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I am really very impressed with the other angels and light workers on this site i am sure you have read my wrathful comments on this imp wayofzero that old white man is funny.the rest peace be with you,and thank you for your kind comments we all need enlightened news to take this heavyness off.
Been in to many battles these days against the forces of evil,makes me grumpy sometimes forgive me.Don't worry we are winning,all will be well again soon.


So what's happening with this nuke in Kosovo?


WayOfZero Alexander.

You made good videos on your site:http://www.youtube.com/user/rednaxelaking#p/u/2/OHx4U5iwKp0. My question to you Alexander, grand son of Anastasia, are you really working to save the world or in contrary working for Satan? Maybe, I'm misunderstanding You, but you seem to have a double face.

Peace & Love in your heart brother


My Dear WayofZero,
I know you've gone through thick and thin. You're a victim of your Ego. I just want to let you know you are also welcome in the new age of glory and love we're inevitably heading to. Ben simply does not need to reply to any question here. Nobody is expecting that from him. On the contrary, we are bringing light to the world and this is being done with absolute confidence. God the almighty whose energy lies within each and everyone, including you, is smiling at us (and even you) because the cycle is over and we're ready to join our interstellar brotherhood. Thanks for existing. God bless you.


My dear Way of Zero,

I know you need a response for your heart is very damaged and yearns for recognition. Creator knows you, all your thoughts and desires and has a blessing for your evolvement coming to you.

Let your heart be opened, we miss being able to love you.

jose valencia

“The collapse of power leads to waves of turbulence that cause a tense void, which leads to new awareness.”

Hmmm, indeed. Now you can write out some long dreary mathematical formula, but this is a simple, what you would call, spiritual physics.

So what is happening right now is that you are seeing power centers collapse, and you will continue to see them, and it’s going to frighten many people. They have been invested into these power centers – financially, from a control standpoint, from an entitlement standpoint – but these centers are going to start collapsing. That will send out waves of turbulence, which will elicit fear, drama, overreaction by people all around the world.

But this will create such an energy dynamic that it creates a type of void, and in the void people don’t know what to do. They are searching for answers everywhere but there does not seem to be anything at the moment. And I say it is a tense void because, well, it is tension all around it. It was created out of tension. And this void doesn’t want to remain as a void so the energy that is involved in it is going through a transmutation process all around the void, but in the center it seems to be nothing and people are going to feel this.

The bottom line is when that void – it doesn’t necessarily collapse, it actually transmutes – and the transmutation invites in awareness or what you would call new consciousness on a very, very high level. It will come rushing in, streaming in like water when a dam is broken, and what you’re going to see is some very, very fast and very efficient solutions.

There’s going to be, what I would term, a new social society – not to be mistaken with socialism or communism – but a social society that is actually looking at the social concerns and the social needs. But the new social society will also not let the victims feed off of it in the old way that they have been doing in the past. A social society will recognize the sovereignty of each and every person, but also the compatibility or the cooperation between sovereign beings.

You’re going to see very, very fast new solutions to the global financial situation. You’re going to see a new banking system emerge that is very cooperative, that is not power-based but it is a fluid exchange basis.

don't panic this is your future ....... there is no other ..


My apologies, Benjamin. Please forgive my rude behavior as of recent. I did not know you were one of us.

Come now...there's no need to hide anymore. We've already won, don't you know that? There's no need to maintain this charade. Look at this glorious empire we've created. We will live as kings, and a king has no use for eater peasants like these losers!

For all of the people who comment here, know this: Benjamin does not respond to you because he does not respect you. We are among the ranks of those who decided to take destiny into our own hands and mold the world into a more fitting form while you languish in subservience. Just little wooden chess pieces waiting for a capable hand to guide you. We have no reason to respect you. And soon, we will have no reason to keep you.



I just heard Jeff Rense's interview with Yoichi Shimatsu - former editor of The Japan Times. It will be re-aired in about 3 hours on rense.com.

I urge you to listen to his interview and I would take appropriate precautions.

There appears to be a huge cover up of Fukushima.
The prime minister is out of the loop in decision making since the nuclear industry is in control of information sources.
It is more serious than is being publicly admitted, i.e. on NHK and government news conferences.
According to Shimatsu, Fukushima may have been used as a nuclear weapons plant thus the reason for having weaponized plutonium stored there.

The second round of radioactive material will hit the US in a few days. Most effected will be the Pacific Northwest and Midwest. California will not be as affected.


Remember Ben, that Lightworkers are also listening to you and we are working ceaselessly on the field generation, so these vibrations are also impacting the manifestation of the malevolence. Though it may be hard for you personally with the predictions falling apart, for us you are a beautiful point of truth that helps us to direct flow to make that happen. Be strong, Brother, you are deeply loved.



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