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lol You could sell this plot to Hollywood producers and they could start an entirely new soap opera entitled, :Beyond LaLaLand."

Nate C.

how come that still no one has been arrested yet?

Blair T. Longley

As added to my threads regarding

"Some Monetary System articles."



Almost two hour long audio recording.

First 5 minutes only get things going.

Speaker speculates upon what
the rest of the world, especially
China, is going to do to deal with
actual problems within the $USA.

This speaker seems very perceptive!!!


However, the notions of money backed by gold & silver
are NOT sufficient, as explained via my previous posts.

But nevertheless, there are very strong assertions of
"Benjamin Fulford Moments" becoming manifested!!!

This speaker asserts the realities of "Chinese Elders"
inside of the Oriental world that Benjamin Fulford has
written about in many previous posts in my thread ...

I will have to see that manifested to believe in that!

However, it yet sounds like the best thing possible!



For "moderated" posts, you sure allow some scurrilous statements!

Kaiser Souze

Okay, Where is Kaiser Souze? Round up "The Usual Suspect" and we'll get to the bottom of this.


Mr. Fulford little known but heavy abuse of cocain has now started to effectuate his final entrance into lala-land. The amount of made up stories for himself as for his little fan club of naive yet faithful acolytes seems to be never ending. They love to swallow his swill of nonsense because they have thrown out any trace of critical thinking.

Unfortunately mentally ill junkies like fulford dominates internet today and so does his type of followers/ignorant readers.


OK, I'm confused here, because earlier you posted:
"Already, the scamsters Ray C. Dam & Soush Saroeun of the fraudulent Office of International Treasury Control have been arrested in Phnom Penh, Cambodia."
The OITC saga has more flip-flops than a pancake factory. My personal view, after viewing their website and materials, is that it is not legit. So now Dam is a "good guy", with Giancarlo Bruno as the new evil mastermind? I doubt Bruno is the ultimate starting point for all these hijinx.


What about Keith Scott in all this? Never trust a man with three first names.

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