The Black Dragon Society is back
The Black Dragon Society has been re-activated. The Black Dragon Society reaches into intelligence agencies, governments, crime syndicates, financial institutions etc. around the planet. Unlike other secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Black Dragon Society is not united by fear but rather by friendship, trust and shared values. It is actively seeking to overthrow the New World Order in order to promote a campaign to permanently end war, poverty and environmental destruction. It also seeks to actively implement technology, such as free energy, that was suppressed by the oil and nuclear loving control freaks of the N.W.O.
The original society was set up by Mitsuru Toyama in response to Adolph Hitler’s plans to enslave and exterminate “non-Aryan” people. They helped the Russians defeat Hitler by providing him with top level Japanese intelligence about his plans. They also assured the Russians they could take their forces away from Asia and send them into the battle of Stalingrad. They were allied with the Chinese Red and Green Society and shared the goal of creating a peaceful and prosperous planet.
The society went underground after World War 2 and has now re-activated itself to stop the genocidal plans of the N.W.O. thugs.
The society includes as its members top people at MI6, the Pentagon, the NSA, the Japanese military/intelligence community, the KGB, the Serbian secret police, martial arts societies, the Yakuza, the triads and others. They are allied again with the Red and Green. They can, if necessary, mobilize over 100 million fighters in all regions of the planet on short notice.
In Fulford's videos, he claims his 'White Dragon Society' can muster 200 million, but here it's only 100 million? Ah, what a lousy 100 million here or there...
Posted by: Eric Johnson | 10/20/2012 at 00:50
Posted by: qqq | 11/08/2009 at 06:59
I would also like to help out or possibly join.
Posted by: J | 10/26/2009 at 16:56
Salaam Mr. Fulford,
I would just like to endorse Mr. G. Washington's admonishment.
dr omar
Posted by: Omar Zaid MD | 10/26/2009 at 07:20
Posted by: season | 10/25/2009 at 16:32
Never herd of this black dragon can you please tell me more and whats required
Posted by: Rish | 10/25/2009 at 14:45
We are running out of time in my opinion. There are other forces at play here that most people are NOT AWARE of. Ben, check out the many seminars being held all over the place ON EMPs. Despite what some might say, these do not appear to be related to WMD. They appear to be related to a cycle that is 25,600 years long and always results in massive rearrangement of the earth's land masses, thinning of the magnetosphere due to galatic forces pulling on the magnetosphere and earth. We are coming up on that fateful time again and not everybody knows about these things.
When the magnetosphere is thinned, the earth becomes vulnerable to cosmic radiation, in bound asteroids, meteors etc. (these normally bounce off the magnetosphere) and POLE SHIFTS...not magnetic pole shifts but geological pole shifts. Does the Black Dragon society know about these things and have a plan for dealing with them?
PS: Velikovsky is the scientist that you probably want to read on this topic.
Posted by: MK | 10/25/2009 at 12:27
I want to join.
Posted by: Kevin Field | 10/25/2009 at 08:55
Are u sure U are not being mind controled/duped by the elite?
Posted by: Chris | 10/25/2009 at 08:38
US 闇組織 と イギリス系 多極化 パワープレイヤー でバランス取れなくなったからって 黒龍会 応援して バランスとって うまいこと 多極化しようって魂胆だね!
確か そこから 日本も 世界の闇組織に入って行った過去があるよね
今回は うまいことやって USの NICE West Dragon と組んで
現状打破 するには 最高のシナリオだね。
Benさんは メッセンジャー なのか 仕掛けて行くなら 聞いた話だけでなく
だからどう思うのか どうするべきなのか 2手 3手先ぐらいまでは 見せないと
あー へー で? ってなってしまいそう。
BlackDragon 表でも活動してほしいな!
Posted by: 昇竜 | 10/25/2009 at 01:48
Posted by: tora | 10/25/2009 at 00:28
Posted by: sakusaku | 10/24/2009 at 23:01
and tell オバマ,as UAS army does not move,to announcement,
he does try shot but our arms are cover all over the body,
so nothing damage,so complete the deal.
and forces upon land from any where of east cost beach.
Posted by: konn | 10/24/2009 at 13:49
i had same story this morning to half dream as goes as i farther,
as the different forces to USA
something to you know? new rules and will coup, White house,CIA,FBI,
and a combined fleets gather from any of countrys,in pacific ocean,
and occupy to use to be Missiles no Explosion to bomb out any of
USA bases,then 10 thousands crew step in with arm to white house,
and at gunpoint to オバマ`s temple,then arrests, agent of CIA,
behind of middle east happenings (make up terrorists) as their are
maneuver the used be gun point behind head,call guiltys,are 1020 years imprisonment, so BAN! with paint gun with anesthesia gun then him going to wet the pants as well,swoon,then wake up he can not be
as trauma to do more job.
and us,the fleets has F1000,F22 can`t be anything.
Posted by: konn | 10/24/2009 at 13:45
No, he said they were Organizing. last year. Now they have become ACTIVE - there's a difference.
That 100 million number is very encouraging!
Posted by: NoonestoppingTheVaccEEEnz | 10/24/2009 at 13:13
( ヽ∀。) (☆ω◎; )ノ
Posted by: sc32_netvista | 10/24/2009 at 12:14
Reading my fellow Westerner's posts here really pisses me off. Get a grip! If you have seen Fulford's interviews by Project Camelot, you will see he is sincere. Unlike Western Society, the East has alot of patience when it comes to things like this. Their manifesto is the great Art of War by Sun-Su. They will wait 100 years until the best opportunity to strike their enemy a lethal blow with the least amount of energy used. They have been bleeding out the NWO Rockefeller/Rothschild/Bush Euro-Anglo Nazi's from buying up all the gold and precious metals around the world, while at the same time buying up U.S. debt (bonds). They have the economic power right now to deal a death blow to the NWO financially, but then Western Civilization will crumble and many innocent could die from starvation etc. They will now strike with precision. I bet we see alot of these NWO guys being "disappeared" now, along with a rash of lethal NWO strokes and heart attacks. Everyone here must help and do their own individual part. This is about everyone taking control of their destiny, and that means taking responsibility. NOW is the time to withdraw your $ from NWO banking institutions and close your accounts. Cancel your subscriptions to NWO magazines and newspapers. Walk or ride a bicycle more to avoid having to go to the NWO gas stations. Do not shop at NWO retail establishments like WalMart and instead spend your $ on craigslist from people who need it or buy your stuff from smaller independant mom and pop stores. Do not eat at NWO restaurants like McDonalds or other chain restaurants. Instead buy your food from small markets and cook at home, or partronize small family owned restaurants. Stop using DHL, UPS, FEDEX etc to send your parcels. Instead use the U.S. Mail system which can't turn a profit by federal law. Stop going to see NWO movies in their theatres and stop buying their services. Un-plug your televisions... you don't need anymore brain washing. If you really want to do more then that, then use scroogle.org instead of google and look up ways to SERIOUS REVENGE & THE ART OF STEALTH PAYBACK, for ways to get serious revenge. There are friends here from all over the world... therefore find out the addresses and telephone #'s of NWO people and post them all over the web. If you can get social security #'s and personal info for them, post it all over Nigerian & Russian chat rooms and they will do what they do best with the info. NOW IS THE TIME, stop insulting Fulford and do your part as individual citizens of the world.
Posted by: George Washington | 10/24/2009 at 09:16
How do i join The Black Dragon Society? is there a official site or a address or something to contact them directly?
thanks for any help
[email protected]
Posted by: Jamin | 10/24/2009 at 06:19
In all fairness, didn't you say the Black Dragon was organizing around this time last year? How many times can people hear this type of stuff without starting to look at it as bs.
All the gurus keep saying the same stuff . . . Packs tomorrow, it's done, etc, etc, etc . . . Watch a soap opera on tv today and it has the same drama and story line that it had 20 years ago, but there are still people who are glued to it and can't take their eyes off of it.
It seems like one big game of psy ops between different organizations, with no real end intended.
Posted by: Sean | 10/24/2009 at 05:19
News from David Hawkin's blog,
Obama gets 350 or Olympics gets a nuke:
Quote: Belief M. Obama threw Chicago Olympic bid; failure to get 350 cap approved at UN Climate Change meeting then Femme Comp nukes Olympic city; Vancouver, London, Sochi or Rio ..
David Hawkins: http://hawkscafe.com
Have a nice day :) Otto
Posted by: Otto Lund | 10/24/2009 at 05:12
i've been waiting for these words for months! I can't wait to see that!
Posted by: Captain Harlock no musume. | 10/24/2009 at 04:10
Benjamin: what happened to your "for sure" statements of what was going to happen in the last US election and the warnings of impending assassination of top US government operatives and offcials if they didn't stop the evil programs being rolled out? They are all inplay including the communisation of America. You said that they have assassins in near proximity to them all includiung Rockefeller. Also isn';t the "new " Japanese PM a 9-11 truther? If so how vcan he be a City of London puppet? Please explain.
Thank you.
Robert in Vancouver, B.C.
Posted by: Robert Stewart | 10/24/2009 at 04:00
A lot of people around the globe is worried about Fritz Springmeier's destiny, if he is a political prisoner in US or elsewhere. I want the international community to find him. He has helped a lot of people, personally, f.ex. illuminati mkultra victims, and has given us a lot of important presentations in books and on video. He has been silent for a long time, and that does not fit his personality, therefor I believe he is jailed or in some other way silenced.
He is of great value for us all, both as a human and a information source. Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control (Fritz Springmeier):
Posted by: Otto Lund | 10/24/2009 at 02:42
Apparently, the 'dragons of the west', ARE VERY DIFFERENT, than the
'dragons of the east'! I 'look forward' to the day, when most/many
'free energy devices', ARE "Made In Japan & China"! As, i AM, very, Very, VERY "AWARE", of 'all those secret stories', about, 'what happened to certain japanese inventors of free energy technologies',
because of 'dragons of the west'! (And, a 'BIG THANK YOU', to 'You who ARE, "The SHINING Examples", of the dragons of the west. (a rare few!))
Posted by: crlwllns | 10/24/2009 at 02:15
oh, are they BACK now??? i thought there has already been several 'dragons' chopping down the NWO...no?
i hate to harp on the messenger, but the messages have been a carousel of the same (mis/dis)info and unfulfilled predictions for too long now. come on Ben, you've been over this stuff before. many times. how's the 'bankrupt' FED doing? seems alive and well from here.
but now the Black Dragon has awoken again (and again, and again), so i guess it's time to get this show on the road. sigh.
Posted by: j | 10/24/2009 at 01:39