How the Asian crisis was manufactured by the illuminati and the BIS
Many people, including some who should know better like Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman, believe the Asian crisis was an accident. It was no such thing. It was a deliberately planned attack aimed at stealing much of Asia’s wealth and weakening the Asian tigers.
The attack on Asia was two-pronged with one prong hitting South East Asia and the other aimed at Japan.
To attack Japan, the privately owned BIS (not accountable to any government on earth) changed its international banking rules in a way that deliberately weakened Japanese banks. They then forced (through threats of violence against Japan) the Japanese authorities to bankrupt one of their big so-called city banks. The Japanese chose the smallest of them: Hokkaido Takushoku Bank. When HTK went bankrupt over 1000 viable companies in Northern Japan were forced into insolvency. This meant that loans other Japanese banks had made to them had to be declared “bad.” The result was that all Japanese banks suddenly saw their BIS capital to asset ratio fall below the 8% needed to be allowed to engage in international banking. That meant they were all forced to “immediately” withdraw all their international loans, mostly made to Asia.
The Asian countries, meanwhile, were made extra vulnerable by a deliberate influx of “hot” money that created bubbles. As soon as the Japanese withdrew their loans, the “hot” money was also taken away, destroying the Asian economies. President Mahatir of Malaysia saved his country by seeing through the ruse and preventing the sudden withdrawal of “hot” money.
After the Asian economies collapsed, the carpet-baggers came in. “Hedge funds” and investment funds linked to the oligarchs came marching in and, using Japanese money, they bought up much of Asia’s economic infrastructure at a deep discount.
If the BIS and the IMF etc. were really concerned about economic development they would first of all never have forced HKT bank to go under in a disorderly manner. They would have also figured out a way for the Japanese banks to do something like issue subordinated bonds so they could bolster their BIS capital and not be forced to suddenly vacate Asia.
The criminals who carried this out think they got away with it but the Asians have long memories and they have identified the perpetrators of this attack.
The American economy has been subjected to a similar financial attack by the same group of criminals. They would do well to identify these gangsters and put them out of business for ever.
《日 本 の 報道ごろごろFNN、NHK、は反日団体によって支配・沈黙か? (産経新聞除く)》
×安倍のような正当派・政治家を叩く、 朝鮮に擦り寄る政治家を持ち上げ
×韓国に実効支配されつつある対馬の現状を伝えず、 Tvタックルで一度だけ放送が、
圧力を受け 勝谷が干されそうになる。
Posted by: 日、蓮 、日、蓮、 | 04/20/2009 at 22:25
The Nobel Prize is just another Illumaniti run business. They promote their own.
Posted by: swamp | 04/20/2009 at 13:46
これはどういうことなのでしょうか。 彼らの勢力分布に変化が生じたのか、それともイルミナティなんて、過去の幻影だというプロパカ゜ンダなのでしょうか。
Posted by: 日本と世界を変態資本家達から取り戻そう | 04/19/2009 at 17:46
Posted by: M | 04/19/2009 at 13:37
Posted by: konyanyatiwa | 04/19/2009 at 08:20
Posted by: 諸外国の民 | 04/19/2009 at 04:34
My comment disappeared yesterday. Heard on CSpan myspace and facebook are censoring anything anti Israel or aipac.
Posted by: martha thacker | 04/18/2009 at 22:26
[Part2]Benjamin: Who do you mean by "they" in this quote:/The American economy has been subjected to a similar financial attack by the same group of criminals. They would do well to identify these gangsters and put them out of business for ever./ IF you are referring to the american people, dude you still are wearing rose-colored specs, my friend.THIS COUNTRY, called the United States of America has been occupied since 1913, and the citizens are enemies of the state per their own documents.TELL THE RED/GREEN SOCIETY THIS: "The numbers of sovereign souls in the US of A is below 15%.No formidable resistence will ever be mounted from here, because 85% of the public are mind-Kontrolled wage-slaves.The remaining 15% have all(nearly) been identified, via use of the super-puter(BEAST) in Brussels.WAITING makes the Illuminati-Satanists stronger, and you weaker, eventually vulnerable.ACT NOW.There is no hope of there ever being any reclamation of Constitutional Rights by the citizens of the individual states the way things stand right now.THE US CONSTITUTION has been dead for over 20 years now here.The alphabet soup agencies just have not figured out a way to inform the populace, because of all the guns in their hands.Eliminate the executioners, who are merely shells possessed anyway.Do it now, or forEVER HOLD YOUR PEACE.FREEDOM and PEACE for the world-human-populace will only come upon their charred remains.Their decaying remains will make prosperity and the cornucopaeia the CREATOR of us all meant for us here on the JEWEL OF THE GALAXY. OUR destiny is in your hands, my brother RED/GREEN SOCIETY elders. To delay is to invite self destruction for yourselves, then for us all.With my fullest respect, I bow my torso to horizontal to you all, stvn (aka silversurfersteven)." BENJAMIN: (HAND-DELIVER) Deliver this quote to them asap.
Posted by: stvn | 04/18/2009 at 21:59
Benjamin: Who do you mean by "they" in this quote:/The American economy has been subjected to a similar financial attack by the same group of criminals. They would do well to identify these gangsters and put them out of business for ever./ IF you are referring to the american people, dude you still are wearing rose-colored specs, my friend.THIS COUNTRY, called the United States of America has been occupied since 1913, and the citizens are enemies of the state per their own documents.TELL THE RED/GREEN SOCIETY THIS: "The numbers of sovereign souls in the US of A is below 15%.No formidable resistence will ever be mounted from here, because 85% of the public are mind-Kontrolled wage-slaves.The remaining 15% have all(nearly) been identified, via use of the super-puter(BEAST) in Brussels.WAITING makes the Illuminati-Satanists stronger, and you weaker, eventually vulnerable.ACT NOW.There is no hope of there ever being any reclamation of Constitutional Rights by the citizens of the individual states the way things stand right now.THE US CONSTITUTION has been dead for over 20 years now here.The alphabet soup agencies just have not figured out a way to inform the populace, because of all the guns in their hands.Eliminate the executioners, who are merely shells possessed anyway.Do it now, or forEVER HOLD YOUR PEACE.FREEDOM and PEACE for the world-human-populace will only come upon their charred remains.Their decaying remains will make prosperity and the cornucopaeia the CREATOR of us all meant for us here on the JEWEL OF THE GALAXY. OUR destiny is in your hands, my brother RED/GREEN SOCIETY elders. To delay is to invite self destruction for yourselves, then for us all.stvn (aka silversurfersteven)." BENJAMIN: Deliver this quote to them asap.
Posted by: stvn | 04/18/2009 at 21:50
Posted by: 日、日、蓮、蓮 | 04/18/2009 at 19:29
Posted by: 漁史 | 04/18/2009 at 14:02
Mr. Fulford, are you familiar with the book 'The Secret History of the American Empire'? John Perkins (Confessions of An Economic Hitman) is the author; it gives a good rundown of the schemes being pulled by the IMF, World Bank and other big names. It seems like we have a lot of international criminals who need to be tried. In my opinion, the first thing we need is a world court system which deserves the faith of the people. The U.N. isn't a terrible idea, but the bureaucratic system which has been put in place by our (previous?) handlers must go. Why not put the exiled Tibetan government in charge of an interim international government which respects our Constitutional rights? Use their own tactics against them, ignore their assumed powers...
Posted by: Justin Michels | 04/18/2009 at 13:08
I just had an "a-ha" moment. The culprit always seems to be "hot" money. Once it stops, the party is over, and wealth is transferred for pennies on the dollar. The bank gangsters who rule the world have to go. I agree. Thanks, Ben.
On a different note: as the world wakes up to the truth behind 9/11, and realizes that the Zionists were behind it to foment hatred towards the Arabs and conversely galvanize support for Israel, this will invariably isolate Israel. The ruse will have been uncovered. Israel will then have to contend with the wrath of the whole world, not just Iran. It's survival mode will kick into overdrive, which could easily translate to an early preemptive strike on Iran to destabilize the world focus on itself. It seems like the only reasonable alternative. I am all for Israel's survival and manifest destiny. Too bad Mossad has been implicated in 9/11.
Posted by: newfreeworld | 04/18/2009 at 11:44
Excellent commentary and analysis, as usual, sir.
Rumor has it that something very big -- perhaps of the black ops/false flag variety -- is set to go down in the next week here in the US. (The day I heard was this coming Tuesday.) Have you heard anything to that effect? ... I know Obama and his thieving rat associates are getting very desperate.
I know that The NWO/Illuminati also is foaming at the mouth to get total global war initiated. What have you been hearing on that front?
Posted by: John M. McGuire | 04/18/2009 at 10:14
one should differentiate between bad management, good management, and a cabal of crooks
one aspect of the financial 'crisis', is the assignment of AAA to worthless paper
this is criminal under RICO legislation
Obama has explicitely stated that 'unfortunately' 'nothing' against the law has been committed during this fianancial 'crisis'
Obama is very smart
this statement of precidential policy is suspect to say the least
and incriminating by itself, to be investigated
an international finacial institution for currency clearance, by itself is a good Idea
when owned and run by crooks
it is a target to be shut down
and such people, creating this much suffering
should be hung, like pirats
Posted by: majapahit | 04/18/2009 at 00:57
Whatever happened to the "Secret Society"? With all due respect but have they been compromised?
Posted by: ... | 04/18/2009 at 00:56
To uncomplicated things a little bit, the people who currently “run things” are sociopathic narcissists. They are mortals and will grow old and die like the rest of us,lucky to live 90 years. Sadly, if you know anything about narcissism as a mental illness, it is caused by being abused as children by parents who have endured the same continued cycle of abuse for generations. The people who “run things” get a perverse high from people like us talking about them. They love being focused on. It feeds their grandiose needs.
The reasoning behind what they do is only based on their mentally twisted, arrogant and egotistical need to feel wealthy and in control so they may counteract the years of child abuse they endured. The reality of all of this is; they are mortals. Life is short and their Lifespan on the planet Earth is so minuscule in comparison to the “Big Picture”. The beautiful oceans, palm trees, peacocks and tigers will live on and on, long after these folks are all dead. The Earth is a special place and it was not created for them to toy with.
If the people who “run things” really are trying to kill us thru chemtrails, bird flu or some other form of genocide or turn us in to slaves, whatever…. what will they gain from this?
They will still only live 90 years at the most, and they will die like the rest of us.
A camel has better odds of dancing through the eye of a needle than these folks ever satisfying their perverse needs.
Posted by: Kay | 04/17/2009 at 23:20
The gangsters/banksters use the same method to destroy their competitors/rivals over and over. They used this method to destroy family farms in the 1970s. Encouraging farmers to buy new equipment at low interest rates. Then the gas shortage...couldn't harvest crops...then the interest rates went up. Big Ag like Monsanto and ADM bought the farms for pennies on the dollar. Now we have a food crisis.
High gas prices last year, I am sure ran up credit card debt and house payments fell behind. Larry Summers' brilliant idea to bankrupt Mexico began the influx of Mexicans to the U.S. that further depleted the job market. I used to wonder why so suddenly they came to our country. People don't like to leave their homes. Slave labor is what the corporations are hoping to get. With U.S. citizens helpless and vulnerable.
I like the idea of the tea parties all across this country. If WE knew the reasons for our economic plight.....the cause for the tea parties would be entirely different.
Posted by: martha thacker | 04/17/2009 at 22:57
So much is now coming out into public scrutiny.
It is gathering strength to overwhelm the gangsters.
The people will support the end of this tyranny and join in once the means is available.
There are those who are beginning to do more than token outrage demon-strations.
If we the people knew how to truly overthrow the masters we would.
Those who do, need to show the way.
Posted by: Miriam | 04/17/2009 at 22:00
と書いてあります。ですので、返品をお願いすると、無理であると言われました。ショップで購入したので、なぜ無理なのか?聞くと正規販売店ではないからと言われ、いやでも、おたくのHPには、正規販売店で購入した物に限りますと書いていないではないか?と書くと、we happy if you understand our policy という日本語の内容での返事しか返ってきませんで、
返品とありますから、そのショップがどこからか(正規店より)購入した時点で、判断して下さい。 『という事を言っているんですか?』と聞くと、『そうです。』と回答し、実際に、そうゆう論調で、その大阪のヤフオクで、
Posted by: konnichiwa | 04/17/2009 at 19:27
http://koramu2.blog59.fc2.com/ ◆即刻 廃止しろ!
▼(1)1960年代~ テレビ放送が始まってまもなくの頃、
放送中のちょっとした言葉づかいの問題 例えば「朝鮮民主人民共和国」を“北朝鮮”
Posted by: 日、日、蓮、蓮 | 04/17/2009 at 17:07
hey check out this website that really shows how to solve the financial crisis once and for all.
best of luck
Posted by: mike | 04/17/2009 at 16:11
Let me be honest with you Ben.
Most of the time your reporting doesn't go beyond saber rattling and mythology.
I thought the Asian forces of light were going to rise up and save the world?
Oh right maybe tomorrow...
Put up or shut up.
Posted by: munkey junkie | 04/17/2009 at 15:28
Posted by: Account Deleted | 04/17/2009 at 15:05
Love your information.......I am American in China. How can the people of the world help?
Posted by: Bentley | 04/17/2009 at 15:02