By Neil Keenan,
H.E. DR. RAY C. DAM THE HEAD OF THE ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROL the once mighty appointed representative of the Banking groups that hijacked our legitimate Banking System in 1995 has not only been detained but is near death in a Cambodian Jail Hospital.
Dam, although having been detained for more than 3 months without formal charges having been filed is in dire straights. An American Citizen, Dr. Dam has not been visited by his Embassy since his detention. This all sounds very strange unless we are looking at a planned demise of a person who was supposed to be the head of the World’s finaincial system.
Ray C. Dam has been deserted. He has not been charged. And he most likely is not the person who should be charged in this case. Neil Keenan who is the principal in the case (to soon be filed) of the stolen 1 Trillion USD in assets, against the OITC, UN, World Economic Forum, David Sale (OITC employee) and many others states: “After much investigation it is obvious that Ray Dam is not the Fabricator of those bonds but the expert that works under his roof David Sale. David Sale fabricated documents, contracts, bonds, Bank guarantees and so much more. It is Sale you must look at here not Dam. They are torturing the wrong person”.
One must wonder why US ambassador to Cambodia Carol Rodly has not intervened in this situation involving this US Citizen but rather sits back and knowingly allows Dam to wilt away into nothingness. If anything she is implicated now in the attempt on Ray Dam’s life. Following orders to condone torture and murder is no excuse Ambassador Rodly.
On the other hand the Royal Family seems to have stepped up to assist Ray Dam. They are diligently working with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen who wants this situation to go away but is not getting any assistance from Stateside. Even he cannot figure out what is happening with the Americans. Yet Cambodian Prince Chittara has moved quickly and to the front requesting aid from the American Embassy but it seems like he is talking to deaf ears.
People beware. This is what can happen to you when your government deserts you. The following pictures are very graphic but are photos taken by Intelligence Agents with special camera’s thus allowing us to see the very condition of Dr. Ray C. Dam at this very moment. Close your eyes Ambassador Rodly, US State Department, this is one of your very own. One you created and one you obviously wish to see destroyed.
Good Luck H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam, you never wanted this and you are a creation of others and should they kill you then we all wish you to finally Rest In Peace. You are paying for others sins.
This is disinformation. Mr. Sale and his people are good people. If you will analyze what they are saying, they always say the truth and I really admired them.
Posted by: adam | 03/04/2011 at 23:11
Posted by: 123 | 03/04/2011 at 18:06
昭和57年 昭和天皇
Posted by: 123 | 03/04/2011 at 10:26
Dear Benjamin'
Here is the latest update writen by Sheldan on march 1, 2011
Gaia is now increasing her warning signs to humanity, which has hereby been put on notice that the time has come for the great transformation mandated by Heaven's numerous decrees. Those still using their wiles to prolong their time in power are also being warned that Heaven desires that these great changes happen forthwith! Accordingly, we have instructed our liaison and diplomatic personnel to make it clear that any further delays are no longer advisable. Meanwhile, our Earth allies are working pedal to the metal to complete the remaining tasks, and we, for our part, have commissioned a series of events to push any remaining tasks through to completion. These operations are to converge at a point on our timeline that has been pinpointed by Heaven and her many hierarchies. We are committed to these changes and have alerted various governments that we will not tolerate the status quo once those dates have been reached. Our technological advantage has been demonstrated to these regimes sufficiently to prove that we mean business.
The warnings to the recalcitrant regimes are being accompanied by more proof of our abilities in the form of the crippling of much of their secret technology, and we intend to widen the scope of these activities as the specified date approaches. We are further emphasizing our resolve by 'taking' many leaders of your major governments in order to impress upon them at first hand that certain requests made by us need immediate attending to. We are using very basic measures to emphasize these points, but we need to get across to the dark cabal the fact that it is up against capabilities that are far beyond their ken. Furthermore, this force has a divine objective and it cannot be stopped until the main objectives of this first contact mission are fully realized. To this end we have increased our degree of intervention and are focused on removing the dark and its coterie of minions from power. The run-up to your transition period is nearing full-throttle mode, and we trust that the dark cabal has now grasped the fact that the moment for its unconditional abdication is upon them.
This dark cabal has run your world in one form or another for nearly twelve and a half millennia. It is no small matter for this assemblage to admit that its reign is truly over, which is why we saw fit initially to use velvet gloves in our dealings with them. Naturally, this approach took us only so far, at which point we went to the next stage by taking away some of their highly valued assets, and this action made them sit up and take notice. Yet even this tactic failed to budge them. This led to the abductions mentioned above, and this did indeed increase their willingness to take heed! These leaders where spirited away in plain view of their security details who were unable to stop our actions. We have promised more of the same and have impressed upon all and sundry that our powers go far beyond this. This escalated proof of our resolve sparked emergency meetings of the dark's ruling councils, which nevertheless resulted in only minor concessions. This is why we have been compelled to arrange several sorties to render inoperable a wide range of secret-government technology. This finally, truly caught their attention!
Our goal is to permit our Earth allies to oust these tyrants from power and allow you to taste the freedom, sovereignty, and prosperity you so rightfully deserve. Preparations on your world have reached the stage where these conditions can easily manifest, and indeed, your global populace is demonstrating clearly that your desire for these God-given rights burns ardently within all of you. Heaven fully supports your heartfelt desires, and our mission, accordingly, stipulates that these conditions be manifested prior to first contact. Thus we have steered our Earth allies down a path that can make this happen for everyone. We are aware of the enormous frustration and seemingly unending deferment that you have endured; we also respect those brave souls who have come together to demonstrate the inherent power that these desires can generate. Your global society is at a crossroads, and there is a palpable feeling out there that the moment has arrived for fundamental change. And indeed, this is now manifesting!
As you move into this transition period the first thing you notice is the growing chaos across the planet and this naturally begets a proportionate increase in your frustrations, but this passion is actually driving much of the street-action that is toppling a number of governments. Although the dark can turn this to their advantage, it also opens up several opportunities for the Light! The shifting sands of recent global events herald the many changes that are ready to appear on your horizon. Our Earth allies are bent on making sure that the major regimes on your world have a short future, and ensuring this is also a prime requisite for us. We have given these dark cabal-affiliated governments many compelling motivations for exiting the scene, and we expect full and timely compliance on their part. To assist them on their way we have appointed our personnel to oversee the activities of these regimes as they go about their business of complying with this divinely decreed turn of events.
The surface changes contemplated by Mother Earth are in their elementary stage. A major point of focus is the Pacific ring of fire, where the intent is to begin raising the Pacific seabed to reestablish Lemuria. This means that a number of lands near those major tectonic plates are now at risk, and earthquakes, like those in New Zealand and off the small island chains of the Christmas and Fuji isles, are to become more common. The entire Pacific basin is now in motion. This movement is unique, as it anticipates the raising of those lands that are eventually to unite with the coast of Australia, Indonesia, and numerous others. These new lands will redraw the map of the Pacific, and what will emerge is an ocean that once again contains the ancient, long-lost continent and a more even distribution of land and sea. A global phenomenon indeed!
The return of Atlantis is another bone of contention for the cabalists as each ocean contains secrets they have long been at pains to keep under wraps. The Atlantic Ocean holds much undeniable evidence of the existence of Atlantis: man-made grids, large pyramids, and the presence of strange energy phenomena. The dark has had to be very diligent to keep this information secret; many expeditions of discovery have had to be interfered with or made to desist under threat from the 'proper' authorities. Now we intend to make it easier for explorers to uncover the truth. The fabled lands of Atlantis do exist, and a good spot to begin this discovery is off the southwestern tip of Cuba and in the sea between the Yucatan and Cuba. We ask those interested to begin their search there and follow our ships to further sites for their investigations.
Our journey to your world is just the latest of many; we have been watching you for millennia, and our studies were made in cooperation with the Agarthans. Now the time has come for first contact and this necessitates the divinely mandated removal of your dark ruling cabal. Each of its governing bodies requires a firm boot to get them to resign. We are determined to assist you in claiming your rights and obtaining the prosperity that you are entitled to as sovereign and highly conscious citizens of Gaia! You have a divine destiny and Gaia knows the meaning this has for her and her most precious ecosystems. We come to facilitate all this and to ensure that this next step happens at the moment specified by Lord Surea and Heaven's sacred decrees.
Peace and lots of love to you all !!!
Posted by: emma | 03/04/2011 at 07:16
Hi Josef,
it sounds like deep wisdom. Can we get in touch
Posted by: Vlastik | 03/04/2011 at 01:05
Mr. Fulford,
I would ask you not to publish this comment and it will quickly become apparent as to why.
I have been in contact with Alexander for three months now. While I admire your work and dedication, I decided it was unwise to attempt to contact you directly unless it was necessary. It seems that the time is now.
His visa expires soon and is in need of transportation. I plan to help him with funding and do whatever I can to ensure his safe passage. It will be difficult to assist him as I am on the other side of the world.
If there is anything you can do, then the help would be much appreciated. I know you have already done much to help with our endeavors and that it is quite unfair to ask this of you.
I do not expect a response to this, though certainly have no objection to doing so. Fighting these Cabalists has already drained my soul, mind, body, and finances, yet it is still not enough. Consider this an SOS. I am calling in favors from every direction...even from above.
Posted by: WayOfZero | 03/01/2011 at 20:47
Posted by: 123 | 03/01/2011 at 18:46
Roman Polanski’s “Rosemary’s Baby” and the Dark Side of Hollywood
The 1968 movie “Rosemary’s Baby” is one of Roman Polanski’s most chilling and acclaimed productions. The film describes the manipulation of a young woman by a high-society occult coven for ritualistic purposes. The movie’s unsettling quality does not rely on blood and gore but on its realistic premise, which forces the viewers to ponder on the likelihood of the existence of elite secret societies. Even more unsettling are the eerie real life events that surrounded the movie involving ritualistic killings and MK Ultra. We will look at the symbolic meaning of “Rosemary’s Baby” and the stranger-than-fiction events that followed its release.
Although articles on the Vigilant Citizen usually pertain to new releases, a look at the past is often necessary to better understand the present. The state of today’s Illuminati pop culture is not a spontaneous trend that sprung out of nowhere. Rather, it is the result of years of occult influence on the entertainment industry and the gradual conditioning of the masses to certain messages and symbols. Although pop culture has always been tainted by the elite’s agenda to shape and mold young minds, it is during the 60s and the 70s that MK-Ultra stooges and dark secret societies became visible parts of the mix.
The need to quell the anti-war and anti-establishment movements of the 60′s forced the elite to infiltrate and disrupt the culture. A series of destabilizing events occurred to shock idealistic minds and heroes became enemies. The “Peace and Love” of the 60s became Charles Manson and LSD in the 70s.
Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby and its story about the manipulation of a young woman by an elite witch coven to carry and give birth to the Anti-Christ captured the mindset of this era and became symbolic of the irreversible shift that happened in the late 60s. However, it is the real life events surrounding the movie that truly defined this era:
Less than a year after the release of Rosemary’s Baby, Roman Polanski’s pregnant wife was ritualistically murdered by members of the Charles Manson family. This horrific event brought a brutal end to the “good vibrations” of the 60s and is viewed by many historians as pivotal moment in American history. We will look at the symbolic meaning of Rosemary’s Baby and analyze the strange events surrounding it, which involve occult secret societies, mind control and ritualistic murders.
Posted by: ...---... | 03/01/2011 at 11:28
We have lost another truth sayer, Ior Bockström who shall be dearly missed. One that claimed to link via the root-language sound code of the Aasar and of the Vaner, our era through, the during the Ice-age never ice-covered ringlands, with the global pre-ice-age culture going back at least half a million years. He has pointed out a repository of artefacts and knowledge, leading to the initiating of excavations on a previously unknown temple site of the baltic area,
to learn more about this man and his message of peace and co-existence search the term "Bocksaga". Best regards in the intrest of peace Christer Svensson
Posted by: Christer Svensson | 03/01/2011 at 02:24
No one pays for other sins ever, in this universe, everyone creates his own past, present and future.
Posted by: Josef Svejk | 02/28/2011 at 19:06