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もしよければ、[email protected] にメール下されば、








C.E.S.A.R.A could still be implemented..that might solve the "multi-trillions" issues.

Bellringer now claims Obama has been cloned. He made several statements about Bush and others (Kissinger etc..as have others..STORY

CESARA* remember is NESARA + GESARA + "the full return of the Element
115 & related technologies left to the secret government by the Sirian
B Greys. We would have to wait for CENTRAL RACE to approve this..but
credit would be given for 100-200 possibly 500 inhabitable Earth-like
world containing starsystems + 'major chunks of gold, platinum, related
rare-elements' deposited as huge 1000m x 1000m x 1000m 'cubes' near Area51 landing zones". Metals worth 5-10 trillion, planetary systems
(which space telescopes might verify) est. 1000-2500 Trillion current US Currency IF valued 2.5-10 Trillion per each system.

We would then be on Star Trek's STAR CREDIT system.

ww alt email: [email protected]

*( C is for "COSMIC"...this info and related Tau 9 materials posted on
Ron Paul's FED RES proposals & linked to Rumor Mill News site Oct 08)

d redy

while these meetings go on in Europe it is interesting that in Italy, today, there was a significantly strong earthquake. I recall that Ben mentioned Italy was one of the few countries that have rejected and thrown out "Illuminati" representation

I=if you're reading this, Ben, I wonder if you feel this is worth looking into since you're big on the HAARP theory


You can't educate I
of no "equal opportunity"
Talkin' 'bout my freedom,
Freedom and liberty!

Babylon system is the vampire,
suckin' the children day by day.
The Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers...

Building church and university,
deceiving the people continually,
them graduatin' thieves and murderers;
Look out now

Tell the children the truth.
Come on!

-Robert Nesta Marley



The more I read, the more it seems there is much truth in the White House/ China connection.

I would fit too that the royals/redshields/illuminaty would have had control of that country for years, probably from the days of the opium wars.

Rockerfeller has much adored the social machinations of that country since the days of Mao and has praised it many times. It is what he dreams for all humanity (under the guise of socialism).

The money trail needs to be exposed before the world will stand up for itself. Six million Ninjas? Will they be enough? It seems that nothing at all is at it seems?


Hi Ben,

I think we have to be very careful. To install the illuminati NWO they might try to make us think that they are defeated. The IMF is still an institution that was founded by the illuminati bankers and served as an agency for many years.

All financial systems based on debt will lead to crisises like the present one. So we need a very radical change to lead the mankind to a better future.

Best Regards,



NHKドキュメント JAPAN国際デビュー?

報道を自国のFirst tv program でみなければならないんだ?



日本では、侍も刀も廃止され、どの程度内戦が起きて、多くの人が悩んで死んだか? 日本人は、(一部の天才以外)本当の意味で他国と仲良くする事なんて出来ないんだから、あくまで政治相手としていけばいい。






The 'Seeds of Destruction' beyond IMF and G20 are not defeated at all.... remembering Mr. Fulfords comments on agriculture and mass-starvation, depopulation-program and famine-producing I found this very interesting article by William Engdahl, who is critizising since years the misregulation of placing-practice related to derivates.
He has got some own ideas on the origin and develepoment of the subprime crisis too.

But despite that he examined the politics of Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow Chemical, DuPont and the involved Rockefeller-Foundation as well.

Please look at this- -

-> http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7529


Dear Ben,
I wish you could give more substantial facts in your blogs. NWO seems to marching along quite nicely. The IMF is a tool of the NWO thugs. They are crippling the US and Canads et al are on the hit list. Forget the AMERO, it is now the SRI whatever that will be.

Obama has sold out to the Bankers/Illumanti. He has very little maneouvering room in the White House with Bankers/Wall Street on one side and Israel/Zionist Rahm Emmanual on the other side. Obama is a counsin of Dick Cheney. Obama went to pay homage to the Queen, the first president do ever do to so. The Queen is racist and part of the Black Nobility, but you knew this already.

I understand you have contacts we, the rest of the populas, do not have in Asia. However, it would be nice that you could back up your statements with some back sources or other references. Otherwise, Im finding it very hard to see 'rose-coloured glasses' reality you see.

The IMF memebership spells doom for EU and North America. In Canada, parliament seems to be jumping head over heels the IMF things our economy is peachy.












Just one thing id like to ask/clear up.

I was of the understanding that the IMF is essentially the tool of european banking interests, with the Rothschilds being the dominant force. It would seem to me that after J.P Morgan served his usefulness to the Rothschild's as a mannager of their financial affairs in the U.S the Rockefellers took Morgans place. After his death it was found that J.P Morgan owned only a fraction of his supposed assets and most of the rest was really owned by Rothschild. This is probably the case with the federal reserve.

By pumping for the IMF you are really in support of the high-emperors of world finance and the major financial string pullers of the last 200 years - Rothschild.

We dont need a global ANYTHING at the moment. Different area's of the world need to turn inwards to themselves for a period of perhaps 10 or 20 years to heal from the effects of globalisation and reject the clutches of debt. What can then emerge is healthier independent countries with a more aware populace and THEN the debate can begin.

Anything with the GLOBAL stamp on it at the moment is designed by the hyper-rich for the hyper-rich.

When i hear about national debts being called off by the private institutions that hold them then ill start smiling at so-called reforms.


二階堂ドットコム http://www.nikaidou.com/ は障害者を虐めたくなったようです。




I meant 4/4/09



Did you read the 3/4/09 Casper update?
What do you think?



I admire what you are trying to do but I think unless all the governments of the world are not held accountable the Banksters will win. Even though the G-20 was not fully successful, it did accomplish the most important thing, the agreement on a new global currency (SDR) which will become the global reserve currency over time, once all the countries lose their sovereignty under the IMF, WORLD BANK, WTO framework.

I found this video on youtube: it is about 3 mins and he gives a great important synopsis of the G20 communiqué:


He is absolutely right, the parasites of the NWO are winning, one small step at a time. None of the developed or powerful BRIC countries are willing to take them on and avoid the Trifecta (IMF, WTO,WB). We already know that China is NWO (THEIR CENTRAL BANK INVESTED LAST YEAR IN THE ROTHSCHILD INVESTMENT HOUSE) and we know Russia is NWO, the only one I am not sure about is India.

But the thing is, that the developing economies, including BRIC want to feel important and want o have a seat at the table, the West is exploiting their insecurities that have arisen out colonialism by speech [(example of fake flattery -Obama calling” China great”), these hollow words makes China feel great] and actions (reforming the IMF to give higher shares to the developing world). But ultimately, the NWO is laying the trap and I don’t believe that the BRIC countries don’t know what the traps are, they KNOW. They are selling out their citizen’s future to slavery, just so they feel important as having a say in NWO imperialist colonialist contraptions, the IMF, WB, WTO.

As you can see in the video, the G20 communiqué permits the implementations of global financial regulations much like the EU which supersede national financial regulation, hence the first shot across the bow by the NWO towards national sovereignty, and guess what, all the countries agreed to the communiqué wording, the BRIC countries even want a greater say on the regulation board.

Herein, my basic assessment is that countries like the BRIC are blinded by what the IMF is offering them: grater shares, more say, and etc., the West has cleverly exploited their insecurities of wanting importance in international affair by throwing them the above crumbs and entrapping the BRICs in the NWO web of deceit because ultimately, the BRICs have voluntarily given up their national sovereignty to the NWO by agreeing to work under the evil NWO umbrella organizations, IMF, WTO, WB; no greater proof than the developing countries of the G20 rubber stamping the G20 communiqué.

The BRICs think they have leverage, but whatever leverage they had was simply given up voluntarily by agreeing to work under the auspices and framework of the NWO organizations. Funny isn’t it what people will do just to feel that they are EQUAL to others and just as important. It is just like when the NWO recruits fresh agents, like Kissinger, Brzezinski , Bush, and other minions; they wine and dine them make them feel just as important as the Aristocrats but all along they are thought of by the Aristocrats as unequals and servants.

The G20 meeting was the same thing, a great PSY-OPS operation, to make the former colonies (China, Indonesia, India, Brazil etc) think that the world had changed and their growing economies mean that they deserve equality in international affairs, but instead the white NWO families of Europe are laughing behind their back as how easy it was to manipulate them by simply giving these BRICs and others ego boosts by speech and actions that are hollow, in reality have truly made them colonies once again by talking away their short-lived national sovereignty ( 50-60 years of independence from colonialism) again from them under the framework of the IMF, WB,WTO; basically trapping them in a web they wouldn’t willingly want to escape from because BRICs have the illusion of importance and equality.

The Vedic traditions of over 12 thousand years ago which are the most accurate to date [(look up eminent archaeologist Michael Cremo and his book Forbidden Archeology) – a video has a French 30 sec beginning but the rest of his lecture is on the Hidden History of Mankind and Debunks Darwin and the Theory of Evolution is in english:

and the traditions are outlined by Cremo.

The reason I mention Cremo is that as a spiritual person, Ben, you probably know this already, but your readers may not, that Vedic traditions and Cremo substantiates this, that our mankind goes though 4 cycles (Kritha Yuga 1,728,000 years,Tretha Yuga 1,296,000 years, Dwapara Yuga 864,000 years, Kali Yuga 432,000 years - All the four yugas combined together is called Maha Yuga) and we are currently in the Kalyug cycle of Kali Age, the age of Destruction.

Apocalypse in Vedas is the natural ending of the world in the fourth age, the Kali Age.

It is one of a series of apocalypses, each of which marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another creation. Out of Destruction will come Construction, Kritha Yuga, a new age, the dawn of peace.

But meanwhile according to Vedic text in KalYug (current age we are living in) these things will happen:

*All kings occupying the earth in the Kali Age will be wanting in tranquillity, strong in anger, taking pleasure at all times in lying and dishonesty, inflicting death on women, children, and cows, prone to take the paltry possessions of others, with character that is mostly vial, rising to power and soon falling.

*They will be short-lived, ambitious, of little virtue, and greedy. People will follow the customs of others and be adulterated with them; peculiar, undisciplined barbarians will be vigorously supported by rulers. Because they go on living with perversion, they will be ruined.

*Dharma becomes very weak in the Kali Age. People commit sin in mind, speech, and actions.

*Quarrels, plague, fatal diseases, famines, drought, and calamities appear. Testimonies and proofs have no certainty. There is no criterion left when the Kali Age settles down.

*People become poorer in vigor and luster.

*They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false, and avaricious (i.e. NWO Illuminati).

*Bad ambitions, bad education, bad dealings, and bad earnings excite fear.

*The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful.

*Many sudras (UNTOUCHABLES) will become kings, and many heretics will be seen (i.e. Saudi royalty, European royalty, Rothschild Dynasty – all started by poor men).

*There will arise various sects; sannyasins wearing clothes colored red.

*Many profess to have supreme knowledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood (i.e. Bilderberg, Club of Rome, CFR, Kissenger, etc).

*In the Kali Age, there will be many false religionists (i.e. Illuminati satanic religion, Scientology, etc).

*India will become desolate by repeated calamities, short lives, and various diseases (HIV, AIDS, HN51, BIRD FLU).

*Everyone will be miserable owing to the dominance of vice and Tamoguna (i.e. the oppressed poor of the world in China, Africa, South America, etc.

*People will freely commit abortion (i.e. Europe, India, China, etc).

*Earth will be valued only for her mineral treasures.

*Money alone will confer nobility (i.e. Rothschilds, Rokerfeller, FED banking families, etc..

*Power will be the sole definition of virtue ( Rothschilds, Rokerfeller, etc).

*Pleasure will be the only reason for marriage (i.e. child marriages in Middle East, etc).

*Lust will be the only reason for womanhood.

*Falsehood will win out in disputes (G20, IMF, WTO, WB. Corporate controlled Media, etc, at the UN, Powells case of Iraq’ Weapons of Mass destruction won over the UN body, etc)

*Being dry of water will be the only definition of land (Sahara desert, etc.

*Praise worthiness will be measured by accumulated wealth (Rothschilds, Rokerfeller, etc).

*Propriety will be considered good conduct, and only feebleness will be the reason for unemployment.

*Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship (USA, think tanks).

*Only those without wealth will show honesty.

*Just a bath will amount to purification, and charity will be the only virtue.

*Abduction will be marriage (i.e. Islamic and Mormon child marriages).

* Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety.

*Any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site (i.e. current and future water shortages).

*The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth.

*Oppressed by their excessively greedy rulers, people will hide in valleys between mountains, where they will gather honey, vegetables, roots, fruits, birds, flowers and so forth.

*Suffering from cold, wind, heat and rain, they will put on clothes made of tree bark and leaves.

*And no one will live as long as twenty-three years (NOW gemocide, bi-terrorism, mass starvation program, Eugenics).

* Thus in the Kali Age humankind will be utterly destroyed

Doesn’t the above, word for word seem like what is going on around us, so according to Cremo, there have been many civilizations before us, more advanced than us, and they perished. And that will happen to us eventually, the NWO will not succeed in the long-term because they are going against what nature and what it stands for and nature will have its revenge upon them, you cannot enslave humanity and spirituality, HUMANITY WILL RECONQUER; I am hopeful Ben, in the future Evil will not succeed, it cannot go against the 4 cycles.

I might not see to live it happen nor my children but it will happen. But we can’t give up and sacrifices will be made on behalf of righteousness, good, and humanity.


Ben's just another misinformation specialist, and it saddens me that there are people who seem to blindly believe in all he has to say. There is, however, a lot of truth mixed in with the nonsense .... the last post was nonsense.

A secret society is a secret society, and whether or not the Asians want "world peace" as Ben puts it, doesnt mean they want the people of this world to be free, therein lies the difference.

Until we (the people) take control we will always be the puupets to their strings. Live as free individuals and freedom will come to us all, live like sheep and you know how this will end.

Love. Love your friends, neighbours, animals, yourself, the planet, and love your enemies or those who cause harm, because they are not capable of such emotions. Love does conquer all, don't let them get you caught up in everything else (which are just distractions). Love is the only truth, everything else is an illusion!

Brian Jacob

I would take EVERYTHING that came out of the G20 meeting with a huge grain of salt. The smashed windows and other acts of "resistance" were clearly acts of agent provocateurs, as illustrated by the repeated acts of a single individual surrounded by a complete phalanx of cameras with nary a police officer in the picture. Clearly, the staged violence was set up to discredit the true resistance movement. To what degree it was successful remains to be seen.

But with that said, it's clear that the whole point of the G20 was to float a lot of disinfo in the hope that it would stall/mislead the resistance. Sorry to say, Ben, but I think you are helping to spread this disinfo. Hopefully this is an act of naivete and not an overt act of an active participant in the scam...

eric swan

NESARA is not on the table. The only thing unfolding is Revelation. When Baxter can ship out infected flue virus vaccine to 4 European countries, that is a sign.

Baxter International, which is based in Deerfield, Ill., said the contamination was the result of an error in its Austrian research facility.

Christopher Bona, Baxter's director of global bioscience communications, explained it as the result of a combination of "just the process itself, (and) technical and human error in this procedure."

As for the feared mixing of the viruses, called reassortment, an official of the World Health Organization's European operation believes the potential disaster was contained.

"We have no evidence of any reassortment, that any reassortment may have occurred," said medical officer Roberta Andraghetti. "And we have no evidence of any increased transmissibility of the viruses that were involved in the experiment with the ferrets in the Czech Republic."

The Canadian Press reports the 36 or 37 people exposed to the virus have received medical attention and do not appear to be infected.

Bona further told reporters that Baxter assisted in destroying the contaminated material and cleaning up the European laboratories where it was distributed. He says his company has determined where the error occurred and has taken steps to ensure it doesn't happen again.

"For this particular incident," said Dr. Angus Nicoll of the European Center for Disease Control, "the horse did not get out (of the barn)."

Dr. Nicoll, however, also pledged that the ECDC and WHO are taking the matter "seriously."

The Canadian Press reports investigations are ongoing in each of the four countries where the viruses were shipped, all under the watch of the ECDC and WHO.

The Press also reports that a number of biosecurity experts have expressed dissatisfaction with the explanation of simple error. As a biosafety level 3 facility (out of a maximum of four established safety levels, each requiring different safety precautions), the experts insist, the co-mingling of human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses should not be allowed to happen.

The H5N1 virus, Reuters reports, has infected over 400 people in 15 countries since 2003, killing 254 of them and leading to the culling of millions of birds around the world to contain it.

Baxter International makes flu vaccines – including a human H5N1 vaccine in process of being approved – at a facility in the Czech Republic.



And I was feeling so hopeful...and then I found this~
As we say~ the devil is in the details..
So here is a detail of a scam~
French Judge Exposes Fraud of G20 Tax Haven Regulation

April 3, 2009 (LPAC)--(Paris) The triumphant announcement of Sarkozy saying that "the time of banking secrets is over," was sharply ripped into pieces by the French judge Jean de Maillard, a specialist of financial crime in today's Liberation.

De Maillard says one should contemplate the FBI's famous saying "a woman cant be a little bit pregnant" when one deals with tax havens. Two attitudes are possible towards tax havens, a rhetorical one and a regulatory one. The G20 went for the first attitude. Instead of adopting the necessary means to outlaw them, or at least announce the objective of driving them out of business, the G20 only talks about sanctions against those that are "uncooperative." "Undoubtedly," says de Maillard, "that the state of Delaware or the City of London will never be considered as non-cooperative, while in reality the City is one of the most important and opaque financial markets of the world."

Of course, anybody looking to the published list by the OECD of tax havens realizes something is wrong. Only four countries figure on the "black list" of "non cooperative entities": Costa Rica, Malaysia, the Philippines and Uruguay. On the "grey list" of cooperative entities which still have to come up with real self-regulation one find a whole list of British dominions such as the notorious Cayman and Virgin Islands, Luxembourg or Monaco, but also real nations such as Chile, Austria or Belgium. On the white list, of course, real countries such as Italy, the US, France, China, Turkey, Russia and the empires crown jewels: the UK (London), Guernsey, Malta, Mauritius, Cyprus, Ireland or Barbados.
Will exposure force them to rework this deal?

There is still much Rocky-Fellows shenanigans in America in the news:
The Obama administration is engineering its new bailout initiatives in a way that it believes will allow firms benefiting from the programs to avoid restrictions imposed by Congress, including limits on lavish executive pay, according to government officials.

Administration officials have concluded that this approach is vital for persuading firms to participate in programs funded by the $700 billion financial rescue package.
Suuuuure...and this goes around the G20 initiatives as well.

If this kind of 'go around' keeps happening... revolution is bound to happen.

And yet there is the growing power of the developing nations who may shake things up significantly.
Here is one story of what happened at the CEO meeting with Obama~ is it true? Don't know~ it has several unnamed sources...
And it could be another crack in the power grid. Obama was given his orders and he carried them out.
Or if you prefer, he is a 'white hat'. Won't know that until we do.


The bankers struggled to make themselves clear to the president of the United States.

Arrayed around a long mahogany table in the White House state dining room last week, the CEOs of the most powerful financial institutions in the world offered several explanations for paying high salaries to their employees — and, by extension, to themselves.

“These are complicated companies,” one CEO said. Offered another: “We’re competing for talent on an international market.”

But President Barack Obama wasn’t in a mood to hear them out. He stopped the conversation and offered a blunt reminder of the public’s reaction to such explanations. “Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that.”

“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

The fresh details of the meeting — some never before revealed — come from an account provided to POLITICO by one of the participants. A second source inside the meeting confirmed the details, and two other sources familiar with the meeting offered additional information.

The accounts demonstrate that despite the public comments on both sides that the meeting was cordial, the tone in the room was in fact one of mutual wariness. The titans of finance — men used to being the most powerful man in almost any room — sized up a new president who made clear in ways big and small that he expected them to change their ways.

There were signs from the outset that this was a business event, not a social gathering. At each place around the table sat a single glass of water. No ice. For those who finished their glass, no refills were offered. There was no group photograph taken of the CEOs with the president, which typically happens at ceremonial White House gatherings but not at serious strategy sessions.

“The only way they could have sent a more Spartan message is if they had served bread along with the water,” says a person who attended the meeting. “The signal from Obama’s body language and demeanor was, ‘I’m the president, and you’re not.’”

According to the accounts of sources inside the room, President Obama told the CEOs exactly what he expects from them, and pushed back forcefully when they attempted to defend Wall Street’s legendarily high-paying ways.


I often find myself wondering if you are a tool or just gullible. The IMF is not an improvement over the Fed, talking about closing tax havens is nothing new and while they uttered this clap-trap, they gave Bernie Madoff's brother permission to spend 10K per month allowance out of his embezzled funds. Last but most laughable is their offer to lend the people of the world money. How generous, they are going to lend us, with interest, the money they stole from us?
Ben, get a grip. The Illuminati are still poisoning the planet and everyone on it. They will keep saying whatever they need to if it buys just a little more time. If they want to keep their heads attached to their necks, they need to do better than this. And you need to stop painting them as deserving of forgiveness while they are still obviously killing people, it makes you look very, very bad.


Geostrategic aspect of IMF-money for middle-european countries also means to help those near-bankruptcy-countries before they check out Russia for support.

No, IMF-money serves not only unselfish functions it's still a part of struggle for superpower of the west!


"....and given to an IMF that is going to be largely under the control of poor countries and non-Europeans."

Isn't that a little bit too optimistic view?

I don't hope so, but I stay sceptic as long as I'll finally see any results.

To give money to the IWF is also done because the situation of middle-european countries who are close to bankruptcy what would mean a great danger for Austrian and Swiss Banks and in return to banks of France and Germany.

Europe alone hasn't got the money to help out so they are now giving Obama their thankyou in cooperating in the Afghanistan-warfare.

The G20-meeting has not been dealing therefore about economy and finance alone, it was also business with a strong militaric flavour,
a 'showdown'- as it was named eventually- between Germany/Europe and USA on the main questions considering further loyality for NATO-enlargement, Afghanistan and maybe soon a Pakistan-deployment.

But however it's very hard to judge the different meanings that are virulent: Some people are claiming Rothschilds own the whole world and all the gold in it and China as well, some are telling IMF is just another way of saying FED, some are completing, to sacrifice USA on the altar of NWO/NDO is an inevitable process and noone should think damaged US/FED would mean end of NWO/NDO as long as another institution resets it's work (of FED) on a greter scale, now you and others are going over the heads of those whistleblowers in declaring there's good reason for hope.....

I personally don't know but anyway temperature is rising and I wish Mister Fulford you're on the right side keeping a cool head and showing the truth, in the end we'll see!

Miray Nicolas

offshore change is good but the british islands, in the english channel and in the carabians are not included, this is a joke !!!!
Dominique Strausskahn is the boss of IMF, he has been chosen by sarkozy and the CIA. he is under control... he is for shure not there to kill the illuminati, he is with them....
NATO : France is not in it, all the french people are against it, i remind you that Chirac didn't want to go to Irak, but Sarkozy would have gone with his big brothers and lovers, the Bush family. Sarkozy is made by the french mafia hold by Charles Pasqua; he is a CIA puppet...
all the french papers have called the london G20: le nouvel ordre mondial, NWO. Welcome to paradise !!!! are we in ? first step before a nuclear attack on pakistan and india ?

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