Industrial cannibalism in China as human meat is allegedly mixed with pork products
The following link leads to the photographs of a young woman being slaughtered and butchered for meat somewhere in China. Warning, this is not to be looked at by the squeamish and the weak of stomach:
The pictures were taken by Vietnamese activists and smuggled out of China. The pictures were accompanied by a long explanation in various languages. A short English entry read as follows:
“Police in Bingyan, Guangxi Province seized 28 female babies smuggled in a truck from Yulin, Guangxi Province going to Houzhou in Anhui Province. The oldest baby was only three months old. The babies were packed three or four to a bag and many of them were near death No one claimed them.
Someone rifling through the garbage on the outskirts of Jiuquan city in the Suzhou region, found dismembered babies in a dumpster. There were two heads, two torsos, four arms, and six legs. According to the investigation, the corpses were no more than a week old and they had been dismembered after cooking.”
However, we must bear in mind the link was sent to me by someone connected with US/UK intelligence and could be a psy-ops. They told me the human meat was mixed with pork and used in products like dumplings. It would not be beyond the Satanists to carry out something like this in order to discredit China. We must also remember China is a big country with many people, including psychopaths. No matter what, the Chinese authorities must investigate and deal with this or face a major propaganda defeat. The Chinese need to start DNA tests of all meat products so they can trace down and eliminate the human slaughterhouse.
Dear Benjamin
Do you have a copy of the page and pictures referred "The following link leads to the photographs of a young woman being slaughtered and butchered for meat somewhere in China. Warning, this is not to be looked at by the squeamish and the weak of stomach: .."
Or another reference with same information and pictures. I want to publish it
Can-a-baby - Family Fetus Food - Alexander Backman Anthony J Hilder + http://www.navigate3d.no/mbbs22/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1648&start=226#M8049
Have a nice day, e-mail: ottol(at)online.no
Posted by: Otto Lund | 02/29/2012 at 15:20
Posted by: ウミナミ | 06/01/2009 at 21:24
These pictures are complete fakes. Come on guys, you don’t have to be a forensics expert to realize this. Look at the lighting, the girl is clearly cut and pasted onto some of these pics. Look at some of the blood trails. It looks like something created in Microsoft paint. FEAR FEAR FEAR. Some of you conspiracy theorists are worse then the disinfo agents you talk about. Show some documented proof before making these outrageous claims. Not some half ass website. I’m very disappointed Mr. Fulford.
Posted by: Yan Huo | 04/30/2009 at 10:04
If this is true in China.. to butcher a living person.. to butcher anyone like this.. What has our world come to? GOD I WANTED TO JUMP THROUGH THE VIDEO AND SHOOT EVEY ONE THERE >>> I am your age and I am from America.. I have become an expatriate.. I moved with basically no money out of the states.. I am a Native American Indian Warrior, "American Indian Movement" (AIM) and I want to fight to protect her, I wanted to cry thinking what these bastards did to my people... But we are moving away and we are waiting and waiting in silence.. Do you know who Leonard Peltier is? I believed in your .. no we believed in your Asian brotherhood,, that they would remember we are long distance cousins.. but these pcs maybe Psy-ops or real .. but it happened and it still happens.. I wish if there was a God .. give me a hand full of nukes and I would be happy to die to start a new world of love .. hope you follow my thoughts
American Indian Warrior
P.S. I ask you are not bullshit and you are the real deal .. not a government shit or a delusional crack pot..
Posted by: Ponca | 04/28/2009 at 19:38
Posted by: 未見の呆人 | 04/27/2009 at 11:43
是非とも「女人肉 宰殺」をキーワードに
Posted by: 通りすがり | 04/26/2009 at 23:14
This morning, Friday April 24th, the packs are still in the White House, with Obama refusing to deliver them.
A more detailed explanation will follow tonight or tomorrow ( Sat.) but for now, we wish to convey the following brief update to those who "Need To Know."
This morning WE have learned The Ming, have been using all program monies like a CD ( Certificate of Deposit) that had been structured like a CD... for years.
This has been extended for an additional 2 years.
If the programs were paid out now, they will loose approx. $21,000,000,000,000.00 ( $21Trillion ) in interest.
All the time they were claiming that they wanted the programs released was false info.
More to come later.
casper 4-24-09 #1
Posted by: Maryann Hope you read this, Ben | 04/25/2009 at 01:12
"Ben admitted this could be a psy op" - willyniblets
Yes. Ben said: No matter what, the Chinese authorities must investigate and deal with this or FACE A MAJOR PROPAGANDA DEFEAT.
Posted by: THK | 04/24/2009 at 11:03
May I help to remember you ladies and gentlemen that Japan has produced an obscure creature probably still free and alive who performed a famous act of cannibalism back in 1981:
This looks like his own blog:
Because of his influential father he got away with this murder.
Even worse he earned from it.
This is one of those other weird things of Japan.
To come back on the message from Ben. Every message posted by any person on internet Blogs have to be taken with a grain of salt until thoroughly verified and deemed correct.
Unfortunately the regular media don't comply very well to this as we have experienced for example with 9/11. We have to assume the regular media are censured to certain extend as well.
Blogs might be less censured then those mainstream media however still caution has to be taken. Quick and dirty publishing something everybody can do. If you think you provide relevant information for a better live on earth than certainly it must be carefully reviewed before posting.
Compare it with thorough peer review as in sincere science.
Even my post here needs verification.
For most of us seeing is believing I guess. Images could be processed very professionally that they look real.
With filtering techniques using image processing software we might be able to conclude if the cruel images in Ben's posted link are processed or not. As long no verification is possible and the authenticity of the images was not confirmed take Ben's post with a grain of salt. Being gifted with such a view on information might keep us from brainwashing;)
By the way Erik Hersman has given an interesting talk at TED about filtering techniques on loads of information gathered from "witnesses" of violence in Kenia using their hand phones:
This is an interesting approach to get a higher probability that the resulting information is correct.
I keep on enjoying reading Ben's blog ;)
Posted by: Fredo | 04/24/2009 at 10:27
Posted by: Account Deleted | 04/24/2009 at 04:28
Posted by: 通りすが | 04/24/2009 at 03:28
Hi Ben - and others,
I'm a graphic artist and I work a lot with digital images. In my opinion the photos of the slaughtered woman are totally fake. It's mainly the differences in pixelization and lighting that give it away - especially in the last two images. Second to last, look at the effect of flash photography on the body parts as opposed to the natural lighting of the butchers. Also the body parts are unnaturally positioned - the back of the head would deep in to the table and the arm would probably roll off the table considering the angle of the elbow. Plus general fakiness.
In the last image you see the difference in definition between the body and the butcher. You can also see the light on the butcher is coming from top left. The light on the body is coming from the viewer's position. Also fingers and thumb are missing on left hand of butcher. And a lot of general fakiness around the cuts etc.
Posted by: Paul | 04/24/2009 at 01:14
Posted by: sc32_netvista | 04/23/2009 at 23:40
Hello and have a nice day Don McLachlan- you wrote: 'Each night this week I've noticed an increase of Nazi / Holocast TV programming. Hunt for Hitler, Hitler and the Occult, Hitler Uncovered, Shindler's List, Nuremburg Decision to name a few.'
Quite interesting because it is corresponding with my considerations here in Germany and I also have been trying to make up my mind on it.
My interim conclusion is that we maybe shall get assimilated to pictures of miserable, pain, oppression and domination, of course pictures of war and how to act icecold.
That should be especially the meaning of that Nazi-films-inflation when we are facing things to come.... A side-effect the Israel-thing but I think it is not the main factor in this operation.
In Germany you can since not long ago buy a bundle of reprints from Newspapers out of the time of the Nazi-Fascism every saturday.
This project was discussed in the medias for a while- if it is adequate, if it will not be misused by Neonazis- now, like I said, you can get those papers every saturday on every kiosk.
(For me as very interested in history not bad at all- but.....)
You shouldn't forget, a documentation about serial-killers for example generally does not prevent from killing, just the opposite it could be a good tool for evocating a fascination for it.
Posted by: Mortimer | 04/23/2009 at 21:14
@eric swan
These pictures are most definately shopped.
Spend enough time browsing internet forums and you'll come across many photoshopped pics - some good and some lousy.
Posted by: S. Carson | 04/23/2009 at 18:15
buddys,that pictures totally fake.and all japanese comments also told
Posted by: kon | 04/23/2009 at 18:07
Posted by: kon | 04/23/2009 at 17:46
このソースサイトは中国です。An original web site of butchering girls.
中国語を翻訳して読んでください。 20数歳の旅行者の若い女達を民家に
Posted by: traveler | 04/23/2009 at 16:05
I agree!! Fake. Looks like someone's want to dicredit YOU, Benjamin. Be VERY careful what you endorse as factual. Thanks for the heads up to us all about this, though.Now WE know you are being targetted for discreditation!
Posted by: stvn. | 04/23/2009 at 15:37
Posted by: minmin | 04/23/2009 at 14:41
Posted by: 在日白樺族 | 04/23/2009 at 13:32
"What ever happen to ying and yang? What ever happen to balance between heaven and earth? Asia prefers men over women. It is a fact. For the ying and yang we have imbalance. (BTW the west has the same probelm not expressed in the same way) Anyway, any sane person using common sense knows that this will lead to disorder and imperfection. Where is the f* balance on this earth in homo- sapiens?" - Saint Cheez
Think again. Confucianism doesn't mention anything about criticizing women. The real problem is that Westerns think very differently from Asians. Today's Asians are semi-brainwashed by the West and this must be stopped at all cost.
The Illuminati never left China after the Sino-Soviet Split. It only gotten weakened in China and they have done many "horrible stunts" like building the biggest dam in the world in China and conducted separatism among non-ethnic Chinese.
And the Dalai Lama happened to be one of the main architects of social guerilla warfare in China.
Want to save the world? Save China first and absorb Taiwan into China.
Posted by: THK | 04/23/2009 at 13:03
Ben admitted this could be a psy op and I think it is fake as well. This is not mainstream news and Ben is into alternative media and not once did he say he thinks these are genuine. What he did say is if these photos arent proven fake, then it is a loss in the propaganda war for the Chinese and he is absolutely correct, regardless of whether the pics are real or not. I think that is the why he has given this story attention.
Posted by: willyniblets | 04/23/2009 at 11:06
Posted by: Rock Kingswood | 04/23/2009 at 10:50
PLEASE DO NOT POST TO NET BECAUSE YOU WILL BE EXPOSED EVENTUALLY... that you are a fake. I kind of overlooked some of your censorship knowing that what I said was true. Well, give Benjamin a chance. However, you even censored philosophical discussion... Very weird indeed. Anyway, Ben, US people will fight and know exactly what is happening. BTW, I will pray that you and your family burn in hell. Bye scumbag and self-proclaimed liar (I assume Freudian slip concerning your ex wife) and see you in hell.
Posted by: Saint Cheez | 04/23/2009 at 10:45