33rd degree freemason promises the illuminati will change for the better
A 33rd degree freemason visiting Japan as a representative of the Italian illuminati says the secret organization knows it will be losing power. They are very confused and worried about what is going to happen after they lose power, he says. One faction wants to blackmail the world with destructive weapons. Another faction wants to negotiate with people in the “profane” world (ie us unwashed masses). A third faction thinks it is end times and that we must wait for the Messiah.
My suggestion was that they stage a fake Armaggedon show so they can get all this apocalyptic stuff out of their system and the world can return to sanity. My belief is that future generations will conclude that the Messiah was the awakening of the global group mind via the internet.
In any case, I was invited to Italy to talk to the heads of the illuminati. These include people who claim to control the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. It might be worth visiting to see if they are willing to appear before a truth commission as well as support a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
He followed this in 1966 with "Tell It Like It Is" on the Parlo label, and fans pushed it up to #2 on the Pops, and #1 in the R&B. Aaron's delicate, tranquil voice now permeated the radio waves.
Posted by: Ugg boots Sale | 12/01/2010 at 15:50
I don't see it Ben... the human mind is ego based. No one just gives up power. There's something more to this, and yes... the end times scenario would be their best move. The sheep will love this, a new religion for another 500 years.
Posted by: gareth | 06/14/2009 at 05:12
Everyone misses the obvious, that this world is in fact controlled by the one that we do not see, touch, smell or feel.
Posted by: real conservative | 06/13/2009 at 11:51
If Ben was making this stuff up, who would get the movie rights?
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Posted by: K....... | 06/12/2009 at 22:27
I send love to all of you including the dark forces. I wish you can clear your karmic baggage and join the rest of the ascended beings. And I thank you for performing your role throughout the history of mankind.
Posted by: Victor Palacios | 06/12/2009 at 18:21
Hi Benjamin
I have to ask you, why you do not post my writings on your site?
I am not offensive in anyway. I am not off topic.
Perhaps I am too real...& this thought bothers me because if this is so it would mean you are not for real & this would be shattering for myself & your other followers. Shattering despite the fact that most of us have had our doubts but decided, why not use your words as inspiration & hope like hell your INTENT is genuine.
Posted by: judynz | 06/12/2009 at 07:53
"More drastic measures against the population" No! If they could have they would have done these drastic measures already, and what they haven't done, they just haven't had time to yet.
Posted by: WorldHolocaustOmen | 06/12/2009 at 04:26
As you must know by now, the bankers gor an epidemic declared today. Swime flu in the 1970s took 1 life in the US, and the vaccines killed 25 ie genocidal vaccines. The bankerr are not taking this seriously, and never will. WHO = NWO
Posted by: WorldHolocaustOmen | 06/12/2009 at 04:21
Hi Ben,
What do you think of the Japanese Nationals caught with 134.5 Billion in US bonds? (In Italy, trying to get to Switzerland)
It hasn't hit mainstream news in the Western world, and for what reason?
Interestingly, back in March, this exact amount was what the US gov had left in its financial rescue fund
Posted by: Janis | 06/12/2009 at 03:54
to the bible teacher "Jim" I believe you're really a paranoid kid, (recent colloge grad?) who's heard or seen some things, maybe even read them, and think you know a whole lot.. a teacher? Hardly. Your grammatical skills are poor at best and you need to work on them before you continue on your path as an educator (the word is 'than' not 'then'). Until then, refrain from giving esoteric guidance of any sort- you have no credibility.
You should actually go to the Vatican for yourself and not be so fearful of it (ie. when you conjure fear regarding something you make yourself and those who listen: weak).
I look forward to everyone's comments as much as, if not more than, Mr. Fulford's postings as some are often insightful, but I&I (we) frown upon the negativity that persists amongst some of us.
Lets shed this fear and strike out the vanity and sing together a single verse... all together... a "uni" verse
PS. Mariam, on your WHEN PIGS FLY comment- don't be so rash, and realize that we have all witnessed already that swine flu!!! haha
Posted by: leX | 06/12/2009 at 03:08
"stage a fake Armaggedon show so they can get all this apocalyptic stuff out of their system"
That's like allowing a serial killer one more kill.
Posted by: Steph | 06/12/2009 at 03:01
Dear Ben,
Walk lightly while carrying a ninja platoon. I wouldnt trust these guys for a second. Their plan seems to go unfettered so far. Now the WHO has said we are in phase 6 pandemic. Interesting since the US Congress is moments away from auditing the Federal Reserve.
These Games are getting boring and pointless. WE all know it is a scam. We all know this is another excuse for more of our liberties being taken away.
Offer them anything, but our human lives. They have domination for the past 200 years and their days are getting limited.
Posted by: Sam | 06/12/2009 at 02:41
stage a fake armageddon show? what would this consist of? Are you suggesting they use their weapons and technology to cause destruction and convince people of an apocalypse? Im confused, how would this be a good thing
Posted by: bbv | 06/12/2009 at 02:16
Posted by: kon | 06/12/2009 at 00:08
Posted by: kon | 06/11/2009 at 23:58
2 Japanese carrying $134 bil worth of U.S. bonds detained in Italy
Thursday 11th June, 06:18 AM JST
Two Japanese nationals were detained by Italian financial police last week after trying to enter Switzerland with $134 billion worth of undeclared U.S. bonds, mostly Treasury bonds, an Italian daily said Wednesday. The Japanese consulate general in Milan confirmed that the detention had taken place and said it was trying to confirm with Italian authorities whether the two were indeed Japanese nationals and their identities.
According to the report in il Giornale, two unidentified Japanese in their 50s concealed the bonds, including 249 U.S. Treasury bonds each worth $500 million, in a suitcase with a false bottom that was searched by the Italian authorities June 3 when they were in Chiasso, at the border with Switzerland, about 50 kilometers north of Milan. The daily did not say on what charges they have been detained, but the two may have been detained on suspicion of attempting to take a large amount of securities out of Italy without declaring it because the paper said they had not declared the bonds.
Posted by: ericswan | 06/11/2009 at 23:43
I learn a long time ego,as mother nature does,you fight fire with fire,this humanoids sub-species should be exterminated.Look at history,they will never go away,it is a recurring maligned cancer.
They have had no problem in exterminating billions and billions of humans,DO YOU really believe that YOU will make then see the er of the ways?.(for 5 seconds....maybe)Ben I really don't know what to make of you...yet,my hart tells me that ,this and you are bull,sorry man,but I sing it like I feel it.
Posted by: PanchoVilla | 06/11/2009 at 22:33
Benjamin: please check your emails. You obviously have not read what I have been sending you these past few days or so....
Posted by: .... | 06/11/2009 at 22:27
You were invited? Let the beggers come over to you on their own expenses, Benjamin. That's the right way they should behave, right? How come YOU have to go over to meet them, I wonder. That'll surely look like you're one of them, asking for the master's order to be given as an agent in Japan. I'm sure you know all the tactics in publishing from your former career as an editor. Hope you don't waste this opportunity to show your ideas to the whole world. Good luck, anyway, Benjamin.
Posted by: Himemaro | 06/11/2009 at 21:46
You were invited? Let the beggers come over to you on their own expenses, Benjamin. That's the right way for them to behave right? How come YOU have to go over to meet them, I wonder. That'll surely look like you're one of them, asking for the master's order to be given as an agent in Japan. I'm sure you know all the tactics with publishing from your career as an editor. Hope you don't waste this opportunity to show your ideas to the whole world. Good luck, anyway, Benjamin.
Posted by: 秘目麻呂 | 06/11/2009 at 21:33
Posted by: アンビリーブル | 06/11/2009 at 17:06
Good work Benji. The world should be a better place for every single one of us. We have the right to live free on mother Earth like every single illuminati. No slavery, no manipulations no control. WE have grown up, we graduated from diapers and pacifier. We can do this, the golden age is upon us, let us put the darkness behind us and move on.
Posted by: May Siegrist | 06/11/2009 at 15:08
You were invited? Let the beggers come over to you on their own expenses, Benjamin. That's the right way for them to behave right? How come YOU have to go over to meet them, I wonder. That'll surely look like you're one of them, asking for the master's order to be given as an agent in Japan. I'm sure you know all the tactics in publishment from your career as an editor. Hope you don't waste this opportunity to show some of your ideas to the whole world in a decent way. Good luck, anyway, Benjamin.
Posted by: Himemaro | 06/11/2009 at 14:52
The problem for the illuminati is very real. Those who have lost someone or had a lifestyle snatched from them will have some understanding of what they will go through.
(It is important that we realize there are millions directly & indirectly involved in this) These people have been brainwashed for centuries.
Before them is the experience of living in a very black empty hole
& feeling they have nowhere to turn.
(It is important that these people realise at this time, that they have, with deliberation, caused this same state for trillions of humans, throughout their existance.)
Whether others feel sympathy for them or not they have have been an important aspect for our spiritual growth.
We must realize our responsibility for the present state of our world.
The problem for the illuminati has been they havent understood fully the very simple LAW for ALL LIFE but they thought they did. This law has allowed them get as far as they have but
EVERYONE of you has lived lives of suffering because of your actions & because you in fact have NOT understood.
Hence the need for the quote Forgive them father they know not what they do. (the head can know on a level when we do wrong but the key lies in the LAW)
Another aspect that is very sad is,each has experience devastating initiations that have in fact forced them to follow family beliefs & these cut deep into their hearts shaping who they became.
They accepted these as `how life is' because thats all they knew.
Now they need to consider their minds as being a computer.
First, to get rid of the agitation & devastation they will be experiencing. Is to say. HELP ME.
Then, (you could be desparately pacing back & forth) say OVER & OVER....THIS IS GOOD, THIS IS GOOD, (This conflict is proof changes are starting to take place in me & I will allow it to find its natural level.)
This agitation is caused by the knowledge you know changes need to happen but you dont conciously know what to do & your old patterns who have made their HOME in you are fighting to stay at home where they are comfortable, even though you know they do you no good.
Keep determindly declaring THIS (situation) is GOOD.
When you can, speak & FEEL this affirmation.
I fully & freely forgive myself for all past negative thoughts words & deeds I have expressed toward anyone or anything.
I fully & freely forgive anyone or anything for all past negative thoughts, words & deeds they may have expressed toward me.
At last I AM FREE, THEY ARE FREE & together we can build a wonderful world in accordance with natures flow.
This affirmations is a very deep cleanser & cleans out all those Thoughts & deeds you cant remember or dont want to remember.
You start taking control of your changes by doing what you can do easily Further steps will be shown to you as a natural flow.
Perhaps you can start by talking to family & releasing their souls.
Announcing FREE ENERGY & seeing where that takes us.
Giving back monies stolen from THE PEOPLE.
Get rid of MONSANTO. Think about what should be done for ALL those cloned deformed humans & animals you have created...* much more.
Never forget our hearts have been damaged by your actions for generations. Perhaps a biggy is, see how your beliefs in Lucifer are just as eroneous as the publics belief in a god. Man created garbage.
When We can ALL get back to believing in our GOOD within, we will stop behaving like uncivilized monsters.
We chose a path centuries ago, its time to pave a new one.
I see the GOOD in you, I believe in the GOOD in you, now its up to you to see this also.
All the very best
Posted by: judynz | 06/11/2009 at 12:38
yo ben, why would you "suggest" that?!? "My suggestion was that they stage a fake Armaggedon show so they can get all this apocalyptic stuff out of their system"
check out project "blue beam" thats how they"ll do it. it wont be a good thing. ben... that was weird you suggested that. why would you do that?!?
Posted by: is ben for real? ...seriously | 06/11/2009 at 10:48