The Feds are not going to go quietly into the night but they are going to go
The world’s financial boycott of the Federal Reserve Board is starting to kick into high gear but a lot of messy stuff lies ahead because the Feds are not going to go quietly into the night. A maritime blockade of the US is beginning as a part of this campaign. Members of the global elite, including Bilderbergers, are attempting to turn the global pyramid of power upside down, putting the poorest and weakest creatures of the planet on the top instead of the strongest and cruelest. Needless to say the ruthless Nazis are fighting tooth and nail to prevent this from happening.
The new financial system has been designed, with the help of the good people inside the elite, to make sure this planet never again experiences poverty or environmental destruction. The new pyramid of global power will be completely transparent and fair so that anybody can climb to the top, if they are good enough. There will be no one world government and no one world currency. All humans are to be freed from centralized control under the new system. The propaganda about a New World Order and a one world currency is coming from the Feds who have already been running a secret New World Order regime complete with a one world currency falsely labeled as the “US dollar.” So please do not believe the propaganda they are putting out. We are fighting to free humanity from thousands of years of horrific debt slavery.
Sources in MI6 continue to say the deadline is September 30th and that there will be signs of the end of the Fed on October 7th and 27th followed by a chaotic November. The Feds could even manage to cling on for a few months after that event as the remnants of evil on this planet try to keep in power. We must be vigilant, stock up on food, prepare for the worst but expect the best to win the final battle. Good will prevail over evil but we must not let our guard down even for a second.
I was looking for this specific the other day. i won’t commonly post throughout forums but i want to to say thank you!
Posted by: Pandora Earrings | 07/26/2011 at 18:20
Posted by: sagi | 10/26/2009 at 23:39
Posted by: sagi | 10/26/2009 at 23:37
Gulf Arabs have begun planning – with China, Russia, Japan and France – to move from dollar dealings for oil to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, which includes Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean oil will no longer be priced in dollars. The revelation was met with public denials yesterday. The Saudi central bank governor, Muhammad al-Jasser, said: "The future is in God's hands. Today, the conditions are good for the arrangement we have." The Japanese Finance Minister, Hirohisa Fujii, said he "doesn't know anything about it".
Posted by: karimero | 10/07/2009 at 21:39
All talk of "overpopulation" aids mass murder. There is no science or reason behind it, and we've all been brainwashed about overpopulation.
Posted by: BillQuigley | 10/03/2009 at 12:23
Mr. Fulford is talking out of both sides of his mouth. and helping his mentors spin off a few rogues from the Bilderbergers by calling them "Nazis." Ben, don't bother.
Folks, the Fabian socialist Bilderbergers ARE the "Nazis," aka the pan-Germanic faction of the NWO. Just follow the history and the money. Maybe there are good and bad people at Bilderberg. Maybe the "Nazis" weren't all bad in the first place and were fighting the Anglo-Saxon central bankers all along. Maybe half the bad press about them is disinfo from the Crown. How will we ever know? One thing is for sure, though: The Bilderberg Group, aka the pan-Germans, built the EU and want to use it as a model for a new US.
First Fulford says the pyramid is being upended, and in the next breath tells of a "new" global pyramid of power? That is still central control, even if it's new. The pyramid MEANS top down centralized control. It's ancient occult symbolism.
(Do you think the longtime NWO-watchers are stupid, Ben? Sweet Jeebuz on a cracker!)
Global banking necessitates global governance. Period. That's the catch-22 of the new financial arrangement, so stay tuned for an attempt at extracting a global tax from you. Welcome to the global plantation: There is no escape this time.
Every time there is a major shift in power relationships you get a New World Order. There have been several New World Orders through the centuries. If Ben says a central government won't exist this time, that means the new power base is hiding in the shadows, which means it's not transparent. DUH.
Such untidy psyops. The powers that be must be falling into disarray, seems they're throwing mixed propaganda against the walls to see what sticks. The simple bottom line is that we're at the dying end of a fiat regime and the Powers That Be want to start a NEW one: Global, metals-backed and likely fiat. They want us to be happy about this.
Don't let the phrase "gold standard" fool you. Every time a currency collapses, whoever cleans up at the rigged casino gets to play Top Banker with his gold winnings. New fiat regimes are ALWAYS backed by gold: It entrenches the central banking power base because there is very little gold left in circulation at that point. The central bankers took it all: The gold stolen from the previous fiat Ponzi scheme, plus everyone's repossessed properties and businesses. That's how the game of Economic Hit Man works, people! WE LOSE.
Posted by: The Hedonistic Pleasureseeker | 10/03/2009 at 08:50
第55回アカデミー賞 作品賞受賞作品だったようです。
Posted by: アンビリーブル | 10/02/2009 at 09:32
Posted by: アンビリーブル | 10/02/2009 at 09:20
Could this Iran stuff be happening as a pretext to affect China? i.e., it seems as though US wants China to lose Iran's foreign exchange business so that the Chinese will still have to depend on Uncle Sam a little more (fearing that China is going to- follow through- and cut US off for good). Hence, the "pressure" on China to impose sanctions on Iran because of this "new" nuke facility. What a slap in the face it will be if China refuses to do so.
Also, I am concerned with the happenings in Guinea and other parts of Africa. I wonder what Mr. Fulford, or someone with an inside scoop, has to say about that stuff?
Posted by: leFvsRite | 10/02/2009 at 06:51
We should not underestimate that the same bankers and other mercantile forces behind the Federal Reserve are likely going to be behind any alternative currency system developed.
We should also not under-estimate evil. Benjamin spoke as though evil was going to be purged from this earth by a political development. When Jesus returns, that is when the people who have decided to be loyal to evil will be purged.
Benjamin spoke of a maritime blockade of the US. Many of us Americans would like that if it was achieved. We need to produce things we consume internally. We should not be engaging in trade under the current conditions because our dollar is over-valued and thus we import far more than we export and this leads to impossible debts that we cannot pay. Our domestic economy is not providing jobs and good wages like it once did. We need to produce inside our country so that we can have jobs and incomes.
Posted by: Wally Noll | 10/02/2009 at 04:25
I enjoy Benjamin's work. I really hope that Ben's optimism about how the fed will be destroyed will come true.
However, when he says there is a maritime blockade of the US being arranged, I have to step back and chuckle. The US Navy is not merely the strongest navy in the world, it is very dominant. Nobody even tries to build a navy like ours'. We have a lot of large aircraft carriers and nobody else has any of them. Each one of those aircraft carriers has over 100 jets on it. Each jet can fly out 600 miles.
The Russians are very skilled at underwater missiles which are a threat to the US Navy. But it is unproven that these missiles will be significant. The US is very advanced in its military technology.
Nobody is going to impose a maritime blockade on the US. Instead, it seems the US is able to impose a maritime blockade on anyone it chooses. The people who rule America built the US Navy so that they could have this power. It is foolish to think that they will not try to capitalize on this investment.
Posted by: Wally Noll | 10/02/2009 at 04:19
-They had planned both World Wars (and the coming one, too), financed and won them. They also brought the bane of drugs upon us. They plan and cause expansions and depressions in the economy of the nations and use political and economic events to their advantage and to the detriment of the populace. This is also the reason why they are so inconceivably rich.
These people on the one hand want to be respected and worshipped, while on the other hand and in secret they bring disaster to the nations and instigate wars. Over the centuries they have created opposing sides to confuse people, and then use others who work for them to stand at the front and do the dirty work. If something goes wrong, the puppets are blamed and not the puppeteers.
A majority of humanity actually believes that if a war breaks out today, the nation concerned was also the perpetrator. Those believing themselves clever by proclaiming that certain nations were predestined for war, like the “Evil Russians” or the “Yellow Peril” or “Germany Forever Fascist” are either acting stupid or actually are stupid.
Where do you believe a Chinese, Russian, Arab, German, American, Serb or any other government gets the money to build its armaments industry? Do you really think that there is one nation who could build an armaments industry with their own savings? Today there is not a single nation on this world that is not so indebted that it could exist without credits from the international bankers. Do you think the Serbs have enough money for arms to wage their war with? If the Russians had ever started a world war, from where do you think would they have lent [borrowed?] the money?
Naturally from the international bankers. It is not for nothing that Rothschild owns a bank in the Kremlin. This is why they are called INTERNATIONAL bankers. They are not especially concerned about England or the U.S. Wherever money can be goy you will find the international bankers. And since a war is the best possible money source, they are always interested in provoking wars.
If these bankers don’t want a war there is no credit and therefore no arms. It is that simple.
If a nation wants to go to war, it first has to ask the bankers whether of not they agree to it. If they do agree, the armaments industry is built up with their financial support and off you go. l Do they not agree, because it might contravene their own plans, there is no credit and without money there are no arms and without arms there is no war. In the case of war though it is not a question of a few million, it concerns sums in the billions.
As I have shown in the course of this book, the money for the Bolsheviks, for the Germans before and during the Second World War, for the Russians, for the Communist system and also for Saddam Hussein always came from the same lenders. That is why nothing is ever accidental in politics or war. If there is a war, it must have been planned, otherwise no funds would have been made available. Consequently the present and future trouble spots are wanted and perfectly planned to reach the one overriding goal, the One World Government.
The Illuminati themselves claim that they have set up this one world government to finally establish global peace. It is interesting that they use war as a means to get there. Do you think that they will change and act differently once the world government is established?-
Posted by: enkiswrath | 10/02/2009 at 02:59
Dear Benjamin,
What is making all of this difficult is that we don't know who the sources are. The Queen attended the G20 which is somewhat unusual. I thought that she typically sends her Finance Minister. In any event, there was an announcement following the G20 which contains part of your message from this last posting.
Now, since you said that the G20 doesn't know what they are doing, am I to assume that there is another group at work, behind the G20?
I saw the press coverage from the G20. They announced that there would be a new financial system in the US into which they will pump 1 trillion dollars (I think that was the amount). This new financial system will be a global governance system and the US will be subject to a new global banking authority. That sounds way too much like the NWO for me. There was no mention of a global currency which I am very glad about because a global currency would have magnified the current problems ten-fold by making the velocity of currency way too high. One thing that has saved the current situation is the need to convert from one currency to another and global exchanges. Things would have fallen apart much earlier if there had been a global currency.
Global currency leads me to the thorniest issue of all. The problem with the idea of a GLOBAL GOVERNANCE is that it further removes the government from the street level where the problems are. That is great for dictators but lousy if efficiency and order are desired. We have seen what happens with secret governments in a country. Multiply that by hundreds and the degree of complexity largely due to NOT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS GOING ON AT THE STREET LEVEL and it becomes clear how untenable a global system, particularly of the hierarchical type now employed, would be. Nor can any kind of governance be run like a Nazi/Communist organization that relies heavily on policing, monitoring, surveilance, chipping etc.. Regardless of the worshipful regard that many people place on technology, I spent 20 years in high tech with some of the most brilliant programmers, analysts etc. and I know exactly how difficult it would be to try to monitor everybody. The tests with the CCTV cameras should have demonstrated the difficulties-logistical and evaluative that might result. It's just not feasible at least not with the technology that we have today.
From the piece above, it is clear that I strongly oppose genocide as a means of fixing the environmental degradation that currently exists. I also know from having monitored population sites all over that the number of 7.8 billion is not correct. There are fewer people than that. The 7.8 billion is an extrapolation from old numbers that have not been updated. There has been considerable reduction due to wars, famine and disease that is not reflected in those numbers. There is also a phenomenon that I noticed but have not had time to quantify. Normally, female births outnumber male. That trend is reversed in a large enough number of countries as to be significant. I was stunned when I kept seeing that same trend in country after country. Now, I did not do any scientific or statistically correct analysis, I just "noticed" this oddity while reading population figures about two years ago. Since I have not looked at the numbers since then, I don't know if this anomaly has corrected itself.
There are a couple points to what I am saying. One is that the idea of killing off huge numbers of people won't solve the immediate crisis unless they are all the people who own cars. Even then, I don't support such a strategy because it is (a) WRONG and (b) will probably destroy a useful group of the world's population that could be utilized for things like educating those in the world who need it or working to repair the world that we are in. Many of the people whose death might stop environmental degradation are also the people who have the tools and know-how to fix some of the problems. These people are middle class Americans.
Which brings us to the vaccines. There is no way to control the effects of these vaccines. They will trigger rapid mutations of a GROUP OF VIRUSES and that would cause an uncontrollable pandemic in no time; Everybody exposed to the innoculated would be likely to get sick and that includes the wealthy people who think that they have immunity now. If the perception is that we have an environmental disaster now, wait until this engineered pandemic starts. It has to be stopped.
Unlike the other people here, I believe that there are those among the elite who have reconsidered the wisdom of their plan. I believe that they have also grown tired of a faith that does nothing but cause harm to others. My belief is grounded on observation and from things like the film clip mentioned below.
There is a video on YouTube by a former health minister from Finland. She is opposed to the mandatory vaccinations for the same reasons that I am. She did corroborate the fact that 1/2 of the Bilderbergers are against genocide. They all want to "trim" population, but at least 1/2 are opposed to murder.
So, part of what you have written seems accurate, but sort of slanted towards the positive. While I am a positive person, I see the potential for problems if there is too large a divide between those who want to run things and those who live in the world that these people create. A lot of people follow your column now. (I have personally posted it at about 5 very trafficed sites) They are hoping that you are telling the truth. I am hoping that you, being a bright fellow, get what I am trying to put across with my postings. The complexity of what confronts the world today has new and old facets to it. We cannot go back down the path that we were on. If people who weren't elitists had been involved in the decisions that resulted in the creation of a "secret government" had been people from the street and NOT KISSINGERs, Rockefellers etc., the outcome would have been very different.
The reason that the outcome of those decisions would have been different is that the people on the street used to take their fellow man into consideration. They would never have agreed to a plan to try to make regular people into killers (Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars) or break up the family to give more control to a central authority...they would have pushed for cleaner energy (actually, they obviously were and that is why there are so many patents that have not been used sitting on shelves). They would not have made mistakes caused by evaluating everything simply as a matter of profit and loss. Decisions like that dressed up as economic policy are the root cause of many problems today.
I am hopeful, Ben, that you do have the ear of some wise and powerful people and will mention what I have written to you to them. The article that I posted earlier about overconsumption was well researched and corroborates many of the things that I have posted here over and over. There is a different way to get where we want to go with this planet and beyond. WE DON'T NEED TO START THIS NEW ERA WITH DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AS WE HAVE STARTED OTHER "BEGINNINGS." WE HAVE DONE THOSE THINGS FOR FAR TOO LONG.
Posted by: MK | 10/02/2009 at 00:17
Benjamin-san, October has come. It is one month since the Japanese people voted to choose the new Japanese cabinet led by the Democratic Party of Japan and the two small parties. Many Japanese did so because they wanted to see a new era for their country and a "truth commission". But Prime Minister Hatoyama speaks nothing about a truth commission or something like it.
He could have started a new investigation into the truth behind the assassination of Koki Ishii, his former comrade and the most respected Japanese politician in history, by now. Almost all Japanese people know the Korean-Japanese killer of Koki Ishii confessed to a Japanese TV report that he was ordered to kill the respected politician. Is there still a cover up of the truth going on by the Hatoyama cabinet? Do you hear any news of such an investigation by the government of Yukio Hatoyama? If you hear anything about it, please share it with the Japanese people.
Posted by: Fuji Yama | 10/01/2009 at 23:42
You really puzzle me Mr Fulford, or do you really live on an entirely different planet than me.
These people that have ruled this planet for a long time are not going to give up any power what so ever at any time for any cause what so ever, or for that matter because of some threat ("repeated") that has no bite to it.
The only thing that could change the course of this agenda that we are living, this "movie script" if you will, because this is long planned,, is if majority of people would wake up to what is and has been happening for a long time and fully understand it. If that would happen the reaction of the people would be as I think George Bush senior said one time "If the people knew what we have been up to they would chase us down the street with ropes" and "our" rulers know that and thats why they can not and will not give up power and they also have to "close in on us" before the majority of people knows and understands what is and has been happening. What they are and have been doing to humanity is so hurrendous it is almost impossible to put it in to words and "our rulers" are fully aware of what they have been doing.
The chances of that majority of people waking up to what is happening are very slim and almost non-excistend if big "players" of the truth seekers are giving out false or disinformation.
What puzzles me is why you seems to think that these "rulers" will just lay down on their back and suddenly be our friends.
I think you are incredibly naive if you really believe that they will back down, they will without any doubt go for broke. Being naive is no crime but in the state our world is in being realistic is a must.
Or do you have some other agenda ?!?
Posted by: Geiri | 10/01/2009 at 22:40
Posted by: tora | 10/01/2009 at 20:41
We have to be carefull. This might be another "good cop"/"bad cop" game.
Posted by: Sokrates | 10/01/2009 at 17:40
Dear Benjamin, Dear Folks,
I have confirmed TWICE - around Christmas Holidays this year will public exhibition (including webcams) of
real FREE ENERGY technology
This Free Energy technology is clean, no solar, no wind, no cold fusion, no geothermal, no combustion.
This technology has good power density, is mobile and is NOT outright expensive.
I monitored this cause for about 2000 work hours.
It is not joke, not scam.
Imagine: cheap desalination and pumps = food for desert areas people,
with free energy you can doing even water from moist morning air (via condensation).
Yep, it is seismic shift in global power.
Technology will licensed for moderate fees.
with best regards Ivan "Guru" S.
Posted by: Ivan "Guru" S. | 10/01/2009 at 14:45
I am beginning to lose trust in you Ben.
There is simply NO WAY that anyone associated with the old order calling itself new can ever gain the universal respect of the new human race which is emerging.
There is no way any “pyramid of power” is ever going to be transparent and simply no way that those who are “not good enough” will ever convince us that they can judge who among us is “good enough” to climb on board ... ah hem, to join them.
Come on, Ben. Down in the streets an ordinary man from anywhere meets another man from somewhere else and they make a deal to help benefit each other and their communities. Meanwhile way above their heads are those with too much who have many of them lived all their lives being waited upon by servants, etc.
You know what the problem is? It is not just interest or usury or debt slavery, it is the notion that certain people have the right to live off the backs, sweat and labor of others while they treat them like … cattle. OK?
Also, there will be disagreements. Always have been and no way around it. Two people from the same circumstances see things differently, want different things, etc. What do you do about these disagreements? Who is to decide? Usually it would be someone both parties choose together to help them make an agreement that is beneficial to both. Anytime that someone who judges is chosen not by the disputants but by outside force, you have never solved anything.
We do not want to return to the mindless solutions of the past wherein disputes were settled by wars and an attitude which says, “since I don’t agree with you, I can and will kill you.” That’s the old order of things Ben.
The irony of ironies is that the so called New World Order is in fact nothing but the Old World Order reasserting itself, the “royals” the Roths, th Bilderbergers, NAZI’s, Commies, etc. The NEW world order is based on a few things that need to be hard wired into human consciousness:
1. From the instant of conception that potential human life deserves respect and once born deserves respect and no one, neither state nor parent, guardian, etc. OWNS anyone else. That’s slavery.
2. Since respect is more basic than love, let’s go on one step further and suggest that LOVE when it has been genuine, has always been a far better motivator than anything else. People do the positive thing because they LOVE to do it. Often perversely they do negative things because they LIKE to as well, but usually this perversion is of the selfish, narcissistic variety which excludes anyone else as having any comparable dignity.
The solution Ben is very simple, a JUBILEE in which ALL DEBT IS FORGIVEN AND THOSE IN POWER ARE REMOVED, ALL SECRETS HAVING TO DO WITH THE WARPING OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AS IT EXISTS IN THE US AND ELSEWHERE ARE REMOVED. The way home to a better world is painstakingly hard, but I’m sorry, I do not believe that the elites have a good track record. Most of them belong in prison or on the gallows.
If you don’t happen to agree, you too will be swept away when the great common people of this world rise up from their present misery and say, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH. I’d give it less than a year.
Posted by: David Burton | 10/01/2009 at 14:22
I don't believe that the current economic state of affairs is any accident. I believe that after the fed is done looting the U.S. Treasury, they will go elsewhere and begin anew. It may not be the fed, but it will be the same puppeteers.
Posted by: Kevin Field | 10/01/2009 at 13:59
Posted by: 漁史 | 10/01/2009 at 13:41
Poster 1 said - quote and my comment in parenthesis...
"The fact is that there is no alternative for the powers that be BUT to rearrange social order. (WRONG) It is impossible for a few thousand people to keep a world of billions under control. (CONTROL IS NOT NEEDED) It would be impossible even if it were just hundreds of millions. (OPINION AND SPECULATION) Besides, controlling the world won't solve the current problems. (AGAIN WHY CONTROL?) As the article below clearly indictes(says who?) --it is not the billions that are the problem--it is the obscenely wealthy millions. (????)
Posted by: Kristosamoraea | 10/01/2009 at 10:13
explain the new financial system???
Posted by: mark | 10/01/2009 at 08:02
Dear Ben,
The fact is that there is no alternative for the powers that be BUT to rearrange social order. It is impossible for a few thousand people to keep a world of billions under control. It would be impossible even if it were just hundreds of millions. Besides, controlling the world won't solve the current problems. As the article below clearly indictes--it is not the billions that are the problem--it is the obscenely wealthy millions.
THERE is a pervading myth that efforts to fight climate change and other environmental perils will be to no avail unless we "do something" about population growth. Even seasoned analysts talk about the threat of "exponential" population growth. But there is no exponential growth. In most of the world fertility rates are falling fast, and the countries where population growth continues are those that contribute least to our planetary predicament.
Back in the late 1960s, when Paul Ehrlich wrote his seminal book The Population Bomb, rapid population growth was arguably the number 1 threat to the planet's future. Many believed that only strict birth control could prevent doomsday. But after scandals about forced vasectomies in India and China's draconian one-child policy, such views fell into disrepute. What's more, Ehrlich's prediction of hundreds of millions of deaths from famine in the 1980s fortunately failed to be borne out.
Now the demographic monster has become a hot topic again. Yet the arguments still don't fit the reality. The population "bomb" is fast being defused. Women across the poor world are having dramatically fewer babies than their mothers did - mostly out of choice, not compulsion. Half a century ago, the worldwide average for the number of children a woman had was between five and six. Now she has 2.6. In the face of such a fall it is hard to see what more "doing something" about global population might achieve.
Half the world now has a fertility rate below the replacement level, which, allowing for girls who don't make it to adulthood, is around 2.3. This includes most of Europe, east Asia, North America and the Caribbean. There are holdouts in a few Muslim countries - but not Iran, where fertility is 1.7 - and many parts of Africa. But rich or poor, socialist or capitalist, Muslim or Catholic, secular or devout, with tough government birth control policies or none, most countries tell the same story.
This hasn't yet stopped the world's population from rising. It stands at 6.8 billion, and is growing by 75 million a year. This is mostly because the huge numbers of young women born during the 20th-century's worldwide baby boom are still fertile: they may typically only have two children each, but that is still a lot of babies. Soon, however, if fertility rates continue to decline, each generation of women will be smaller than the last.
Of course fertility rates may not continue to decline, but to date the evidence of countries that have got down to the replacement level is that they don't stick there, they carry on declining. The reasons for this may have a lot to do with the changing position of women in society. Where men take a greater role in bringing up children, and the state intervenes to help working mothers, fertility rates stay quite close to replacement. Where they do not, then super-low fertility may follow; women, in effect, go on childbirth strike.
Even if the world population does stabilise soon and starts to glide downwards, that won't solve the world's environmental problems. The real issue is not overpopulation but overconsumption - mostly in rich countries that have long since given up adding substantial numbers to their population.
The key problem facing humanity... is how to bring a better quality of life for 8 billion or more people without wrecking the environment entirely in the attemptE. O. Wilson
Take one measure: carbon dioxide emissions. Stephen Pacala, director of the Princeton Environmental Institute, calculates that the world's richest half billion people - that's about 7 per cent of the global population - are responsible for 50 per cent of the world's emissions. Meanwhile, the poorest 50 per cent are responsible for just 7 per cent of emissions. One American or European is more often than not responsible for more emissions than an entire village of Africans.
Every time those of us in the rich world talk about too many babies in Africa or India, we are denying our own culpability. It is the world's consumption patterns we need to fix, not its reproductive habits.
Posted by: MK | 10/01/2009 at 06:39
This is very exciting news, Ben!
We need to take care of each other until things settle down again, and we have our new direction to a free and transparent world.
Posted by: Miriam | 10/01/2009 at 05:50