly, many disturbed individuals believe themselves to have some connection with the Illuminati. We can't be held responsible for the fantasies of mad people. We have been forced to stop releasing new material on this site because of Romanov's actions. This kind of psychiatric case never goes away, and they are indulged by people like Fulford, who profit from the crazy stories about the Illuminati that they manufacture as part of their fantasy. The gullible masses then take these lies and fantasies as "truth". They have ZERO truth content. Whenever you hear the word "Illuminati", you should think of Pythagoras, mathematics and enlightenment.

Benjamin, I'm very good at reading people and you do not seem to be involved with the dark... but what's the deal with Romanov? The cabal ALWAYS plays both sides, and if he thinks people are going to dethrone one tyranny for another, he is vastly mistaken. I'm not a bible thumper, but there is absolutely nothing evil about the words written about Jesus... and although I believe the bible is full of many falsehoods, I also believe there are many truths...and they warn of the time when an Anti-christ would come in "peace" only to become just as oppressive. We, the people of earth, DO NOT want to be controlled by ANYONE that thinks we should bow to them, I have nor will EVER have someone else reign over me as King...I am King to myself and only myself.





Rob Thomas

Hi Ben,

I have been following you for quite sometime now. It feels good to see this thing called "Change" cranking up. Its awesome to see you at work.

Keep up the great work.

Your Friend
Rob Thomas

Christopher Darren Horn

I like some of the ideas presented here, but I think there is not going to be any hope until the Jewish people build the Temple again. Don Quixote, deja vu all over again. Trade one group of corrupt leaders for another and on down the same path again. There is another way. When we finally see Adam (Mankind) and his Eve (Israel), don their clothing and straighten out this mess. If we could understand what Israel means to us, we would surround her with armies to protect her and stop pointing our fingers at her and accusing her (the real "sin" in the garden) then peace and prosperity will surely follow. Until we realize this it's just groundhog day all over again and again and again.......ad nauseum. I think the guys at The Temple Institute http://www.templeinstitute.org/ have a good thing going and we should all help Israel to reveal the Temple.

Just my humble opinion.
Thank you.


what about the armageddonconspiracy.co.uk webpage? they say they are the real illuminati and this Richard Sorge is an impostor that sold their ideas... did you check that webpage? do you have something to sayabout them?




BTW the Bill Gates info is from the below URL



I think Ken said it very well. I had the same mixed feeling.

What physical evidence are you talking about Ben ?

The White Dragon group that you say are making the moves. You mentioned that

“George Bush Senior and Bill Gates …arrested last week…, pentagon sources say”… (“Lord Blackheath… is alive and well”)

March 5, 2012

However, despite the arrest Mr Bill Gates is happily galavanting around Africa pushing vaccines.

Please comment / add some clarity on the timelines. When was exactly arrested ? Who arrested him ? When was he let go ? Why is he still free to do what he has been doing thus far ?

Likewise George Bush Sr has agreed to participate in an event on March 28th


While many bankers have been resigning.....except for a handful most of it is pretty inconsequential. When more than 150 banks closed in the US alone last year....whats a few 100 Bank managers.

Some hard data is required Ben.

Thank you



On the one hand, he seems to promote meritocracy, but then he also claims to be "heir to the Russian throne." I find this oddly schizophrenic. Does he believe he is entitled to be "the One King" because of his birth? He also refers to himself as "grandmaster." I am always leery of those who proclaim themselves "masters," but when they put "grand" in front of it, it's doubly off-putting. Simply being humble and real seems preferable.


Greetings Ben,

I'm very sorry there is so much on your shoulders. We sure had different views of life on this earth not so long ago, eh?

The video of March 27 sure was different. Having been to Japan twice, I learned though how ideas presented can be very different from what we in the "west" are programmed for.

Thanks for what you do. Look forward to hear more in the next months. I feel that cosmic changes affecting our planet will aid you and yours in this battle. There was one fella named Lundgold that "died suddenly" some years ago that spoke of this conscientiousness acceleration this year. Seems even though he was done in, the ideas did not die with him.

We will prevail and darkness will fade from this world.

Best wishes from Canada. Be well dear Benjamin.

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