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Dear Ms.Agesagi


You may know me indirectly.
I am not an American.
Reconstruction of a Malkuth is the Project Peace itself.
Do you know the Sephirothic tree?
Construction of a risk management system is arranged in Chokmah.
The agriculture using a solar energy system is arranged in Binah.
By sharing limited earth resources all over the world aims at the peaceful world.
All become possible there.
I am looking for the friend.
It has the same awareness of the issues, and the friend who can act himself is looked for.
It is the independent Malkuth which is not ruled by whom, either.
However, probably, it is difficult if the outflow of the technology in which it was sealed does not start.
Let's put some plans on the planet of a fairy in the near future.
To the Neo Generations who bear the future.


dear Rebellion_iNfinity
I am not an enemy.
Please contribute proposed project again commenting. It doesn't read firmly.
I do not know though I think that you are American what it is.

I am working usually by the Japanese. And, it is man who seriously and worries about the future of our planet.  朱鷺 Ms.Agesagi


Looks like shadow banking is on the chopping block: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7933408.stm


Am not joking.

There is a very good possibility that hell has just been loosed on us all by a bunch of pissed off bankers with superiority complexes.

The white hats are fighting as best they can but the collateral damage may turn out to be severe.

The power at their disposal may be more than any of us can imagine.

Most trapped animals will chew their own leg off to escape.

If these creatures are as Icke says then we are not dealing with human sensibilities. Phillip Schneider though said that some were sympathetic to the human plight.

If we are dealing with aliens, and chances are extremely good that that is so, then the best we can do is call it a draw.

Ben chooses not to speak of this and Lord knows I don't blame him. I feel like "the stranger in the strange land" at the best of times.
We have to acknowledge the efforts that have been made to discredit all views on the "ETs" and then realize why has this been done so tenaciously all these years???

They have been here all the time, some good, some bad. Whoever has been pulling our global strings has worked very hard to keep us ignorant. Time to wake up to the world, solar system, galaxy and the universe. We were never alone.












ただ、マリファナを合法化していただくには、日本では特にたぶんinternational world marijuana research のような大型組織と専門家団体をどこかに世界の中心に置き、世界のショップを監督する必要もあるんでしょうけど。 欝病との因果関係や、過剰ハイブリッド、処方箋としての大麻の開放なのか、単純に軽刑化なのか。





your Canadian upbringing is showing
they need to be exterminated these people are the lowest life form on earth.
Amy and all CiA operatives found to be in the drug dealings should be gutted and burned in kerosene not given jobs. even though you were just joking its a bad joke


しばらくRead Onlyしていましたが

提案するプロジェクトに協力的なのか 潰そうとするのか それだけです。

To Mr.Agesagi & Mr.Benjamin

Are you an enemy and is that I would like to know an ally?
One cooperative with the project to propose
Also it Try to crush.
It is right.
It is not interested in a rotten organization.
Is there any mind which reconstructs Malkuth?
If it is, I will touch very cooperatively.


It is free whether you trust me or it does not believe.
I can see all.

To the Neo Generations who bear the future.

Devil Dog

Take a look at this from Rumor Mill News.

Elite Bankers Threatened to Release Weaponized Strain of Avian Flu - Military Coup Against Bankers in Progress

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 8 March 2009, 12:36 a.m.

03.07.09 RMNews FREEDOM, CA - RMNews was just given information from a military special operations field operative.

As you read this please remember that RMN has stated many times that the leaders of the new world order are NOT the people you see in the news. Most of the real leaders are nameless and faceless. Keep this in mind as you read this article.

The Operative said the Military just declared war on the International bankers. NOT because they were stealing our money... but BECAUSE the owners of the federal reserve banks just threatened Congress, the President and the entire population of the United States with a massive biological attack... most probably a weaponized strain of bird flu.

Asian Intelligence knows about this and has recalled most of its personnel from the United States. This quick withdrawal signals that the time for the release of this weaponized strain of bird flu is near.

Several CIA "bankers" have already been killed. Others are missing and presumed to be in secret interrogation sites, most probably aboard submarines. The special unit that was dispatched to carry out this operation was told to extract from their prisoners as much information as possible about the collapse of the financial system. They want to know where the money went. Who gave the orders to pull the plug and sink the system. They want names, dates, places, figures, and history going back years. They want to know who was behind all of this, when it started and where that person is now.

The Navy appears to be heading this coup against the owners of the federal reserve and the other City of London bankers.


Just came back too having watched 'The Watchmen'- @LuCed.
A masterpiece, I think. If you can read between the lines all is there: Plan for Depopulation, New World Religion, different ethics and their proposel power, Hegelian conflict-constructing, Super Power beyond Good and Evil and the implications in it, being a puppet without recognizing it and so on.... enough inducements to produce own thoughts.

The end- okay- is not the same as in the comic and is to be taken with cautiousness-:I don't agree to the given positive view! But the rest, I mean, you've ought to see it if you are fond of Mr. Fulfords blog and want to build an own opinion..... my advice: don't miss it, it also give you an inner sight of crime and the likely unwinable situation relating to it.






日常から少し離れて物事を見ていける余裕が必要です。基本的な収入 ベーシックインカムは良い考えだと思います。

It is possible to make work in everyone. Various devices seem to be necessary for good and [**] for the capitalistic society however. work to require gainingManaging the home, preparing meal, and washing [omutsu] also have a lot of work. Wisdom of the life that has been told experiencing is almost destroyed by the spread of the convenience store.

Sex, sports, and the Screen of 3S of the screen have the terrible one.

It is a meaning revolution from anywhere with should the start though examining it when what is started where ..good.. is [kanai] [imugo] ..adhering.. ..saying.. [joukyou]. In a broad sense, the revolution is done for the reform of consideration etc. to be included.

The consciousness of the individual is always important so that the society comes to be able to adjust the change in a good direction.

Room to be able to see things by a little parting in daily life is necessary. I think that a basic income basic income is a good idea.


This whole "war" has been about who and what we are as spiritual beings. The thousands of years efforts to convince us that we are this meat sack suit of clothes and nothing else has gone on long enough.
We are something very special. Ever see "Matrix"? Turns out that we are all Andersons; we just got manipulated over the centuries to cut out our very strong connection with the Divine and herd us around like cattle to feed the needs of those who worship darkness.
A line from "The Usual Suspects", "The greatest trick that the devil ever did was to make us believe that he didn't exist." There is so much proof that devil worship has gone on and grown over the centuries and that there has been great efforts to acquire terrible knowledge and power from "dimensional beings" from "the dark side" to use against us.
Our innocence and desire to believe the best of humanity prevents us beliving this possible yet the proof is all around us and there for those brave enough to look.

Evolution is the order of the day. Do we evolve at this juncture or step back? There is much evil that lives on this dear world and it is cornered dragon ready to breathe its fire on the whole world to stay alive.

There must be a truce then. Many of us see the real being in us all under the "clothes" and this being must now be allowed to grow. Our "keepers" must loosen the chains and allow humanity to recognize its true divinity. Education, health, true prosperity FOR ALL! can be exchanged for the flesh pleasures industry (carefully regulated!)that these other beings need to finance their lifestyles.

The rules? Human sacrifice is no more, children are protected without reservation, war is abolished, all humans are allowed to chose their own directions. I feel that our inner light when we know our "TRUE HISTORY!" will, with time as it always has, find its way back to our spiritual connection with nature and the True Creator of All and these industries will fade away.

The millenium of slavery is ended. And true freedom of choice and voice for ALL will guide us to where we were always meant to go.

Ever read "Anastasia" by Vladimir Megre?

Best wishes from Canada

Tom Joad

Hey Ben,
You might be interested in Pres. Calderon's (Mexico) thoughts about legalization or granting concessions to drug cartels:

It's important to note that what makes these individuals "dangerous" is weapons and logistical support from the "legitimate" US military. We need to start by cutting off their resources.


In my present opinion:

Legalize pot? Yes. Put it under the control of the people who have nearly destroyed our world? Never!
Let people grow (and distribute) their own weed, tax-free. It's a plant that gives one a buzz. Let it be.

As for what to do with the Evil Ones--lock them up. Their minions (duped, for the most part) will find a productive use for their skills soon enough if given the right conditions to do so. If they refuse to play nice, lock them up, too.

Hard drugs ought to be treated as a health problem, not a criminal one. They should never be openly legal. Rather, have clean doses freely available at strictly-regulated, community-level institutions alongside well-funded remedial programs.

Beyond (or perhaps prior to) that, sensible economic, political, social and spiritual systems that can provide for all will obviate the need for large numbers of people to seek oblivion in drugs, or profit in drug dealing. A society that truly supports human needs would ultimately, essentially eliminate addiction in all areas of human affairs.










Are you a supporter of NWO ?

You must know the pleasuretainment industry can control the people, in other words, the people is controlled by the 3S, Sports, Screens and Sex. You want the people to be Goyim.







G O H !

Deflation Journalism is unnecessary!
Thing that Deflation made person minds very puzzled・・・
Understand the thing that a painful entertainment is not needed about the real world!


"The problem with cutting off all the world’s mafias main source of funds is that these are very dangerous people. One suggestion for what to do with all these guys and their black ops friends is to give them a new industry: the pleasuretainment industry."
"This would be an industry that sold and developed non-harmful recreational drugs as well as get involved with anything else linked to pleasure and hedonism."

I dont want to sound rude but I hope that is a joke. If you guys are going to go soft on these guys I cant imagine how soft your gonna go on the real Demons of our world. I dont know who you think your up against but word on the street is that they are Demonic,Creatures, Extra Terrestrial, Multi Dimensional, Ancient Grand Masters, the scariest deepist darkest pit of your imagination THINGS.

If you feel down after hearing that just look at Gurren Lagann for motivation to get through this mess if need be. By the way this ANIME (heads up) is one of the greatest underdog show of all time. It well make you shed some man tears too. Alot of subliminal messages in there also.

"資金の主な情報源を切断し、すべての世界のマフィアとの\"問題は、これらの非常に危険な人です。""これらすべてのみんなが黒の担当者とその友人とは一つの提案には新産業を提供することです: pleasuretainment産業。"この業界は、販売と非有害なレクリエーション薬の開発だけでなく、何か他の喜びと快楽主義にリンクとかかわるようになるだろう".

私は失礼な音にしたいdont冗談ですが、私は期待したい。もしあなたのソフトをどのように柔らかいつもりは世界の真の悪霊に行く想像カントこいつらに行くとしています。私はあなたの言葉の通りには反対が知っていると思うdontは、生き物、エキストラ地上波、マルチ寸法は、古代のグランドマスターは、怖いものを想像deepist暗いピット悪魔です。公聴会後にダウンした場合は、 Gurren Lagannだけでモチベーションはこの混乱により必要に応じて取得して感じている。このアニメ(ヘッドアップの道)は史上最大の弱者詳細です。あなたも一部の人にも涙を流す。


Just came back from watching the movie "The Watchmen" and I gotta say it had PNAC, (Project for a New American Century), all over it. Freemasons and Illuminaty were in there and so were some whistle blowers, who get punished for speaking there mind. It's all there. The world factions were personifide through the HEROS :). Not a good movie in my opinion, as it had to many random scenes and bad acting. It did however have a lot of Subliminal messages, far to many to write in here. Mars makes it in there and so does the Ego of the PTB (powers that be).

これには、映画\ watchmanのから帰ってきた\"と言う私はそれがお奨め\r\n PNAC (新しいアメリカの世紀のためのプロジェクト)の至るところに。FreemasonsとIlluminatyそこにいたので、いくつかの人が話す時に気が罰せ笛吹きされた。すべてはそこだ。派閥化身を通じて、世界のHEROSれた: ) 。私の意見ではあまりいい映画は、多くのランダムなシーンと下手な演技をしていた。しかし、はるかに多くのサブリミナルメッセージをここに書くことがたくさんあるのでした。火星があるので(上層部)は、自我は、 PTBのです。









部下「イエス、サー」 ( 咳 )






me knockout






They are already in all kinds of business that looks at first hand like legal business.... Just remember the things going on at the finance markets.

They wash their ilegal drug- and weapon-business-money in producing all sorts of films who fits in the categorie addition to popcorn or nachos, in real estates or construction firms.

Very big business is also the criminality via internet.

To legalize cannabis, I think, would cause no common health-problem and no social-problem and would weaken the price-structur of the implied drug-cartells.

Neurosis and psychosis from smoking that dope would even drop because in many cases they are mingled with the recognized pressure from outside while being high. Alcohol-abuse would probably by many people be substituted by cannabis.

But surely the cartels would not stop trying to get cheap and very good stuff to the markets.

Heroin and cocaine are high addictive drugs and a legalization wouldn't change much. If you could get them freely and without any problems in drugstores the customers are hooked if using first 20 to 80 times, second after snoring 5 grans pure C within two or three days and will try to get the money for buying more..... Organized crime could get its chance again and would inject fresh hard drugs at better prices than the official rates.

All would be roughly the same!

So best thing that can happen would be people could to some extent live free from the broadly dull routine of existence, the jobs nobody can realy like, the entertainment that criples the brains...the whole environment that's only has been builded up to create slaves for better profits (and a few things more).

So theoretically more people could be able to live their lifes on their own and would decide against addiction of any kind-, a severe loss and a worst case scenario for organized crime!

Knot Easy

I agree that any industry or business that these sociopaths would be allowed to get into would quickly be turned on it's head and all the black-ops type operations of subversion to regain control would begin all over again. The last thing the world would need is for degenerate sociopaths to be in charge of hedonistics and pleasure.
Life imprisonment in a think tank in order to come up with workable improvements in the areas of technology, education, resource use optimization, conservation management, waste management, health improvement, and mutual respect of all personal property and humans as soveriegn individuals of life.


get real benjamin these people are the spawn of the devil they and there cohorts are the enemy of humanity they will just play dead read your history

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