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zaanu poruka

we have been told this is the official youtube channel of Alexander :


Princess of China

Prepare to pay back China from what has been stolen and deported from "Opium War". This history will not be erased forever in the bloodlines of all Dragons family.

Princess of China.


That guy is a fake. He stole the real Illuminati work.

Publish this Benjamin : http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/Alexander-Romanov%282499096%29.htm


The man who is a grandchild of anasstersha who avoided tsar killing thinks this video to state that oneself is an Antichrist. I do not know whether it is a person having power of how much.
If all people have a human being original intellectual power
Anyone has power. I think that the authorized family is not necessary.
Ben. I want your comment.

Frank Carman

This "Alexander" appears to be an angry, emotionally disturbed, and wicked man. His observations of "Christianity" are obscured by all the Lucifer-led or man-led religions that arose after the death of the original Apostles, which religions claimed the name of Christ, but were let by Lucifer or by "well meaning" men. Thus, the "Great Abomination" that was to epitomise the Great Apostasy, which was prophesied by the ancient Apostles, raised its ugly head.

Fortunately, these same inspired Apostles and prophets of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom I testify was and is the Son of God...these Apostles also prophesied of the restoration of the Lord's Church in the "last days" before His second coming. The greatest witness of this event, which has already occurred, is "The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ". There are more witnesses than one (the Bible) of Jesus Christ as the true Son of God. This second witness (The Book of Mormon) is true and testifies that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that He will return again. I challenge all to prayerfully read this great book of Holy Scripture. It will change your life. Please visit:
http://www.yourbookofmormon.com/ and


This video is the most blatant piece of crap - icky propaganda I've ever seen. They are using the same old infiltration attempts and psy-ops propaganda to make themselves look like the good guys while they condemn the white-hats. Exactly what they did in Japan after WWII . Those guilty of war crimes were saved and restored while those inside Japan who fought them were executed for war crimes. Read the Seagrave books and find out for yourselves what really happened in Japan.
Every crime is the fault of Queen Elizabeth? Scape-goat or what? This ploy is not going to save them - get real.

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