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Global Resource Bank converts toxic government debt money to vital ecocredit. - www.grb.net

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スポーツシューズスポーツウェアのみAPC Xナイキのスポーツシューズでもエレガントなド

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You hit comprehend out of the most construction topics.


I have to agree with gino lopresti

Humans and money can not and will not mix, where ever money is, greed is right behind it!!

And now we step into the time that the mayans said "Nobody will trust nobody"

Welcome to your New World...........

brendhan stowe

Thanks! This post contains very significant ideas and facts that every reader should be followed. Great idea indeed.

Roy Martin

I'm not sure of where to post this question, but will try here.
Is Ron Paul most likely another player in the tyrant system? I'm seeing a game going on that s a lot different than they've ever played before.






a) 交換の媒体
b) 価値の尺度
c) 価値の貯蔵


世界を隷属状態に貶めている国際金融システムの支配を、覆す可能性のあった興味深い取組みはこれまでにもいくつか存在した。1980年代のカナダにおいて、マイケル・リントンという名の人物が最初のLocal Trading System(LETS)を開始した。そしてこのシステムは世界中に広まったが、しかし主流派から遠く離れたスタンスを取る者たちでさえ、これを無視したままであった。このシステムとは簡単に言えば、金利の発生を伴わない地域通貨を用いて、システムに参加しているメンバーの間ですべての種類のモノやサービスを取り引きしあう、というものである。そして十分な参加人数があり、かつ適正な運営がなされれば、人々は必要とするもののうち70%まではこのシステム内で手に入れることができた。LETSの詳しい定義については以下を参照のこと:




最も洗練されたものの一つであり、リバプールで完全実施が始まったのが、England-based TGLである。













従来の統治形態を持つ国家および組織体も、もし彼らが上述した理念の下に協力関係を結ぶのであれば、彼らの持つ資源やシステム、ネットワークは依然として価値の高いものである。ここで述べられていることが真実かどうか、その確認が取りたいようであれば、例えば以下のものが挙げられる。200万もの目覚めた人々によって実証されている、事実についてである。this process of the establishment of and implementation of the new, 'people's financial system, IS happening, IS expanding, rapidly, and IS beyond anyone's control


連絡先:[email protected]

PS すでに我々は旧来のシステムからの関心表明を受け取っています。

Youtube to MP3

Activating the new financial of services. That is need for our future benefits. That could really help us to build our mind clearly & eagerly. If you have any problem from yourself or even you have something wrong with it, this can help you.


The legends talk about angels coveting the daughters of men AND teaching them to mine gold. Now what do the "gods" need with gold. If you consider we have "never been alone" then gold, silver and probably much more has been traded by the so-called gods offworld for a very, very long time.
As good slaves, dumbed down, genetically manipulated, we have put much onus on these metals. What the heck for? Monotomic gold for transdimendional travel. The spice of "Dune"?
Knowledge is power and our batteries are in great need of recharching!
What is money but a receipt for goods and services. The demi-gods, the "divine-rights", bluebloods, whatever you want to call them have trained/bamboozled us into a mindset that diverts us from the reality that WE are the money. What we do with the resources of this world is the real money; our skills are the value that is worth something to any of us!
Our brains need to unlearn what we have learned (Lucas)!
We are being reborn dear friends
Merry Goodness to all and all a Magnificient Life
Hugs from Canada


dont get me wrong i think a lot of the stuff you wanna do in the lets system is a good thing. human beings should all help out one another. but to still keep people forced to work to make a living is a slave. and you know im right. especially when the world has enough gold to probably fill four football fields to the brim. so your saying how does the world function if nobody works with all the technology thats been hidden from us thats how. i just feel no matter how you sugar coat it the ones with all the money and gold will control the world. that means the asians not the people.


i guarantee that everybody will have to pay their taxes this year even thou we shouldnt have to. why dont you start with that mr. fulford if everybody is getting arrested wheres are tax money going to


Thanks Ben, good news to spread around.
I'm not a financial expert but I find such solutions very reasonable. I've red about similar in Greece (see here: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=35525 ) but I'm not sure what exactly they are using and is it the same model of Time Currency. I think it is not a big effort nowadays to develop such a Software Platform in very short time or adapt and standardize an already existing one (starting from some of the you've referred to).
It just needs some efforts to unite the experiences and use some financial advisers on a higher level to bake it with more wisdom from the very bottom and to avoid some mistakes (seen/unseen in the old rotten monetary system). I could see such a generalized platform that could be transparent for the people what exactly is going on and how, at the same time keeping the privacy on high level to gain the trust of all people and not at last make it cluster-able and distributable (or how nowadays it's called put in the cloud :) to enable interaction with the rest deployed systems but still keeping the uniqueness of every local deployment (similar to local currency). Something like a Virtual Bank Platform that could be deployed and maintained very easy but still very reliable and secure that no data could be misused or damaged (we have enough technologies to do that). I'm sure once some great minds get together to think about it and start developing it, it could come very fast with a general solution. Could happen that exact such thing already exist, then just make it known to the whole world by promoting it from a higher level (country: starting from the so called 'non-aligned').
This I think could be one possible scenario to get out of this financial mess we are now. :)

Kurt Schilling

Benjamin Fulford! Stop saying we are on the brink of WW3. WE ARE NOT! You must wake up to the fact that "ufos" are real. There IS a Galactic Federation and they are STOPPING any new wars including WW3. That is the TRUTH.


THANK YOU BENJAMIN for posting such wonderful news!!!!!!!LET's LETS spread everywhere on Planet Earth :-) Be well. Ceegee12

Paul Grignon

Money as Debt III _ Evolution Beyond Money is a full length animated feature that paints a detailed and comprehensive picture of how these "alternative" principles of self-issued credit could be applied by business and governments to replace the current system and thereby transform our economic foundations and benefit all of society.


The script is available on the References page.
Movies are accessible for free from the Donations page.
The full proposal is available on DVD or pay-per-view.

The full proposal, (original version) is also available at http://www.digitalcoin.info

Paul Grignon, creator of the Money as Debt Trilogy
Money as Debt has been viewed by millions in 24 languages, 7 alphabets.


The Supreme Financial System is ready. http://globe-union-bank.org/


This sounds like the future is now. Going to see how I can participate and help our shared world be a prosperous one for everyone!


this essay must be an excerpt
because I'm missing the part that says

we will hunt the bankers down
till beyond the gates of hell


Jct: Glad you mentioned Argentine and LETS. Turmel: Occupy Mayan Prophesy for Heaven by This Christmas!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF9DlxnGe8A A 30-year old TV program "In Search of" the Mayan Prophecy with Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock) said it was due on Dec 24 2011, Christmas Eve This Year!!! So I wondered what would have to happen that could change this hell of a mess our world is in into as Heaven of a place by this Christmas? With the world's seemingly insoluble problems plaguing humanity, could it all be fixed by Christmas 2011? Pauper Party 10th Occupy Toronto March to Bank of Canada for Argentine Solution.

Stu May

Greetings, Benjamin,

Sounds like Smoke and Mirrors, Still Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, hands are in this. I'll tell you what Apocalypse 18 says, "The Rich" this should help you understand. 'The Rich.' These Rich Never Go away, they have their Hands in Everything. You cannot find them, but a few. The rest are guinea pigs. Wise up. Anything to do with 'Money' is Slavery. I thought you were wiser than this.

Ron Peete

Benjamin, I am very interested in the LETS System! Where can I find information about where In my state, Nevada, USA this system is being used??

Thanks for your help.

Dave Stewart

Benjamin our Admin on our Facebook site are planning Time banking and land for farming here on a Tiny Caribbean Island, St Martin. We are a fast building group of awakened people who have planned a lovely beach side reality gathering and group therapy meetings for beginning 2012. http://www.facebook.com/lightworkerssxm Any information from you or your listeners deeply appreciated, all this has speeded forward generally due to food price hikes and the concern that the ships may stop coming to this Island ,,Ben we have many of us who follow you and David Wilcock for the latest news You are a shining star from Light Workers SXM You are our rainbow of light, Love and peace to your work. Thank the 99% that You and David are safe and still posting news as it happens








『TOKA』 サービス等価交換

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