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Sometimes in history, the liberators, after they gained the upper hand, became worse than the oppressors.

Coach Factory Outlet

Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them discourage you. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique.


Ben, Who's Awesome? YOU ARE!!!! I think you are doing a hell of a job, and thank God for people like you that are not afraid of the PTB, and also for letting the rest of us know what is really going on and for taking the abuse from the sheeple, who I would like to slap the shit out of for being stupid. Thank the Dragon family for all of us also.


Please tell me that you're all using some really good drugs? Or I accidentally stumbled across a serious sci-fi game? If not, you guys make Scientologists look like brain surgeons.

Please get a grip: go back to your jobs (if you have them), take care of your families, and the world will just be fine without all these incredible but ridiculous "war stories."

I haven't heard so much BS since I picked up a very bad sci-fi book (but then, Ron Hubbard made a profitable "religion" out of his ridiculous musings, so who knows!)


Is it wishfull thinking or a psyop?Meantime the Pentagon(as always)is preparing for another war along with Israel,and all the countries in the west are playing that game too,plus European states are on this financial rollercoast,so what countries are those against the cabal??Perhaps Cuba,North Coreia and...Iran??One more thing,the so called White Hats really exist or is it just a blog?If the idea is just exposing the cabal(David Wilcock and others also doing it)over the internet is fine to me,but claiming that there is some organizations killing the cabal is another matter as we cannot see anything really happening besides more crisis and more war-planning!

G. D. Mackey

Here's a juicy find, and possibly the reason why the cabal are brown-nosing.

News report - http://www.baconsrebellion.com/tag/h-r-2768

Dynamite document - http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h112-2768

Darrell  "Rollee" Rolstone

Dear Benjamin……Brother, This is definitely a move in the “right direction” and I think the key word therein is “negotiate”. First, the amount they are “dividing up” is only approximately 50 trillion dollars…and they seem to have “self-generously” given the lion’s share of that sum back to themselves using various organizational “fronts”….all tentacles of the same damn octopus! But 50 trillion only equals about 10% of the purported 500 trillion Rothschild “nest egg” and that missing 90% is of course not mentioned….and virtually all the power seems to be retained by “them”, which is totally not acceptable! But it’s a start, huh!?
I would request that you and the White Dragon Society advocate for both a bottom-up strategy, to get thing going immediately for the masses on the economic bottom, as well as a top-down strategy to maintain cohesion during this transition. Therefore, heeding the wisdom “great and enlightened geniuses” like Buckminster Fuller would seem in order. He insisted that we need to include 100% of humanity along on our evolution to an enlightened state of existence and that is precisely why I suggested in my submission to Google’s “10tothe100th” contest (entitled: “Fuller Life for All”) that “we” initiate a universal banking system that included 100% of humanity. Such a formation could IMMEDIATELY provide for the meager survival billion plus souls that are now starving. One dollar/euro per day per person :globally” would provide basic survival rights to those now “left out”, while those of us that are OK could “wave” our “daily-stipend allowance”…which could then be evenly divided amongst those not OK. It’s a start!
I also request that in your negotiations with this “cabal”, that you advocate for an IMMEDIATE relinquishing of control of the prime tool in their mind-controlling efforts toward humanity: main-stream-media! These corporations need to be reformed under the umbrella of “blind trust” corporations. This would maintain semblance of the current structure but would/could/should return journalistic freedom to journalists! Without freedom of the press….we will never have freedom at all, as has now already been fully proven!
Additionally, you need to get 2 absolute assurances from “them”! First, that they immediately stop their massive efforts to undermine the work of Dr. Ron Paul ( which would obviously include assassination). The “cancer” cannot allow Dr. Paul to begin operating on “removing the cancer”! Such an agreement from them would therefore be a statement as to their “true intentions” to relinquish power and let humanity “self-organize” while proceeding on an unobstructed path toward our own “free-will” guided destiny. And second, that they IMMEDIATELY drop their foolish plans for starting WWIII via Iran, China and Russia. Dr. Kissinger, in his faltering state of mind at 89, has divulged their Zionista “master plan” recently, and it must be stopped right now!
It goes without saying that a crucial part of the pending “transition” must also include the IMMEDIATE release of all technologies currently under “suppression” by our “cabal” counterparts. The cold fusion break through, E-Cat by Andrea Rossi and its upgrades by Defklion Inc., have broken the ice of containment heretofore held by the “cabal” on such free-energy devices….and although these are only the beginning of ubiquitous free energy, the fact that they have been able to “see the light of day” has certainly forced the “cabal” to realize that their total control of the “world’s energy resources”…days are numbered”!
Don’t forget also have them immediately STOP the ChemTrailPoisoning!!!
There are SO MANY issues that need addressing while pursuing a direction of multi-dimensional “global-balance” and this isn’t the time, place or format to attempt that in earnest. However, I have mentioned some very crucial “starting points” that I hope you will include in your initial negotiations with these self-proven lying, conniving and totally untrustworthy “dirty rotten scoundrels”!!!
Much Love and Best Wishes to you and the whole White Dragon Society Team Benjamin
MaTakQueeAsi/TatTvamAsi and NaMaSta. Rollee Rolstone:

Robert de Philip

Tricks to buy time.
The elite knows that the financial Armageddon (THE END) is near and negotiating is meaningless. So why not give some hope to the hopeless.

Darrell Ernest "Rollee" Rolstone

Dear Benjamin……Brother, This is definitely a move in the “right direction” and I think the key word therein is “negotiate”. First, the amount they are “dividing up” is only approximately 50 trillion dollars…and they seem to have “self-generously” given the lion’s share of that sum back to themselves using various organizational “fronts”….all tentacles of the same damn octopus! But 50 trillion only equals about 10% of the purported 500 trillion Rothschild “nest egg” and that missing 90% is of course not mentioned….and virtually all the power seems to be retained by “them”, which is totally not acceptable! But it’s a start, huh!?
I would request that you and the White Dragon Society advocate for both a bottom-up strategy, to get thing going immediately for the masses on the economic bottom, as well as a top-down strategy to maintain cohesion during this transition. Therefore, heeding the wisdom “great and enlightened geniuses” like Buckminster Fuller would seem in order. He insisted that we need to include 100% of humanity along on our evolution to an enlightened state of existence and that is precisely why I suggested in my submission to Google’s “10tothe100th” contest (entitled: “Fuller Life for All”) that “we” initiate a universal banking system that included 100% of humanity. Such a formation could IMMEDIATELY provide for the meager survival billion plus souls that are now starving. One dollar/euro per day per person :globally” would provide basic survival rights to those now “left out”, while those of us that are OK could “wave” our “daily-stipend allowance”…which could then be evenly divided amongst those not OK. It’s a start!
I also request that in your negotiations with this “cabal”, that you advocate for an IMMEDIATE relinquishing of control of the prime tool in their mind-controlling efforts toward humanity: main-stream-media! These corporations need to be reformed under the umbrella of “blind trust” corporations. This would maintain semblance of the current structure but would/could/should return journalistic freedom to journalists! Without freedom of the press….we will never have freedom at all, as has now already been fully proven!
Additionally, you need to get 2 absolute assurances from “them”! First, that they immediately stop their massive efforts to undermine the work of Dr. Ron Paul ( which would obviously include assassination). The “cancer” cannot allow Dr. Paul to begin operating on “removing the cancer”! Such an agreement from them would therefore be a statement as to their “true intentions” to relinquish power and let humanity “self-organize” while proceeding on an unobstructed path toward our own “free-will” guided destiny. And second, that they IMMEDIATELY drop their foolish plans for starting WWIII via Iran, China and Russia. Dr. Kissinger, in his faltering state of mind at 89, has divulged their Zionista “master plan” recently, and it must be stopped right now!
It goes without saying that a crucial part of the pending “transition” must also include the IMMEDIATE release of all technologies currently under “suppression” by our “cabal” counterparts. The cold fusion break through, E-Cat by Andrea Rossi and its upgrades by Defklion Inc., have broken the ice of containment heretofore held by the “cabal” on such free-energy devices….and although these are only the beginning of ubiquitous free energy, the fact that they have been able to “see the light of day” has certainly forced the “cabal” to realize that their total control of the “world’s energy resources”…days are numbered”!
Don’t forget also have them immediately STOP the ChemTrailPoisoning!!!
There are SO MANY issues that need addressing while pursuing a direction of multi-dimensional “global-balance” and this isn’t the time, place or format to attempt that in earnest. However, I have mentioned some very crucial “starting points” that I hope you will include in your initial negotiations with these self-proven lying, conniving and totally untrustworthy “dirty rotten scoundrels”!!!
Much Love and Best Wishes to you and the whole White Dragon Society Team Benjamin
MaTakQueeAsi/TatTvamAsi and NaMaSta. Rollee Rolstone:


Ben is pathetic.

Darrell "Rollee" Rolstone

Dear Benjamin……Brother, This is definitely a move in the “right direction” and I think the key word therein is “negotiate”. First, the amount they are “dividing up” is only approximately 50 trillion dollars…and they seem to have “self-generously” given the lion’s share of that sum back to themselves using various organizational “fronts”….all tentacles of the same damn octopus! But 50 trillion only equals about 10% of the purported 500 trillion Rothschild “nest egg” and that missing 90% is of course not mentioned….and virtually all the power seems to be retained by “them”, which is totally not acceptable! But it’s a start, huh!?
I would request that you and the White Dragon Society advocate for both a bottom-up strategy, to get thing going immediately for the masses on the economic bottom, as well as a top-down strategy to maintain cohesion during this transition. Therefore, heeding the wisdom “great and enlightened geniuses” like Buckminster Fuller would seem in order. He insisted that we need to include 100% of humanity along on our evolution to an enlightened state of existence and that is precisely why I suggested in my submission to Google’s “10tothe100th” contest (entitled: “Fuller Life for All”) that “we” initiate a universal banking system that included 100% of humanity. Such a formation could IMMEDIATELY provide for the meager survival billion plus souls that are now starving. One dollar/euro per day per person :globally” would provide basic survival rights to those now “left out”, while those of us that are OK could “wave” our “daily-stipend allowance”…which could then be evenly divided amongst those not OK. It’s a start!
I also request that in your negotiations with this “cabal”, that you advocate for an IMMEDIATE relinquishing of control of the prime tool in their mind-controlling efforts toward humanity: main-stream-media! These corporations need to be reformed under the umbrella of “blind trust” corporations. This would maintain semblance of the current structure but would/could/should return journalistic freedom to journalists! Without freedom of the press….we will never have freedom at all, as has now already been fully proven!
Additionally, you need to get 2 absolute assurances from “them”! First, that they immediately stop their massive efforts to undermine the work of Dr. Ron Paul ( which would obviously include assassination). The “cancer” cannot allow Dr. Paul to begin operating on “removing the cancer”! Such an agreement from them would therefore be a statement as to their “true intentions” to relinquish power and let humanity “self-organize” while proceeding on an unobstructed path toward our own “free-will” guided destiny. And second, that they IMMEDIATELY drop their foolish plans for starting WWIII via Iran, China and Russia. Dr. Kissinger, in his faltering state of mind at 89, has divulged their Zionista “master plan” recently, and it must be stopped right now!
It goes without saying that a crucial part of the pending “transition” must also include the IMMEDIATE release of all technologies currently under “suppression” by our “cabal” counterparts. The cold fusion break through, E-Cat by Andrea Rossi and its upgrades by Defklion Inc., have broken the ice of containment heretofore held by the “cabal” on such free-energy devices….and although these are only the beginning of ubiquitous free energy, the fact that they have been able to “see the light of day” has certainly forced the “cabal” to realize that their total control of the “world’s energy resources”…days are numbered”!
There are SO MANY issues that need addressing while pursuing a direction of multi-dimensional “global-balance” and this isn’t the time, place or format to attempt that in earnest. However, I have mentioned some very crucial “starting points” that I hope you will include in your initial negotiations with these self-proven lying, conniving and totally untrustworthy “dirty rotten scoundrels”!!!
Much Love and Best Wishes to you and the whole White Dragon Society Team Benjamin
MaTakQueeAsi/TatTvamAsi and NaMaSta. Rollee Rolstone:

G. D. Mackey

Like many others have said here, I wouldn't trust the Cabal to keep their word as far as I could throw a loaded semitruck. Since I'm not in the habit of tossing semis, that translates to "not at all". Actions speak far louder than words; They don't want peace, that should be self evident by all the "humanitarian"(yeah, right) action they're still up to.

Seriously Ben, you shouldn't trust them either.


The gold does not belong to anyone on tis planet. The rightful owners of the gold are coming to get it very soon. You can not lie to the rightful owners of the gold. You can not shoot their heads off. Do not in any instance trust anyone right now.
The powers that powers the the greed demons may or may not be aware of this however it is true. They will not even have a chance.
I wish you all well. I love you all and remember love can fix everything.


Hi Ben,

I just want to say thank you for all your information that you present to the public, you mostly provide positive outlooks for the future. What are you thoughts on NESARA? I researched the law which will provide a new banking system for the US, end the FED, and abolish the IRS. I also see it as being the cause of 9/11 and would truly be a solution to the financial crisis. I am a nobody and this is just my research, but the reformation seemed promising.


their greatest fear is the mass finding out the truth. Their power has only ever been sourced form others ignorance. The solution lies in conscious efforts from everyone of us to encourage and share the truth as we know it and at the same time accepting that that in itself is an ever unfolding and changing position.

That said - and at foundation levels that all can understand and see - these peoples lies are easily exposed. When the world again sees that the Emperor(s) are wearing no clothes of any substance the power will evaporate as quickly as the so called "debt" that doesn't exist either.


I am skeptical about the cabal making promises to change. It reminds me of when Ted Bundy was trying to make deals to avoid the electric chair. Millions have died because of these people and many more have been denied living meaningful and worthwhile lives because of them. Obviously the cabal doesn't believe in the hereafter and is only focused on the present. In that regard they are no better than animals. They have not conquered the beast which is man's animal nature. Their life choices have made them no different than a squirrel gathering nuts. Their lives should only be spared if they make a full confession to their crimes. If they don't agree they should be euthanized in a humane manner.


I'm afraid to say it, but this all sounds like psy-op BS to keep us from rising up! I don;t think these people will EVER let go of their control. And they are prime candidates for execution for crimes against humanity. THey do not deserve to live.

Gerald Eaton

I am glad to see the comments are running against releasing any funds to the NWO. They are incorrigable. They will NEVER change. They can NEVER be trusted. They should all be given an island to live on, and never allowed to trade with other islands or countries--or leave. They will all kill each other off. The island should have rescources for food, clothing, and shelter if they are willing to work. If they want to live, they will have to create for themselves a true productive economy of goods and services. How about one of the islands near Antarctica? They can garden, and raise sheep and reindeer. They can live in holes in the mountains. St. Helena Island, maybe--or Kerguilen.


Good comment Anna Maria! I agree with you - get those bastards out! Release the Free Energy, this will open many doors! Remove income tax - this only goes to pay off the debt that the bankers put on the people anyway. Humans have sooo much potential. I, for one, feel that I can help many people be all they want / can be if I had the resources, money and time. I wish to live a simple life, raise our family and help others along the way. My wife and I have three children - it would make me feel much better knowing that the future for them is bright and vibrant, rather than the current grey, bleak and dismal life for the 99%.

Ben, the Fed's had plenty of time to use their money (even though it is fiat) for good, but no.. they bailed out only their buddies.

Please do not give them their money or any of their power back. Just make them infertile so they cannot breed and let them live out their days on an island with no transportation. Place RFID chips in their heads so we all know where they are.


Hi there.
For shure that i don't believe they’re going to be humanitarian.
Enough is enough. The only way for prosperity is get rid of them NOW!!!
The human kind don't want any negotiation anymore.
But what is that they're negotiatin with OUR future. Whe have something to say about it; its our lives, our prosperity, and this cabal does not have to say NOTHING MORE!!!
They have not autoritation to take any detition for us, because is our time.


If they mean what they say, then let them prove it first. (1)Release the media completely. (2)Destroy all HARRP facilities around the world. (3)Stop all chemtrail operations permanently. (4)Release ALL hidden technology to the public. (5)Forgive ALL dept around the world. (6)Feed, clothe, & house the people they have stolen from and pay back the money they took from EVERYONE + interest. (7)Dismantal the Federal Reserve forever. (8)Return all rights back to the people of this planet and return back to the Constitution. (9)Allow release of all Hidden secrets pertaining to UFOs,AI,or outside ET contacts "disclosure". (10)Sign agreement that they will no longer interfere in blocking human evolution for self preservation interests.(11)Sign agreement that if ever they try to use their position,status or moneys to take over and control the world again....DEATH without appeal whats so ever. Trust just isnt given. It has to be earned with these guys. their track record speaks for itself. They have to show responsibility first. Not after they get their money. There is alot they can do without having those funds released first. Dont fall for it WDS.


If they mean what they say, then let them prove it first. (1)Release the media completely. (2)Destroy all HARRP facilities around the world. (3)Stop all chemtrail operations permanently. (4)Release ALL hidden technology to the public. (5)Forgive ALL dept around the world. (6)Feed, clothe, & house the people they have stolen from and pay back the money they took from EVERYONE + interest. (7)Dismantal the Federal Reserve forever. (8)Return all rights back to the people of this planet and return back to the Constitution. (9)Allow release of all Hidden secrets pertaining to UFOs,AI,or outside ET contacts "disclosure". (10)Sign agreement that they will no longer interfere in blocking human evolution for self preservation interests.(11)Sign agreement that if ever they try to use their position,status or moneys to take over and control the world again....DEATH without appeal whats so ever. Trust just isnt given. It has to be earned with these guys. their track record speaks for itself. They have to show responsibility first. Not after they get their money. There is alot they can do without having those funds released first. Dont fall for it WDS.


These guys are in a corner and will sell their mother's soul to get out and another crack at getting away or going to plan B or C. If i were the WDS, i wouldnt make any deals with them at all. Your dealing with the devil himself if you do. Personally i wouldnt trust them as far as i could bend over and crap in the air. If they are planning to use all the money that is frozen for good purposes...why do they need the WDS to release it to them first? I smell a rat with a forked tongue. These guys dont play fair.

Jason Thunderbeing

Time is running out,yes their seems to be many sides at work here for the poor and the earth.What i know is that if these interventions do not work others will intervene very soon i cannot explain yet or even if i have enough time to do it but i pray all our combined interventions work or it will get very interesting.Look to the skies and see what i mean listen to the rumbling under the earth many of us have put our lives on the line for this change.Ancestors are impatient just as much as we collectively are.God bless

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