Dear Mr. Fulford,
Firstly, I am truly grateful for all the information that you have provided to the general public.
To be honest, I've pretty much known since day one that there was something 'off' with the world, but I went along like everyone else, probably because I was dealt a fairly decent hand by the cosmos. I greatly support your determination and actions in order to fix our planet. I completely agree with the fact that the future of our planet must be determined by the masses and not some fools who think they're the 'chosen ones'. I am sceptical to whether you are actually reading this or whether this is even your email address. It doesn't really bother me as long as my message is spread.
I am fairly young and am currently stuck in the mundane institutional step of western education (university). I realize that people would argue that university is great and everything but its not really when most of what you are being taught is bollocks. I have grown up across the globe, picked up a few languages and I do consider myself an intellectual person. Unfortunately, caught in this current system we all run under it is very difficult to make proper positive impacts due to all the conditioning that the majority of the population are under. This conditioning goes all the way up to the very professors teaching me so you can understand my frustration.
I don't know exactly what your operation is but I would like to be involved. I know this sounds ridiculous, though I do believe we share the same goals as to restore balance in the world and to awaken the masses. I am connected to many young but brilliant minds across the globe and have been exposed to various different industries. I am only 21 years of age and I have much to learn though I know that I could bring plenty to the table in the grand scheme of things. So what I'm saying is.....involve me.....and lets make humanity flourish.
Kind Regards,
Thanks for contacting me. What we need most of all in the way of help these days is people to do original reporting. That means calling people and getting information that is not yet in print or online and putting it out there. I do not know your nationality but if you are from India originally, I do know that there is a lot of information available in India that is not available elsewhere. Anyway, wherever you are from, please try some original reporting and research so that we can educate as many people as possible. The truth shall set us free.
hi mr. fulford thanks for all the great info. i currently live in costa mesa cal .and im 2 miles from the pacific ocean. O the dec 21 2012 the elite bushes oscama the faget lier child molester trader murderer and the scum are going to run there harp machine. Knowing this i have a choice to either relocate to winnipeg canada from which i have there about 50 family members; or utah; denver; argentina; what the safest? ALSO ILL PAY FOR 2 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION when i get my settlement sometime in jan. 2013; i hope thats ok ;i got hurt on the job 3 years ago so im waiting for my lawsuit to pay. thanks your canadian brother Lawrence Gosselin P.S.I HOPE YOUR GOING TO SEND THE CLEANERS TO WASH SOON!!!!!
Posted by: Lawrence Gosselin | 11/12/2012 at 12:22
I am in Scotland have been doing a bit over recent years in other ways , anything I can do to help more let me know.
Posted by: lorraine | 12/30/2011 at 07:05
One solution to the humanitarian issue is to alter the purpose of corporations. Corporations have no humanitarian goals only the bottom line. Usually if corporations act against humanitarian interests at most they are fined. I would like to see humanitarian interestes be built into every corporation's charter. No corporate charter is permitted unless it conforms to a humanitarian interest and that an inspection process be written in whereby if the humanitarian interests are not met within a given time frame the corporation must be shut down and all moneys returned to the original investors (or something to that ilk).
I would be pleased to sit on any committee or orgainization that is working on such a plan.
Posted by: Bill Hennessy | 12/28/2011 at 22:25
Thanks Ben, good news to spread around.
I'm not a financial expert but I find such solutions very reasonable. I've red about similar in Greece (see here: ) but I'm not sure what exactly they are using and is it the same model of Time Currency. I think it is not a big effort nowadays to develop such a Software Platform in very short time or adapt and standardize an already existing one (starting from some of the you've referred to).
It just needs some efforts to unite the experiences and use some financial advisers on a higher level to bake it with more wisdom from the very bottom and to avoid some mistakes (seen/unseen in the old rotten monetary system). I could see such a generalized platform that could be transparent for the people what exactly is going on and how, at the same time keeping the privacy on high level to gain the trust of all people and not at last make it cluster-able and distributable (or how nowadays it's called put in the cloud :) to enable interaction with the rest deployed systems but still keeping the uniqueness of every local deployment (similar to local currency). Something like a Virtual Bank Platform that could be deployed and maintained very easy but still very reliable and secure that no data could be misused or damaged (we have enough technologies to do that). I'm sure once some great minds get together to think about it and start developing it, it could come very fast with a general solution. Could happen that exact such thing already exist, then just make it known to the whole world by promoting it from a higher level (country: starting from the so called 'non-aligned').
This I think could be one possible scenario to get out of this financial mess we are now. :)
Posted by: tg | 12/24/2011 at 03:16
Regarding this LETS scheme that you describe. I have participated in this in Sheffield UK but had to give it up because I found that due to my age. health and other activities I was involved with where I gave my work for free I had nothing of value to conribute to the LETS and so never accumulated any points. Its a useful but imperfect concept. I prefer Karl Marx's 'to each according to need, from each according to ability'.
Posted by: SHIRLEY FROST | 12/22/2011 at 22:11
Hello Mr.Fulford. I am a Turk from Turkish republic. Recently a earthquake happened in city Van in Turkish Rebuplic. I have searched in Youtube and some people say this was made by HAARP. I do not live in Van. I live in İStanbul.Biggest city in Turkish rebuplic. Also a earthquake had happened in past at İstanbul. And some people said it is HAARP. A famous book in Turkish has writen about that. " Electromagnetic War began " : By Aydoğan Vatandaş.. My question is if dark cabal is capable of tearing down İstanbul.What we individuals can do about it? What can I do about it? Thanks....
Posted by: Cem | 12/22/2011 at 10:07
Finland 'finds Patriot missiles' on China-bound ship (BBC)
Posted by: 小市民 | 12/22/2011 at 06:56
Try to involve in your Country in The Zeitgeist Movement with other half a million activists around the world who are spreading the message to humanity ... The truth will set you free finally..
Posted by: Damir | 12/22/2011 at 05:26
Posted by: a | 12/21/2011 at 23:42
日航ジャンボ123便 CVR音声コックピット「ソ連エア」
Posted by: 123 | 12/21/2011 at 22:42
日航ジャンボ123便 ヒットラー予言のゴルバチョフ部分「世界を支配するだろう。彼は額に『赤いしるし』を持つ男だ。」が発生
Posted by: 123 | 12/21/2011 at 14:12
日航ジャンボ123便 ヒットラーの山荘予言に出てくる日本の3つの都市に原爆という案件がソ連による対123便原爆投下で発生
投稿者 愉快通快 日時 2011 年 12 月 21 日 08:30:37: aijn0aOFbw4jc
日航ジャンボ123便 乗客小川さんがJAL123便機内から撮影した写真にTu-95ベアDが写っている。
日航ジャンボ123便 JA8119号機エンジンに機銃掃射の穴が3個は見えるがTu-95ベアD尾部銃座から狙撃されたのでは
日航ジャンボ123便 TBS島田カメラマンが撮影した御巣鷹映像にソ連Tu-95の残骸が写っている。TBS特番で報道された
Posted by: 123 | 12/21/2011 at 09:11
I have been a subscriber to your news for awhile Benjamin and it is people like us that assist in others awakening. I like that you were raised here in Mohawk country (Ontario) as that gives you a unique perspective over in Asia. We are all one brother Benjamin.
Unity, strength, peace,
Posted by: thahaketoteh | 12/21/2011 at 03:24
"...the future of our planet must be determined by the masses and not some fools who think they're the 'chosen ones'."
It is already happening the masses are out there putting their lives and freedom on line. Go out there and joint them.....
Posted by: steve | 12/20/2011 at 21:09