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re. Ben's prediction in 20 October 2009 blog, "In any case, the DPJ puppet government is not expected to last even for a year according to sources within the super secret Black Dragon Society. Their Bilderberger Nazi bosses like Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix, Nazi pope Ratzinger and their ilk will soon be no longer in a position to give orders to the DPJ. Also, the Japanese Public Prosecutor’s office has evidence Prime Minister Hatoyama took illegal donations so they can overthrow him any time they want."

Fast-forward today, June 3rd 2010 - This morning's New York Times headline: "Ties to U.S. Played Role in Downfall of Japanese Leader" and further, from the article by NYT's MARTIN FACKLER and MARK LANDLER, "Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's resignation was an admission that he had not won support for a pledge to end Japan's dependence on the United States for its security ..."


Ben talks a load of rubbish. green gangs; red gangs and now black dragons lol.

And he never ansers on the blogs.


Ben-san said: "in the secret Shinto hierarchy (the people who preserved traditional Shinto after the Rothschilds imposed emperor worship state Shinto)"

So I believe that Japan's Judaism-related traditions (that you mentioned long time ago) are the products of Meiji Reformation.

The "true" Shinto traditions are likely from old Hindu traditions.



血染めの乗客の帽子 不明 - 2009/10/22(Thu) 01:29:50 No.15825


Re: 不明さんへ 無 - 2009/10/23(Fri) 11:12:26 No.15829


群馬県警公安委員会・群馬県警本部の指示で、前橋駅前交番に届けると病んでいるのでしょうか 不明 - 2009/10/23(Fri) 11:51:58 No.15830


Angel Uribe

Sorry my friend but nothing you say has happened. Why you keep saying things that are not going to happen?


「従来の日本の神道を守る団体の幹部」 → 「八咫烏」の大烏の事でしょうか?




Fall of the Republic - The Presidency of Barack Obama Part 1

A film by Alex Jones

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJG-Htk3FPc

G. Soros

I find it odd that no one has commented. I think you have dumbfounded us all, Mr. Fulford!

I find myself caught between Christopher Story's perception of the Queen and yours and Casper's, though of all those who speak of this matter, you have the most credibility. However, there is no way to know if we, the world citizens, are not being played on every corner of this strange odyssey in which we now find ourselves.

Thanks for all you do and for putting yourself on the line. You make me think...long and hard. This is a good thing...a very good thing, indeed.









資源エネルギー : 常温核融合

輿水禅問答: なぜ荒田吉明を支援するとロックフェラーが怒るアルか!?!?



at minute 31 - eric phelps describes nuclear war hoax and
how nuclear bombs did not fall on japan in ww2
but placed by a jesuit.



Kurt Schilling


Would you address the Obama/ET Disclosure rumoured to be happening on international TV 27th November this year?




A Non

i want to confess...i am S.K.

ben..i am eagerly awaiting your 27 Oct prediction...only after that will i believe many things you mention..





Omar Zaid, M.D.  Research Fellow, ISTAC, UIA< KL, Malaysia

Salaam Mr. Fulford,

What happenned? Where is this negotiation you speak of? How is it that in the midst of your Ninja threat Japan receives a new Government controlled by the very people you said these fellows would "Take Out"???

What's going on Mr. Fulford? Who's got you on such a string that your mouth is disconnected from your hand? It seems to me and many others that you've been played Mr. Fulford. Don't feel bad. They're good at it, and whoever told you your Ninja's would "Dance" has lied to you. He's working for the enemies of mankind.

And as for people who expect Aliens to invade and/or "save" us and/or Orionize the Earth for some New Age transformation: let me make this clear: These creatures are Jinn from a parallel dimension. They are confined to earth, and have been for centuries, and they are destined for the same hell everyone else is destined for if they do not honor God in obedience and truth.

There is but one God and Mohammad is His Prophet. The Jinn have been assigned by Him to delude anyone who hasn't listened to or obeyed the warnings and directives given by all of the Prophets. It is very simple.

Mr. Fulford, you are a dear man who has been taken for a ride. Please, get a copy of the Koran translated by Mohammad Asad and read it. It will only take 3-4 days of sequestered solace for you to return to your bearings and find your destiny in this matter.

Do not write another word without the guidance of the One Who created you.

Sincerely and with Kind Regards,


dr omar zaid, m.d.


Surely you meant to say Zionist bosses.



Come on people, start a grassroots thing in your local areas. Get people talking. We don't need everyone on board, just a few can make a big difference. Less that 3% of the male population from the colonies participated in the revolutionary war. People are walking around like zombies. Go into a grocery store and see how no one will even acknowledge each other. It's freakin' eerie. Invasion of the body snatchers kind of weird.


Great information Ben, could you possibly inform us of what the Black Dragon Society's plans are for stopping the COPENHAGEN TREATY from being signed in December? And if they do not then you need to do your research and INFORM them. This treaty will override the current Kyoto Treaty in place as of present. It states in this treaty that all third-world nations will be transfered wealth from the United States. In other words, WE PAY BACK FOR ALL THE CRIMES THIS SHADY GOVERNMENT HAS COMMITTED. Not to mention after that a few Dictators from the United Nations will now have rule over the world. That is the NEW WORLD ORDER. Please Ben, this is crucial. If this Black Dragon society really exists and are as powerful as you've said then give them the KILL ORDER. They aren't giving up. Ben, were all depending on you.


Speaking of happenings, you're going to see what many will term visitations – lights in the sky – very unusual patterns, the likes of which have not been seen before. These are not the aliens. These are the new consciousnesses of humanity coming in. They will be perceived as lights in the sky, not just at night, but during the day. They'll be perceived as very interesting shifts, mostly as light energy, but as other types of energy as well. Some will interpret this through the mind and the eyes as alien beings, but it's your New Energy, your divinity and the new consciousness of humanity coming in. Don't go back to the old power ways of giving yourself just to the aliens.


, power is poison right now. It's poison to those who are in government positions, who have had their little games, who have had their little empires, who have thought more about themselves and about their little group that supports them. I'm not talking about necessarily just the elected officials, I'm talking about the bureaucrats. The bureaucrats are going to find themselves out. The bureaucrats are going to find a whole new … a whole new legion of beings that are coming in to actually serve, not to take. The ones who have been holding on to the little thrones of power are going to find themselves in a world of hurt also.

We're not making anything happen. You aren't making anything happen, but the power that they used to drink has now turned poisonous. The very power that they rely on, the very drink that they take in every day is now a poison.

You're going to find it continuing to happen in the churches. Thank god for that for they have held power of government, power of money, power of sexual energy and power of spirit and consciousness, and when they drink in their power it's going to explode their bowels. It's going to destroy from the very inside what they have been abusing for so very long. There's going to be stories that come out about those who have held the religious power and the trust and the faith of the people and what they're really like – the demons that they really are.


The ones who have been holding the financial power, you're going to see them desperately trying to get it, trying to take it back, trying to manipulate it. Stand behind the short wall, take a deep breath, have compassion, because woe to them. Woe to their families, woe to their servants, woe to all who are part of their power games. Stand behind the short wall with compassion, dear friends. Don't feel sorry for them one bit. You could say in a way, in a twisted way, that they are doing this for humanity as well. They knew it was coming.

In the 1500s, in the 1700s and late in the 1900s, we had some, what you would call, very multidimensional, very spiritual mystical discussions with these groups who have held the power. We showed them what would come. They did not believe it. It caused them to hold on more desperately to the power, and now it's here.

So there is a level at which they knew it was coming. Don't feel sorry. Also don't feel sorry because some of them are going to be coming to some of you to find out what the hell just happened in their life. They're going to be in a nightmare when they come to you. They are going to be in a world of hurt.

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