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Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst

who are they!???


The Deutsche Verteidigungs

anyone know what this is?

ben can you please tell what this group is about!?!?!

Coach Bags Outlet

Great site! Thanks for being here and sharing this awesome stuff.


hey Benjamin work as usual :) .

One question or mabey you can look into this? I was going through Graham Hancocks book called Underworld. he shows a photo of what pretty much appears to be the exact same thing this Gentleman is holding in his hand (the 8000 yo artifact). Now this artifact was found in not only Japan But in Malta also!!!. It is currently now in the National museum of Malta and is the only one found in the entire region of Malta. Possibly you can get some researchers from malta to verify this artifact is real or not? or help atleast.

Also do you know if there is any tie between Malta and japan?

If you can get a hand on Graham Hancocks book “UNDERWORLD, The mysterious origions of civilization”. the picture will be on page 634. Showing one from Japan called the “Jomon Magatama curved stone ornament”. And one from Malta right next to it called the Maltese curved stone ornament”

thanks hope to hear from you soon

Daniel :)


hey Benjamin work as usual :) .

One question or mabey you can look into this? I was going through Graham Hancocks book called Underworld. he shows a photo of what pretty much appears to be the exact same thing this Gentleman is holding in his hand (the 8000 yo artifact). Now this artifact was found in not only Japan But in Malta also!!!. It is currently now in the National museum of Malta and is the only one found in the entire region of Malta. Possibly you can get some researchers from malta to verify this artifact is real or not? or help atleast.

Also do you know if there is any tie between Malta and japan?

If you can get a hand on Graham Hancocks book “UNDERWORLD, The mysterious origions of civilization”. the picture will be on page 634. Showing one from Japan called the “Jomon Magatama curved stone ornament”. And one from Malta right next to it called the Maltese curved stone ornament”

thanks hope to hear from you soon

Daniel :)




1. ブラックヒース卿の死について-これは簡単に確認が取れる内容であったにもかかわらず、あなたは自身の信頼性を貶めるリスクに晒しました。あなたは事実確認を怠ったままでこの情報を信じ、そして報道したというのでしょうか。

2. ゲイツ/ガイトナー/ブッシュの逮捕について-証拠はあるのでしょうか。人々はあなたの言うことであれば何でも信じるとでも?真実であればこれはまさに大捕物です。WDSはこれらの容疑者の足跡を追ったり、写真を撮ったりしているのではないでしょうか?少なくとも何らかの証拠は提示できるものと思いますが…。

3. 3月13日のアナウンスメントについて-あなたはこれによって自分自身を防衛できていたかもしれません。あなたはこれを近日の逮捕劇のせいにするのでしょう。

4. 購読料について-自由・公開を基調とするインターネット世界においては、購読料を課すよりも寄付を募る方がそのコンセプトに合っています。そちらの方があなたもお仕事に集中できるようになると思われますが。



“あなたの評判は他人の手の内にある。それが評判というものだ。従ってあなたが関与できる類のものではない。ただそれについてあなたがコントロールできる部分があるとするならば、それはあなたという人間の性質、それだけである”-Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

まず初めにブラックヒース卿の死を報じたことについてです。ロスチャイルド・ファミリーの一員が私に連絡を取ってきて、卿が殺害されたことを伝えました。それから私はウィキペディアのエントリーをチェックして、そこに彼は2月29日に死亡したとあったため、3時間ほどにわたって私はこの情報をブログに載せていました。そしてロンドンに朝が来て営業開始の時間帯になると、私は即座に英国上院に事実確認の電話をかけました。そこで広報担当から卿がまだ生きていることを知らされたため、私は直ちに訂正を出しました。ブラックヒース卿の死について今回私の元へ流れてきた偽情報の出所は、いわゆる“White Hats”と呼ばれるグループです。彼らは新たなる金融システムに食い込もうとしていますが、しかしそこから排除されつつあります。また彼らは私がコカイン中毒の“狂人”であると人々に吹聴して回っています。ここで強調しておきたいのですが、彼らは自分たちの名を隠して行動しています。何故なら彼らのしていることについて何らかの記録を残しておくと、後に名誉毀損で訴えられるかもしれないということを、彼ら自身が分かっているからです。ここで彼らに対して言っておきたいことがあります。それは…











Dr. Gonzo

Since you are the mouth of a powerful group, why do you still need paid subscriptions? Is the society unable to even pay your bills for the job you are doing for them?


Mr Fulford, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You and David Wilcock are my heros. What you have done to try and save humanity is very heroic. I pray for you to be safe and I cant wait to hear that those responsible for destroying so many lives are held accountable. It will happen, right? It sounds like you have all the proof that is needed. Is the deadline still March 30th? You are a very brave person. Thankyou. Much Love and I will continue to pray for you.


Rick Fernandez

hello Ben.
I had seeing other videos and heard other comment about the new ERA is going to begin next year 2013, Is possible that this NWO have any thing to do with that?..
Is de-population they want to do have any relation with the new ERA and the NWO?..
If you can comment about that please.


Hi Ted,
It's important to remember we are on the side of peace!

I believe this link has the real solution: http://jforjustice.co.uk/banksters


Thanks Ben for that reply. I believe A LOT of people were asking themselves the same questions.

"People have called the PR representatives of Treasury, Microsoft and the Bush mafia to confirm this. Do not take my word for it though, call them yourself."

Call yourself a PR representative? Seriously. Nobody except Gates, would know at Microsoft about a "new financial system"... and even IF they did, what do you think they will tell you. This is pretty much a ridiculous call-to-action statement.

"As far as charging a fee is concerned, the fact of the matter is that me and my staff of 3 have living expenses to pay. When the site was set up, Japanese law did not allow us to accept charitable donations. Now that we have a foundation we can accept charity but the fact of the matter is that money is not being donated and we have bills to pay."

OK. But here is the question people are asking themselves: You are backed up by the "Dragon Family" and other very RICH people. I can't believe they can't give you 100,000$/year (peanuts for them) to do your job. Seriously.

They are providing you "great" protection already. That is worth minimum 10,000$ per month. So if you are really backed up, financial should not be an issue at all, especially if the new "financial system" is going broke in a few months.

There is no logic there.




Wait a second. You battle something larger than governments with the help of some huge big ass asian secret society and they can't offer you a nice place to stay for free? Like some secret hidden super ninja place? C'mon ... this is hard to believe. Shouldn't they offer you some place in some sort of superhero cave? Credibility lacks big time. And your language is full of hatred and nazi-language. You're nuts.


Wait a second. You battle something larger than governments with the help of some huge big ass asian secret society and they can't offer you a nice place to stay for free? Like some secret hidden super ninja place? C'mon ... this is hard to believe. Shouldn't they offer you some place in some sort of superhero cave? Your credibility lacks big time. And your language is full of hatred and nazi-language. You're nuts.



That was a nice respons I for myself want to help you Ben and the "White Dragon Society".

How can I be at service?

Best regards


Steve C

Well, it looks like you may be receiving comments here
Your commentary has been utterly different ,(and refreshing) from the normal stuff I've sent 2 other messages to you and not had acknowledgement so this will be the last unless you get back, assuming that you are hell
busy or that I
am not reaching you. Pity, because I've got something to contribute, and yOu are alewayzvtelling us to do something.
Check out port Arthur massacre, prelude and dress rehearsalal to 911.
Vialls is disinfo, but mcGregor and Beattey the real deal


"The newsletter is available free of charge to anybody who asks for it."



Shirlee Ryno

To Ted,

If you had been following Ben since he first started many years ago to bring down the cabal you would not have asked the questions that you have, so for those others who have just recently found Ben, let me as one who was there from the begining tell you something, NO ONE on earth has tried as hard and dilgently as Ben, I remember the first day I read about this guy who was going to being the elite families down, I had studied those families for many years, and just had to support this person. Ben has been through HELL doing this work. His kindness has always come through, i would suggest that you go do a search for Ben Fulford and then start watching and listening from the begining as there are many videos of interviews from the last five years.
Mr. Fulford over the past years has been kind enough to answer emails that I have sent him, i do not abuse that priviledge. Ben is a very humble man, but I hope he will allow this message to be read and let people know that he does have a very strong support group behind him. Ben now has scared the ^&% out of alot of people and they want to bring him down, please pray for his safety, I don't think he would ever say it, but I will, Ben is doing God's work, and if I could I would nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize, some day others will want to do the same. Ben I love you and I know many others do too.
Shirlee in Arizona


Thanks for answering this and posting it here.

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