More about the secret war now raging
People trying to find out what is really happening with the ongoing financial war appear to be confused these days. That is because even at the very top of the world pecking order there is confusion. What my direct sources -as opposed to internet sources like Caspar, Hennegan, Poof, Story, Rense etc.-(my NSA sources tell me they are all reliable but do get fed disinformation from time to time.) tell me is that a new financial system has been set up but that the owners of the Federal Reserve Board do not want to give up their dollar printing press. The result is a stalemate that could drag on for a while yet. As time goes on, the owners of the Fed are losing their power base as their global network is dismantled bit by bit. However, these people ARE NEVER TO BE UNDERESTIMATED and could do something really crazy.
The identities of the people at the top fighting the Feds worldwide need to keep their names secret for protection.
There are several groups who have huge physical holdings of gold and treasure who are united in opposing fiat based monetary systems because the owners of the fiat system have tried to keep these physical holdings out of the monetary system. If these treasures were recognized by the global banking system it would mean a loss of power for the Rothschilds, Papa Bush, Rockefeller and the other owners of dollar and Euro printing presses. In other words, the Feds are being fought by Royal families and industrialists who have real treasure or make real things.
The latest I have on the situation in China is this: The Emperor's name is Chi Yuen Chin. He is a university professor. Remember, he is a Manchu not a Ming emperor. It could be there are also Ming royal family members with hidden treasure but I just do not know. He has truly fabulous amounts of treasure. To give you an idea of how fabulous, think about the national museum in Taiwan. There is a mountain behind the museum filled with treasure (ceramics, gold, government bonds etc.). Every year for the past 60 years they have changed the treasures displayed at the museum. Despite this, they have not come even close to displaying everything that is hidden in the mountain. And this treasure is just one of several secret treasures hidden inside mountains. There are at least two of similar size that I know about on mainland China. I do not know what the Emperor Chin owns but it is apparently fabulous too. I also do not know what his views are.
The treasures I know about can only be used to serve the greater good as determined by a very secret but benevolent society. This society supports the creation of a new monetary system that is more fair to the people and living creatures of the planet.
There are other fabulous treasures in other parts of the world too, such as the Thai Royal Family Treasure and the British Royal Family Treasure.
Leaders of most of the countries of the world are also now united against the Feds. The Feds still control about half the Pentagon, a giant private army of mercenaries and spies, President Obama and his hypnotized human sheep, most senior politicians and the supreme court. Inside the US they are opposed by half of the pentagon, half or more of the people in US government agencies, state leaders and much of the intelligentsia.
The bottom line though, is that the Federal Reserve Board is bankrupt and all its owners can do is play for time and threaten to spread diseases and start war.
Posted by: ドルフィン | 05/10/2009 at 09:56
Let it be so, Zaid.
If things get started today or tomorrow, Ben, not anyone will be able to stop it until total catharsis.
And, Good will eat popcorn and watch it, for every action is an equal an opposite reaction. Its the law of the universe.
As for me, I am a citizen of the universe. I await my next position in the universe...protecting and supporting life which is Good.
NWO mocks Good. It is not real.
Posted by: Saint Cheez | 05/08/2009 at 09:46
Great post, Ben. Interesting stuff, and an accurate overview of the financial war currently being waged.
Thanks for your postings, sir ... it is much appreciated.
Posted by: John M. McGuire | 05/08/2009 at 08:56
Catalizzatore del Nuovo Umanesimo Nascente.
Creazione del Nuovo Mondo che sarà, anzi che già è.
Movimento Religioso Spirituale Etico Apolitico.
Si resti nel grembo della propria Religione
abbracciando L’Unione Unitaria delle Religioni.
Ci si riappropri della interiore identità di appartenenza.
JURM Ben ISman
Posted by: JURM Ben ISman | 05/08/2009 at 00:21
U-R-G-E-N-T!!!! TO MUNKEY JUNKEY:(In all sincerity & seriousness) Sir(I assume), I believe you say what you mean, and mean what you say. Rare, indeed. Precious, actually..... The top predator-Satanist-Illuminati MUST be taken out, soon, or BILLIONS will be dead as a result of them continuing unchecked, the way they currently are.They do as they fucking please, and people are dying, and genocide insanity is just around the corner. Personally, I think they already released another "new-improved" version of SARS. I have no proof, though. ALL the TRAITORS OF HUMANITY in China, should also be taken out. WAVE YOUR HAND, SIR. PLEASE! On behalf of what is left of SOVEREIGN human's on the surface, I request this. Thank you. FOR EVERYONE ELSE'S info, here is the man's QUOTE: "Oh and here is one more thing Ben.
Aside from your interview with Rockefeller ( which was staggering mind you ), nothing you say EVER comes to fruition.
Do you know how I do it?
Do you know how I make things happen?
I just think about it and wave my MUTHAFUKIN hand...
And it happens.
Maybe you need to take a lesson...
Posted by: munkey junkie | 05/06/2009 at 12:54
Okay I'm gonna spit this out.
Ben I think you know who I am and what I "could" do if I wanted to.
I could end this in a few weeks.
And the U.S. agencies know it as well.
But that is a moot point right now.
I'm calling you out.
Where is your Japanese independence movement?
Where is your attack on media shills who don't confess to a bioweapon?
Where is your purging of corrupt officals?
Where are your ninjas?
Where is your super technology?
Where is you journalistic integrity?
Where is reality Ben?
Where is it?
Posted by: munkey junkie | 05/06/2009 at 12:41 "
Posted by: stvn | 05/07/2009 at 20:05
Don't forget the Japanese Royal Family Treasure.
With perhaps more gold than any other noble house or entity.
You can read about it in GOLD WARRIORS by Sterling Seagrave.
By the way, they tried to do the Georgia war 8-8-08.
If they are buying time, Sept. 9 seems to be the purchase.
If you are crazy people into numerology and faux-apocalyptics.
And are desperate to keep to a time line.
Which seems to be the case.
Posted by: goodegg | 05/07/2009 at 14:07
Salaam Mr. Fulford,
This appears to me to be another Hegelian scheme: 'Good cop' vs 'bad cop' scenario. The Illuminati need to be 'taken out' without mercy. I agree that a non-cultish elite would serve everyone much better, but what makes you think for one moment that the 'British Crown' is worthy of such company as the oriental monarchs with their hidden treasures?
dr omar zaid, m.d. Research Fellow, ISTAC, KL, Malaysia
Posted by: Omar Zaid, M.D. | 05/07/2009 at 09:24
an interest based finance system can and will NEVER work.
it will always reward the people that create the shortage of money and transfer wealth from the poor - the one's that have to lend money and pay it back plus interests - to the rich.
this is the pull of the system.
and this is why I do NOT believe in change by the chinese or russians or any other totalitary regime that is based on power - and they are ALL based on the same power mechanisms.
it is still true that
"There is no power representing the good or the just ... Power, whomsoever exercises it, is the Devil, the corrupter of man."
- Thucydides 460-395 BC (Ancient Greek historian remembered for his history of the Peloponnesian War, c.430 BC)
something other will come, it has been promised
we still have to go through half of the seven years of the biblic time of affliction, before we get the thousand years of peace
always keep in mind: apo-kaly-psi = of good power (greek)
Posted by: beast666killer | 05/07/2009 at 07:27
I have a somewhat different view of what Obama is attempting to accomplish. I understand that he has appointed some of the very people that has created this problem over the last 40 years, but who better to dismantle this situation than the very makers themselves. I have been observing the very subtle things that he has been doing. One observation is of the full endorsement of France, who kicked out the illuminati years ago. His very low flight over Goldman-Sachs. Requiring that Georgetown (a Black pope unit) cover a symbol they "claim" is a symbol for Jesus. (By the way any "symbol" for Jesus is blasphemy) Also upon a cursory observation he does not (after becoming president) flashed any of the hand signs and handshakes. If I am wrong in this assertion please let me know.
What I do feel he needs is some way to gain greater control over the pentagon.
Posted by: stephanie | 05/07/2009 at 02:09
I'm confused by the plan to bankrupt americans by printing more and more money, so they become worthless, so the federal reserve board can claim all the land and houses from the citizens who no longer can pay.... - ...... and then this notion that the Federal Reserve Board themselves are "broke" ?
It sounds like one and the same thing, but is being displayed both as something good and bad, for the Federal Reserve Board?
Posted by: Brian Floe | 05/07/2009 at 01:55
I'm sorry but I would trust the British Royals with my laundry. The reason were in this pickle is because of the machinations that their "secret societies".
I think the Rockerfeller faction is one of their products that they lost control of.
Posted by: Mutt | 05/07/2009 at 01:34
Before Japan or any nation accepts Jews into their country there are issues that must be addressed. Some of which are detailed in the following article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Link: http://rense.com/general85/shame.htm
America's Shame
By Paul Craig Roberts
Why does Israel have a right to exist, but Palestine doesn't?
This is the question of our time.
For sixty years Israelis have been stealing Palestine from Palestinians. There are maps available on the Internet and in Israeli publications showing the shrinkage over time of what was once Palestine into what Palestine is today--a small number of unconnected ghettos or bantustans.
Palestine became "the occupied territory" from which Palestinians were ejected and Israeli settlements built for "settlers." Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are full of refugee camps in which Palestinians driven off their lands by Israeli force have been living for decades.
Driving people off their land is strictly illegal under international law, but Israel has been getting away with it for decades.
Gaza is a concentration camp of 1.5 million Palestinians who were driven from their homes and villages and collected in the Gaza Ghetto.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency was created 60 years ago in
1949 to administer refugee camps for Palestinians driven from their lands by Israel. As of 2002, the registered Palestinian refugee population was 3.9 million.
Caterpillar Tractor makes a special bulldozer for Israel that is designed to knock down Palestinian homes and to uproot their orchards. In 2003 an American protester, Rachel Corrie, stood in front of one of these Caterpillars and was run over and crushed.
Nothing happened. The Israelis can kill whomever they want whenever they want.
They have been doing so for 60 years, and they show no sign of stopping.
Currently they are murdering women and children in the ghetto that they have created for Palestinians in Gaza. The entire world knows this. The Red Cross protests it. But the Israelis brazenly claim that they are killing "Hamas terrorists who are a threat to Israel's existence."
The American media knows that this is a lie, but does not say so.
Israel has been able to slowly exterminate a people for sixty years without provoking sufficient outrage to stop it.
The United States, "Christian America," has been Israel's greatest enabler in its long-term murder of the Palestinian people. Millions of "evangelical Christians" endorse Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
The rest of the world condemns the Israeli military attack on the Gaza Ghetto. Last week the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution requiring a ceasefire and the withdrawal of the Israeli SS from Gaz a.
The United States abstained.
While the rest of the world condemns Israel's inhumanity, the US Congress--I should say the US Knesset--rushed to endorse the Israeli slaughter of the Palestinians in Gaza.
The US Senate endorsed Israel's massacre of Palestinians with a vote of 100-0.
The US House of Representatives voted 430-5 to endorse Israel's massacre of Palestinians.
The resolutions endorsed by 100% of the US Senate and 99% of the House were written by AIPAC, as were the speeches praising Israel for its inhumanity.
The US Congress was proud to show that it is Israel's puppet even when it comes to murdering women and children.
The President of the United States was proud to block effective action by the UN Security Council by ordering the Secretary of State to abstain.
Be a Proud American. Swagger and strut. Pretend that you are not besmirched by the shame that your government has heaped upon you. Take refuge in your ignorance, fostered by 60 years of Israeli lies, that the murder of Palestinians and the theft of their lands is "Israel's right of self-defense
Posted by: pfj | 05/07/2009 at 00:15
Posted by: norio_cyan | 05/06/2009 at 23:58
The sad reality is nihilism is necessary. The infrastructure on the planet is a blight. It cannot be sustained and can only be a stepping stone into a future bright if a sea change of love versus hate, sharing versus greed, equality versus class etc.
Posted by: eric swan | 05/06/2009 at 23:45
Posted by: tora | 05/06/2009 at 23:18
Most Americans are freightened by the idea of a one world monetary system and most average Americans know something weird is currently going on within our World. For anyone who reads these comments; if you do not already know, we are not alone in the Universe. The Human Beings of Earth need to learn to live together in Peace. Other life forms in the Universe are thousands of years more advanced and civilized than us. Many are very "Christ like" in nature and are looking out for our best interests. They do help us behind the scenes. Earth is a beautiful planet and they do not want to see it destroyed. It is very important that the people and all living things on Earth live in peace and harmony. If not, human greed and the need for control will ultimatly destroy the Earth as we know it. We all need to have faith that everything will pan out the way it is supposed to.
Posted by: Kay | 05/06/2009 at 22:56
Based on my research, it appears that the elite powers are integrated, but have historical divisions along the lines of:
1) Imperial / hereditary power – Kings & Queens, the Vatican, the bloodline descendants of the Habsburgs, Medicis, etc.
2) Corporate / money power – Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bush and other bankers and industrialists. This side also seems to have stronger connections with freemasonry, secret orders like the Jesuits, Mormons, etc. and exerts a lot of control over intelligence and military affairs.
This may sound counter-intuitive to some people. But when you start looking at the history of religious conquest, reformation and counter-reformation, you'll see the pagans destroyed by the Catholics, who are destroyed by the Lutherans, who are destroyed by the Jesuits. These were nasty, bloody genocides, and secret societies were a way of keeping power underground until it could be re-exerted to put certain interests back in power of regions, nations, etc.
Ben, what I worry about with your point-of-view (and the whole anti-NWO movement) is that the "fiat money crime gang" may be deposed, only to be replaced with a globalist imperial system based on the ancient gold reserves of Babylonian kings and queens, and back around the wheel we go.
It seems to me that the only real revolutions are ones that respect the inviolability of the individual man in a relationship with his/her creator, and that use government cooperatively for mutual benefit.
I'd love nothing more than to see Africa lifted out of poverty – but I want that to happen in a way that gives Africans control of their resources, access to technology, and local self-government so they can do the lifting (with some assistance from the West perhaps).
I think the danger is that money will be redirected to Africa as the Chinese are now doing – turning into a modern, somewhat benevolent slave plantation, paid for with the devaluation of western currency.
Basically, the answers were already laid out by Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, and a long line of other leaders who paid the price for telling the truth. I won't go along with a "benevolent" system run by slave-drivers.
Posted by: Old Trusty | 05/06/2009 at 22:54
Excellent synopsis, Ben!
Glad you keep putting that together so the bigger picture can be seen.
The specifics keep changing, but the story remains the same.
Soon, we hope there will be a new way of life, with these criminals dealt with properly.
Posted by: Miriam | 05/06/2009 at 22:43
Yes this sounds reliable.
A longer time ago I was presuming that even in the circles of those who are achieving more domination of the world are people who are not Satan-Worshipers and not evil at all,- seems as a few of them could change their mind if they haven't yet. At last when circumstances are being moderated into another direction than maybe expected those will try to save their own lifes and will be good prepared for compromises.
Just the higher ranks in military are belonging to the best informed people at all. That's because for example a general cannot ill afford to start a battle without having caught all available informations before. Due to this kind of routine they often know and see more than any politician. So it wouldn't be strange to me if not some of them will fight plans of FEDs that would harm the inteests of the USA and their people.
Maybe heads have to roll- we will experience that..... Finally after this not absolutely astonishing news brought by by Mr. Fulford, I think we can draw hope from it with good cause.
Posted by: Mortimer | 05/06/2009 at 19:58
Posted by: 信長 | 05/06/2009 at 19:08
there is really going on something big. On danish television there was a scientist, who has confirmed scientifically that the WTC was destroyed by explosives.
This is a really breakthrough.
Concerning the Bush-S&B-fraction: Yes, we really have to fear something crazy. For instance a nuclear attack on the Wall Street in the end of 2009 or the first half of 2010, when the economic crisis get's really serious. If it becomes evident for the public of the world, that the US and the FED are bankrupt, then they may be tempted to blow up the financial center of the US for several reasons: (1) Declaring of martial law (2) Telling the world public: Maybe we are bankrupt, but we do not know, because all our computers are destroyed (3) Having an excuse for a complete economic desaster in 2010. (4) Starting WW3.
To Benjamin: I think it would be very important to spread this scenario, because the more it is talked about the more unlikely it is that this will come true. If these gangsters know that their plans are seen through, they may also realize, that their tricks will not work any more and that using another dirty trick will make their situation even worse. Please talk about possible generated desasters like the one above at RENSE so that as many people as possible are not be fooled again.
Best Regards,
Posted by: Sokrates | 05/06/2009 at 16:58
It's been obvious for some time that there is a real battle going on inside the halls of U.S. national government. Those with power over the dark forces (those who would even consider spreading pandemic diseases) seem to be pushed into a corner now. They are getting desperate and using their endgame plans to fight back against the "useless eaters" that they have so long despised. But, knowledge of their planning and movements is now out in the public view for all to see. And, the awake and aware masses are growing exponentially thanks to the constant stream of alternative news that has been available for over a decade now.
We must all envision the total collapse of the Federal Reserve System and the global central banking system. We must visualise that this nightmare has come to an end. They are MOST afraid of the power of your mind and what it can accomplish when two or more minds focus on a single idea. They know They are losing their grip because of their own greed and corruption. They ARE losing!
Posted by: Seekntruth | 05/06/2009 at 13:37
Oh and here is one more thing Ben.
Aside from your interview with Rockefeller ( which was staggering mind you ), nothing you say EVER comes to fruition.
Do you know how I do it?
Do you know how I make things happen?
I just think about it and wave my MUTHAFUKIN hand...
And it happens.
Maybe you need to take a lesson...
Posted by: munkey junkie | 05/06/2009 at 12:54
Okay I'm gonna spit this out.
Ben I think you know who I am and what I "could" do if I wanted to.
I could end this in a few weeks.
And the U.S. agencies know it as well.
But that is a moot point right now.
I'm calling you out.
Where is your Japanese independence movement?
Where is your attack on media shills who don't confess to a bioweapon?
Where is your purging of corrupt officals?
Where are your ninjas?
Where is your super technology?
Where is you journalistic integrity?
Where is reality Ben?
Where is it?
Posted by: munkey junkie | 05/06/2009 at 12:41
So you consider Casper to be credible.
What about all of that "The packs are on the move", "The packs are in Treasury", "We expect deliveries tomorrow" rubbish that he's been posting for the past century?
Posted by: S. Carson | 05/06/2009 at 12:10