The Office of International Treasury
Control (国際財務管理機構)のトップはV.C. Danという人物だ。Mr. Dan(ダン)はカンボジアの王室出身であり、
More about the OITC
The man in charge of the secret
organization known as the Office of International Treasury Control (IOTC) is
R.C. Dan. Dan claims to be a Cambodian Prince and now lives in the Thai Royal
family complex in Bangkok, Thailand. The man known to us as whistleblower is an
Australian who used to work for him. The U.S. educated Mr. Dan claims special
privileges in the Senate and the House by the United Nations. These may have
been granted but then again it is hard to find many treaties or agreements the
U.S. has not broken. He claims to be the sole arbiter, owner and controller of
the The international collateral combined accounts of the global debt facility.
He also claims to have 3rd to 5th level security
clearance granted to him by the U.S. Congress. Dan was appointed in 1995 as the
sole arbiter for the Bank of International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland. He
also has the codes for 60 types of special “debt instruments” connected to
a complex combination of countries, treaties, banks and other financial institutions.
Most of these are now in deep trouble because of the quadrillions of dollars of
toxic financial products based on nothing but fiat (out of nothing) money. So
long as the Ponzi scheme known as Wall street collapses and economic discipline
is imposed, the whole mess can be cleared up within 3 years.
These so-called “debt instruments” were created by the U.S. treasury department
over the years and given to countries that have trade surpluses with the U.S.
There are, for example, special sets of boxes specific only to certain
countries or institutions.
The problem is that after nearly a century of issuing these debt boxes, the chickens are coming home to roost. President Obama tried at the recent G8 plus 5 meeting in Italy to borrow more money than George Bush junior did in 8 years. He was told a resounding no. The result should be total economic chaos in the U.S. by September 30th . The good news for the Americans is that it is not the U.S. that is bankrupt but rather a corporation known as the United States of America Corporation headquartered in the independent statelet known as Washington D.C. Once the Feds go down the drain of history, the American people will be provided with extremely generous funding to rebuild their industry and develop suppressed technology. The Pentagon will also be given generous funding to help it transform itself into a more benevolent organization. In the meantime, we know the Feds are not going to go quietly into the night so we have to be extremely vigilant in stopping whatever crazy thing they try next. The question for Mr. Dan is, when are you going to go public and tell the world the truth?
Posted by: 1 | 07/18/2009 at 14:42
this is not directly related but a little
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Thank you for visiting our website.
We at GENEPAX have strived to develop new technologies to enable environment friendly energy systems, to mitigate environmental risks such as those posed by global warming. The systems that we have proposed have received warm words of support from many people. However, we have yet to overcome the many obstacles we face in the current world, to bring our systems to market. Moreover, the costs of development have become very large. As our resources are very limited, we need to retrench and reassess our resources and our development plans at this time, and we are accordingly closing our website.
We express our deep gratitude for the supportive messages we have received. We hope that you will continue to be supportive of efforts to develop cleaner and more environment friendly energies, and we will continue to strive to develop systems to preserve our environment.
February 10th, 2009
Yasuyuki Takahashi
Representative Director
Copyright (C) 2008 GENEPAX CO.,LTD.All Rights Reserved.
Posted by: Laurent Pirard | 07/18/2009 at 01:39
Dear Mr. Fulford,
Somehow, I suspect that the English version of your Japanese text is lacking a few things probably conveyed through inference. R.C. Dan is a bag man for the Octopus isn't he? You are systematically outing all of these folks so that they have no options left. Someone is feeding you the information with the intention of exposing all the various shell games going on around the world simultaneously. I guess this means that all the Ex-intelligence types who had survived on using their financial fraud talents will now have to get real jobs.
Below is copy from a story about the OITC. It was written in 2006. I saw the website relating to Mr. Dan and it explained the comment about the "Australian" whistleblower. The OITC is akin to the Brady Bond scam which extracted committment of resources from third world countries, securitized them and then failed to pay in gold as promised. Actually, that gold disappeared with the World Trade Center II.
With respect to the PLAGUE, I have some comments. The word is spreading. Don't tell your professors, tell your local newspapers, file injunction with county courts and let your states attorney know. Send the information to LOCAL TELEVISION STATIONS not national ones. Local ones are the ones who are reporting on Concentration camps, UFOs and other stories that the national media won't touch. Eventually, when enough local coverage develops, the national media picks up on the story.
NEITHER THE MEDIA NOR STATE GOVERNMENT NOR EVEN THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ARE MONTOLITHIC. The majority of the people working in these organizations don't have any idea what is going on. The culprits are a much smaller cabal within the larger groups. When the facts are presented correctly, most people listen. Just use the documents that Jane has provided (link is on her birdflu666 blog) and the stories about the Marine that almost died from his flu vaccination, the Polish homeless that have died and the other information...those facts plus the fact that the vaccine is UNTESTED will convince the people that you speak to that vaccinating everyone with a highly mutable (it mutates easily) untested vaccine is a bad idea for four very important reasons:
1. Exposing a mutable organism to a lot of different genetic material by vaccinating all kinds of people will ensure THAT IMPOSSIBLE TO ANTICIPATE GENETIC MUTATIONS WILL OCCUR WITHIN THE FLU VIRUS. Those mutations will make the virus more deadly because it will have the keys to many more types of immune systems (remember that we are all different, the more types that the flu runs into, the faster it adapts to humanity itself.)
2. Baxter's vaccines have already proven fatal to large numbers of people during their tests. Even though the Polish homeless were vaccinated with the "avian" flu virus, its failures are indicative of problems with the concept for the vaccine, the labs that handled it or the medium that the vaccine is suspended in. Any one of those reasons means that the swine vaccine won't be much better.
3. Baxter Labs doesn't seem to have very good quality control. Their labs avian flu vaccine was lethal to a large number of homeless Polish people. They sent out LIVE VIRUS in huge quantities in March 2009 to countries around the world. If they are this careless with critical aspects of their processes, what faith can we have in their vaccines? There is no assurance that they won't send out live virus or co-mingled virus in the vaccine.
Police Commissioner cautions on partnership with OITC
Mar 7, 2006, 07:51 Email this page
Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes at a press conference this afternoon (o6/03) strongly advised anyone wanting to go into partnership with the Office of the International Treasury Control (OITC) to exercise caution and common sense as they have found a lot of irregularities with the company and its representative Mr Keith Scott.
Commissioner of Police Andrew Hughes at the press conference this afternoon. On the right is the Acting Director Corporate Communications with the Police Force Ms Sylvia Low
Speaking in his independent capacity of Commissioner of Police, Mr Hughes said the police force has made preliminary enquiries overseas regarding OITC and Mr Scott and nothing that they received gave credence or legitimacy to the organisation and Mr Scott.
“We’ve been monitoring closely the meetings that have been occurring between Mr Scott the representative of the OITC and the Viti Landowners Resource Association particularly the agreement between the two concerning a promise of US$6 billion deposited into a bank to be formed in Fiji through some partnership arrangement.
“What we can say is that the information that we do have at hand leads us to conclude that the proposed transaction is highly irregular, it is questionable and leaves me with a profound level of suspicion.”
Mr Hughes said at the moment there are a lot of unanswered questions but no one has lodged a complaint with Police.
He said if police suspicions are grounded then what happens in this type of cases is that people come forward and make a complaint when it is all too late.
Mr Hughes has therefore urged all those who are associated anyway with dealing to exercise the utmost caution.
“Please do not send any money if its requested as some form of an advanced fee for this transaction to proceed. Do not send any money until a complete and exhausted background check through independent means has been conducted.
“In a deal of this magnitude it is common sense that due diligence is conducted and that the full bona-fides of all parties is ascertained. And at this juncture what I can tell you is that Fiji Police is unable to do that based on our investigations overseas.”
Mr Huhges said while Mr Scott is known by Australian Authorities, he was not at liberty to divulge information on what Mr Scott was known for.
He also said the interesting thing about the whole venture was that the United Nations which deals with Governments does not know anything about OITC and this just leads on to many more unanswered questions and giving everyone a degree of suspicion and doubt that such a venture will really eventuate to the benefit of the landowners.
Posted by: MK | 07/17/2009 at 05:13
I found out some startling, encouraging and horrifying things yesterday that I will put up here because people here seem thoughtful and caring just like Mr. Ben. In the meantime, I think that someone who understands Ukranian or Russian needs to translate this video. The speaker is castigating CHENEY in quite colorful terms. He also states that Cheney and co have the situation in the US so programmed that Russia and Georgia know when they are going to have their next run-in with the American/Nato forces.
In case I recorded the URL information incorrectly, the video is on this specificed URL:
and it is entitled: "Russia Knows What Is Going On." I almost fainted after watching it.
Posted by: MK | 07/17/2009 at 04:11
There is so much wrong with this essay I don't know where to begin...
Military Takeover of the United States: Bush’s Failed Bid
by Bradley Moscrip – TBR News July 13, 2009
One has to question the lack of research into the 911 events from the comments the author has about it.
*Neil Bush was head of the security company that allowed thermite and angular slicing of the major steel beams allowing the collapse.
* many of the "terrorists" were elsewhere and are still alive.
ETC~ I don't have time or space to go into all that is ignorant/uninformed with the authors comments...
IOW Bush was very much involved in the attack.
They are the terrorists.
*Obama continues to block all investigations into all Bush activities.
The information is coming out because of FOIA, not because it is willingly being disclosed by the Obama administration.
* The General who said "Not on my watch~" in regards to any attacks in Iran, was replaced with General Petraeus, who continues on in the Obama Administration.
*Robert Gates continues on as a Bush Republican SOD in the Obama Administration, continuing and expanding the war in "AfPak".
*The current Obama choice for General in Afghanistan is General McCrystall~ a proponent and practioner of torture in Iraq.
*The Obama Administration is chock full of Wall Street insiders covering and continuing the bailout practices of 'Dubya.
*Larry Summers is Obama's Economic Advisor~ still very much hands on in the current Administration.
*Regardless of Justice Dept Memos repudiating John Woo~ rendition continues with the prisoners now heading to Afghanistan prison to be denied Habeus Corpus.
*And let's not forget the push for "Preventative Detention", which was stopped under Bush but is being tried AGAIN with Obama.
*Seven signing statements in 6 months refusing to follow laws Obama was signing.
The seventh was overturned by a bipartisan Majority having to do with circumventing Obama's Legal Responsibility to gain Congressional approval to make treaties and agreements with foreign governments~ related to sending the IMF billions, while also upholding environmental and citizen rights.
I could go on and on...
Any idea that Obama is not continuing in Bushes footsteps to gain control of the People of America is either naive, disingenuous, or deliberate misdirection ~ Bush is the bad guy so Obama can't be.
If you can't get it done with the Republicans, get is done with the Democrats...because most people do not understand the painful truth that there is only One party controlled by the Cabal.
This is being broken down by people like Ben and his group and others.
Posted by: Miriam | 07/17/2009 at 01:05
Ben,if the Nazis running the USA corporation won't go quitely into the dark.
Than they should be silence into the abyss of hell. TORA,TORA,TORA!!!
Posted by: Frank | 07/16/2009 at 03:19
Posted by: arthurb | 07/16/2009 at 01:46
what about this mr canadian citizen
Posted by: arthurb | 07/16/2009 at 01:44
Besides auditing the FED, should it now not be time to hunt down, arrest and prosecute these "too big to fail" criminals...?
See essay below:
Military Takeover of the United States: Bush’s Failed Bid
by Bradley Moscrip – TBR News July 13, 2009
From 2000 through 2008, the United States was in very serious danger of a coup by the Bush Administration, which was actively seeking to establish what would have amounted to a military dictatorship, the suspension of the protection of the Constitution and the virtual abolition of civil rights.
This is by no means the tormented dream of a demented blogger but solid fact and now that the country is rid of George Bush and his Republican party is fracturing even as I write, more and more concrete proof of these statements is emerging into public view.
Let us first consider the general and then move to the more specific.
George Bush was not elected to the office of President of the United States: he was jobbed into office by members of the Supreme Court, (Justices Kennedy, O’Connor, Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas in favor and Breyer, Ginsburg Souter and Stevens in opposition )after a transparent but effective manipulation of the popular vote in Florida, a state run by his brother. Subsequent serious, and in a number of cases proven, allegations of deliberate fraud by the Diebold company, manufacturer of many American voting machines and whose owner was a strong supporter of Bush, swing many important voting districts to Bush.
This entire transparent fraud was commented on subsequently by President Clinton:
“If Gore had been ahead in the vote count and Bush behind, there's not a doubt in my mind that the same Supreme Court would have voted 9 to 0 to recount the vote and I would have supported the decision.... Bush v. Gore will go down in history as one of the worst decisions the Supreme Court ever made, along with the Dred Scott case” My Life, Bill Clinton, Knopf, 2003
Bush was a malliable and not overly intelligent Governor of Texas, a man who was also jobbed into his office through powerful political and business associates of his father, George H. W. Bush, a one-term former president.
Standing behind George W. Bush were three main power groups:
The ultra right wing of the the Republican Party who were strong adherents of a policy that called for support of American business and economic needs and which was imperialistic in global scope.
(Connected to this group was a group of Evangelical Christians who wished to establish a theocracy in the United States’)
The far-right Israeli Likud movement, as manifested by the activities of the so-called Neocons. Their sole reason for existance and their frantic grasp for second hand power was to assure total American military and political support for the state of Israel, regardless of any harm such support might cause the United States;
A multi-layered grouping of American business and economic interests who wished to establish their hegomony firmly both in this country and abroad and who most especially wished the removal of any restrictions on the banking and stock market interests that prevented the cyclical capiltalisic boom-or-bust cycles. These groups also wanted to remove any other governmental controls, such as the EPA rules, that might injure their business. On a personal level, they wished to repeal death duties and to lower their obligations to the government on their annual tax bills.
With Bush officially declared as President, the next step was to secure a permanent Republican majority in all three branches of government to assure total control of the economy, the top judiciary and the legislative branch. But because difficulties might be expected from large sections of the nationalm popluation, some kind of a solution had to be found to establish firm control over that population. Memories of the civil disobedience during the very unpolular Vietnam war were still present in many Americans so when the Bush Administration learned of an on-going plot on the part of Saudi terrorists to attack prominent American targets, it is very obvious that there could be no surprise when the top Bush people made no effort to interdict the known attack or many any effort at saving the lives of thousands of Americans present in areas designated for attack. The information concerning this pending attack came not only from such reliable sources as the German Intelligence, the German government and the Russian government but also from the Isreali government whose foreign intelligence, the Mossad, had specific, hands-on knowledge of the nature, and dates, of the attack.
The obvious reasoning is that if the attack was successful, it would hand the Bush administration a God-sent reason to both mobilize the American public behind certain Bush programs (such as the Cheney-desired plan to invade Iraq and take control over their immense oil reserves) and to give him a very logical and compelling reason to resort to implement martial law in the event of significant public dissatisfactions.
In order to justify these blatantly dictatorial manifestations of maglomaniacial power, the Bush people sought, and obtained, legal opinions that would justify their actions. These opinions argued for a wide range of powers, to be under the office of the president that could supercede any established American law, constitutional right or treaty.
Most of these opinions came from John Yoo, then of the Justice Department and all of these incriminating documents have recently been brought to light.
These documents are available to the American public for the first time and can quickly be seen at:
With the release of these smoking guns, many bloggers made great leaps of reason and stated that these opinions of an opportunistic sycophant were still in force and that the current Administration of President Obama was continuing them.
Nothing could be further from the truth as even a cursory reading of these papers will easily reveal: Memorandum Regarding October 23, 2001 OLC Opinion Addressing the Domestic Use of Military Force to Combat Terrorist Activities (10-06-2008)
These publish memos not only show very clearly what the Bush people had in mind for the American public but also show, very clearly, that the Justice Department said the Yoo memos were not valid, bad law and could not be implemented.
Not as public but equally important is the attitude of the senior leadership of the United States Army which informed President Bush that the U.S. Army would not become involved in the specious establishment of any kind of martial law, based on the fictive ‘War on Terror’ fraud perpetrated on the American people by the Bush lackeys.
It was the refusal of the Army more than the written objections of the Department of Justice lawyers that put a halt to the Bush putsch and which, in the end, coupled with the economic collapse created by the deliberate removal of stock market controls engineered by Phil Gramm, that removed the greatest threat to the United States since Stalin exploded the Russian atomic bomb in the 1950s.
If there was such a thing as actual justice, if one takes into account the enormous amounts of American public money the Bush people squandered on their mindless and failed Iraq war, not to mention at least 4,000 dead Americans (and many, many more maimed both physically and mentally) it would not be unreasonable to call for the arrest and public trial of George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Rove, Feith, Perle and many others and, hopefully, a resulting series of long terms of imprisonment for all of them. It might also be in order to deport most of the Neocons to Israel where they all hold citizenship and for whom most of them have previously worked.
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Last updated 15/07/2009
Posted by: ... | 07/16/2009 at 00:43
This has gone on for long enough. The powers that be need to be executed.
The consciousness of the world has been attacked and manipulated without consequence and must be reconciled immediately. The system is broken. Time to organize a conscious effort towards a new paradigm for humanity is now.
Action. Action. Action. How can those who are awake and aware take action?
Posted by: Universal Soldier | 07/15/2009 at 22:36
1995...that was the year Larry Summers, as Clinton's Under Sec. of Treasury, got money to lend to they were bankrupt. Charged such enormous interest..the mass migration of Mexicans to the US . The debt was paid off early . Greenspan Rubin and Summers thought it was wonderful. New slave labor for the US.
Summers also helped Russia after the iron curtain went down. Created a class of billionaires and large penniless population. It was about this time TBRNews reports last week ..Russia's treasury was stolen.
It is beginning to look like these were planned world wide events to steal as much money as possible. With bush stealing 2 elections as just something to keep our attention off of the real problems.
Posted by: martha thacker | 07/15/2009 at 22:26
Heard anything about this "doomsday box" Goldman-Sachs" got caught with?
One report says that the big banks are being broken up after being caught at their very dirty tricks. Means good news for us all.
Illuminati won't look so bright after that. Just have to keep a close eye on all the other nasties after?
Posted by: michael | 07/15/2009 at 21:31
Posted by: kon | 07/15/2009 at 20:03
Posted by: kon | 07/15/2009 at 17:34
ナイス ブログ気持玉 500 / トラックバック 0 / コメント 75
Posted by: 成田悦子(りさ) | 07/15/2009 at 16:03
I am not sure about you, but I have faith that all will work out fine. Just believe that what you think and focus on, you help create. You thoughts have a lot more power than you give yourselves credit for. So, Thanks Ben. I personally believe that we will all be fine. It amazes me that people give these shadow groups so much power. Like they could wipe out 3 billion on a whim. Guess what, if they could, they would have. So they can't. Think about it. Please stop believing all this scare tactic bullshit. Trust me, they evil ones know about thought and focus and the power it has in creating reality. That is why you are seeing all of this non main stream news about 'secret' coffins, FEMA death camps... it so you put your energy into those thoughts, and help create that reality. People like Ben are focusing on creating a positive outlook, where the good guys win and humanity enters into an age of enlightenment and prosperity. What would you rather have? Just remember, the more you focus and fear those possible outcomes, the more you help create that reality. The more you focus on the good outlooks, the more you help that reality become real.
If this is even remotely possible in your mind, the question then becomes, what do you want?
Posted by: John | 07/15/2009 at 13:00
benjamin what is new the fix was in a long time ago it is nobodies interest to collapse the usa it just means that the financing of the criminal network is finished
Posted by: arthurb | 07/15/2009 at 08:01
In the mean time, every "elected" official is screaming for "new world government", mass vaccinations, internet control, gun nauseum.
I'm sure Goodness and Truth will prevail, it's just we're gonna need luck a little. There are so many brave men and women out there making sure our luck holds too. I as well believe that the million alien ships mentioned by Princess Nakamaru are not just here to watch the show.
The biggest thing we all can do is education. The more that know waht is going on, the more of us that refuse to cooperate with the dark ones. We give these power by cooperating with their systems. If people are told that they can again think for themselves, we shall help accelerate the healing process for us all and for our world.
Posted by: michael | 07/15/2009 at 02:09
Wow, this is big news, I just hope it's true!
Posted by: Mike Hebert | 07/14/2009 at 21:45
Mr. Fulford glad to see you with the fight.
There are still some pressing issues:
1) The "swine flu" biological weapon that was created by Baxter AG (and possibly others) to kill innocent people is still in motion. There are millions of doses still out there. This article shows how Jane Burgermeister exposed them with criminal filings in Austria (a German speaking country) and Czech Republic health officials are highly skeptic and even going so far as saying that Baxter AG and Novartis are complicit and or are the originators.
That is their genocidal plan and it must be stopped. Perhaps your connections over there could be rustled to provide some light to the public on what is going on.
2)These Illuminati still have moles everywhere. They have them in the international "aid" organizations: WHO, UN, UNCED, BIS, and all the big international banks like IMF. The NWO cabal also has moles in most of the large intelligence agencies within the US. The NWO owns the CIA. The NSA has been infiltrated... thoroughly. NSA control is crucial, as it allows them supreme access to knowledge of what is flowing on the internet, in the US and abroad. NWO moles are not only the national government, but also the heads of the state governments. An intelligent person would not be entirely wrong to speculate that they are at the city level as well. Oh and they are also in the universities (I have personal experience of that one -- more later). Also, they rigged George W. Bush's second presidency by the use of Karl Rove. Karl Rove later also right US Attorney Generals who were actually doing their jobs, so they also have election rigging capability.
3) These Illuminati have cash stashed somewhere. Just like a bank robber who did his time in the slammer. The NWO has enough money to cause problems well into the coming years. They still have enough money to carry out acts of terrorism, such as poisoning the water supply around the country, blowing up planes, other forms of sabotage, using evil technology against US citizens and abroad. Still yet, the NWO still can possess the ability to silently pupeteer small governments around the world. I don't think these people are going to step aside at all.
4) Ron Paul and his supporters are charging The FED and are demanding an audit through the power of Congress. I like that Paul has w i d e support and he is saying that he will not be stopped and I like that. But I fear it may be another 9/11 Commision Report, and we all know how that went. The 9/11 Commission Report was a massive coverup. It was blatant. WC7 (Building 7) was not even mentioned, and the vast evidence of the 9/11 truth movement had thrown that government cover-up under the bus.
5) They are Illuminati.
Oh about my personal experience with Illuminati in the universities, I emailed the Jane Burgermeister article on Natural News to my political science teacher and I got no reply. He says he is a republican and after all those lectures in class about big government being bad and such and he doesn't even respond. I called him prior to the email, yet, no response. Its been a month now and its in the Summer.
My speech teacher tried to warn the class. Since she is a teacher at a university she cannot openly proselytize about the evil out there, she has had to tacitly feed it in with the lecture. She showed the class a Naomi Wolf video about the parallels between the Hitler takeover of prior to Nazi Germany and the present state of the US. She knows, and I suspect that another instructor of mines knows also but cannot openly say it. They only teach it subliminally. Sort of like sowing the oats for people realizing that their rights are dwindling and resisting when the takeover is peaking.
Posted by: Fedupwithlies | 07/14/2009 at 16:10
Mr Fulford, my understanding is that, back in the Cold War era, it was US President Ronald Reagan who implemented a very secretive group of seven top people to steal the assets of the Combined Internal Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, by whatever means were deemed necessary. This meant lies, deceit, plunder, destruction of records, plus many other things, including murder and assassination of any who stood in the way. The group, one of which was Lee ("Leo") Wanta, reported directly to the President. There were two top secret classified Presidential Decrees which set this group up. One background script was that the stolen money would be traded and used to financially destabilise the Soviet Union. This, of course, is what happened.
More background here:
Posted by: Alcuin Bramerton | 07/14/2009 at 15:36
Are you making stories ? It is difficult to believe ! I recall your English article, saying that secret government promises big changes, but all we have now is economic crisis. This year, what happen ? More worse ? War ? Or Peace ?
In my eyes, war will happen, you can see the unstable situation around the world : Japan, China, Central and South America, Iran, Cuba.....All are enemies / potential enemies / ex-colonies of the Western world !
Ben, depopulation is unstoppable, if it really exists. If disclosure / big change comes to make people live happier, and release of forbidden technology, I think the whole world will collapse. People are not ready for this, man. In addition, the "dark side" will release its power so easily ? Come on !
Let's see what will happen this year. As FEMA already prepared millions of plastic coffins and stock in Arizona, setup concentration camps in Nevada and Arizona, as well as preparing signs with "Martial Law" in California, you can see genocide in America by Flu Vaccination is coming.
Posted by: Fire | 07/14/2009 at 13:26
more here:
Posted by: Diego | 07/14/2009 at 12:51
Posted by: りさ | 07/14/2009 at 12:49
アメリカに従属することはない」 by 亀井静香
Posted by: tora | 07/14/2009 at 12:36