日本の治安警察官の情報によると、北朝鮮の政府は、 脅迫として日本に6個の核兵器を密輸しました。5個の爆弾が日本の当局によって捕らえられましたが、6個目は在日本朝鮮人連合会(朝鮮総連)の本部の地下 に位置しています。そして、警察はそれを差 し押さえようとすると、爆弾が作動し始めると警告しました。
日本人の当局による爆弾 の発見は、日本とともにそれを直接報告すると主張したKGBの諜報員からロシアのプーチンまで攻撃するという北朝鮮の陰謀に関する警 告を明らかにしました。
核による脅迫は、財政破綻を辛うじて逃れるために第3次世界大戦を朝鮮半島で始めることに失敗した連邦準 備制度理事会暴力団陰謀にリンクしています。
The North Korean government smuggled six nuclear weapons into Japan to use as blackmail against the Japanese government, according to a senior Japanese public security police source. Five of the bombs have been seized by Japanese authorities but the sixth is located in the basement of the headquarters of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chosen Soren) and police have been warned it will be set off if they try to seize it. The discovery of the bombs by Japanese authorities confirms the original warning about the North Korean plot to attack with Japan that from a KGB agent who claimed to report directly to Russian Prime Minister Putin. The nuclear blackmail is linked to a failed Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate plot to start World War 3 on the Korean peninsula in a bid to stave off bankruptcy.
Wow, how does he make this shit up. I don't know if Benjamin is a crook making fun of us all, or whether his mind is so warped that he actually believes his own delusions?
Posted by: Illuminatus | 10/27/2010 at 22:48
Bluebeam/Iron mountain report appears to be being implemented, this could concur with the the seizure of these bombs as being the last resort for total control.
Posted by: WACNorwich | 10/15/2010 at 17:46
Posted by: 日本太郎 | 10/15/2010 at 09:16
Posted by: 一主婦 | 10/15/2010 at 00:16
@Poppy C Ben fulford and Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall are mutual friends on facebook so they do know about each other... Ben is elite no question about it, he has elite blood, does that make him against free humanity? i dont know... BLGM is just a strange character, but doing alot of good with covering the straw man the birth cerficate bonds, curing diease around wthe world with corrodial sliver, maybe I see a little fear mongering though, doesn't come across as an all forgiving being and theres just some wacky shit... lots of crazy stories surrounding him
Posted by: Greg | 10/14/2010 at 22:32
I did talk to one retired military fellow (he should me his ID) today, but he doesn't know anything (this is Santa Cruz, CA) about being called up. I did remind him that he might be soon. He knew all about some of the 'secrets' out there. Didn't surprise me. At least our military are good at keeping National Security secrets (wish everyone else was). I don't feel afraid of 'our people'....just there's.
Posted by: Rose | 10/14/2010 at 15:12
Judge orders military to stop enforcing 'don't ask, don't tell' (CNN)
Posted by: 小市民 | 10/14/2010 at 09:04
Posted by: G O H! | 10/14/2010 at 03:23
In complete agreement with Matt 10/12/2010 at 05:22. More people are too. Would have liked to be able to read what the Japanese respondents said to this report as, if I lived there, I certainly wouldn’t like that another nearby nationality was being set up to start a war on my soil. If it really traces all the way back to the Fed Res Board (rather than very many public –and some private- figures behind the scenes working from within the intelligence agencies), then they would presumably have one more set of alleged crimes against them; trying to cause mass murder in a foreign nation by goading a near neighbor to attack by smuggled nuclear weapons.
Posted by: David Burton | 10/14/2010 at 00:11
Posted by: sakusaku | 10/13/2010 at 23:38
TELL THE BLACK DRAGON SOCIETY TO PRESERVE THE USA... we are building technologies right now that will help mankind find balance WITHOUT any need for a "population correction" ...
Posted by: Jef | 10/13/2010 at 14:35
Law Enforcement Concern
Link: http://www.stevequayle.com/index1.html
October 12, 2010
By Anonymous
I'm a 25 year police veteran in the Midwest and ex Capt.in the US Marine Corps. Nothing concrete has happened hear yet, but the system for this event has been set up. About two years ago, police in my area have all been issued new universal police ID cards (smart cards). All my police and Marine Corps training is on that card. Even the skills I learned as a Recon Marine. I was told all police are getting this new card and all this information will be in a federal data base.
We were told that the purpose of the card is to set up a base of data on skills and training to use in case of an emergency, in some other state in the USA, to be (Called Up ) for service by the US Government. We will be shipped out on a moments notice and we will not take any of our police gear. I met a Christian who is a national police officer in Belize. He works on a special task force looking for Mexican drug runners on the border. He has told me that they are now seeing what he called "Arabs" working along side the Mexican drug runners. He also told me that our FBI is training the police and military in same tactics to work together for social and civil unrest or terror event. That is exactly what we are doing here in the USA and they are getting the same training. What is the FBI doing in Belize?
I have a friend who works for one of the top largest banks in the world. He is a VP and he told me that by Jan of this year they and all the other major banks were required to have in place, a plan to set up secure locations for equipment and key personnel, so the banks can keep running, in case of a disaster of any kind.
The brother of a friend is an investigator attorney for the State Dept. He was involved in interrogation of key leaders in Iraq when Iraq fell, he has been involved in briefings to presidents. He recently told his relative that a terror attack is coming to multiple cities! It's not a matter of if but when! He warned the family member to be ready!
When I read your article today, it connected all the above dots for me. Am I on a list somewhere? Is something about to go down? Am I about to be called up? I am very concerned and in deep prayer about all of this! You are right something is up and it may be very soon!
Posted by: ...---... | 10/13/2010 at 14:09
Hmmmm... I wonder why Fulford still is not talking about Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall of Australia? Could it be that Fulford is part of the Illuminati disinfo campaign just like Project Camelot? Makes me wonder!
Posted by: Poppy C | 10/13/2010 at 11:08
G. Edward Griffin & Michael J. Murphy: What in The World are They Spraying - Alex Jones Tv http://tinyurl.com/388c3kj
Posted by: Otto Lund | 10/13/2010 at 05:19
Posted by: ...---... | 10/13/2010 at 01:50
Posted by: 本売上向上請負人 | 10/12/2010 at 21:42
1、 刑事裁判は確証、合理的な疑いをはさまない程度のもの。
Posted by: ピラリーちゃん | 10/12/2010 at 18:39
Obama as "Light Bringer" is classic New Age bull.
It proves that there are many that think they are spiritually advanced, that haven't yet moved beyond their political beliefs or bias. Its sad, really.
Some things are obvious, people. Obama is just another illuminati puppet. Stop trying to hold on to the idea that he is a "good guy". I'm not claiming to be any "better", as in some sense we all are from the same Source, but c'mon, stop putting these "leaders" on a higher level than yourselves.
Its a trap that many continue to fall for and its a little embarrassing.
Posted by: Matt | 10/12/2010 at 05:22
Dr. Doug Rokke DU (Depleted Uranium) Analysis on Alex Jones(Video)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX864QpDkk4
Posted by: ...---... | 10/12/2010 at 04:01
Posted by: Hebonacchi | 10/12/2010 at 00:23
取り敢えず、供給に見合うだけ金は印刷すれば、いいでしょう。ま、チャンネル桜系ですが、三橋貴明、これが経済部門、man of the year ではないでしょうか。
Posted by: ピラリーちゃん | 10/11/2010 at 23:17
Posted by: ピラリーちゃん | 10/11/2010 at 23:06