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Hi Benjamin!

Nanking Massacre is fake?








Hi Benjamin,

I think the Chinese proposal heads in the right direction. But I think there is one crucial point. How are the rates of exchange determined? To be a good system, the rates of exchange should be

(a) flexible, so that the countries, that develope in a different speed can adjust the value of their currency to the productivity of their economy. Otherwise you get problems like in Argeninia some years ago, where the rate of exchange was fixed to the US dollar.

(b) determined in a transparent and non-rassistic way. Expecially the rates of exchange should not be determined politically but empirically. The best way, I think, would be to determine periodically the value of a bascet of goods in the different national countrys and to define the value of the international trade currency by this bascet of goods.

Best regards





◆在日朝鮮人の選挙権、絶対反対! これが普通の、8~9割の常識的な日本人の感覚だ!

▼なぜ報道ごろ---新聞、TV、NHKたち 日本人に報道しない?





The Rothschild, Kissingers etc seem to live in a separate world where racism is the norm, where there are gene pools they classify as inferior or superior using thei own peculiar criteria (as if their own gene pool isn't the most inferior, criminal and dysfunctional of all!), who have devised myths in which they glorify themselves as the descendents of gods, and the rest are slaves (in an inversion of the natural order were the good are on top and the evil at the bottom of society) and on this bassis of their self serving world view, they make the decision to wipe out millions if not billions of people, all the time filling their money bags by cunning, lies, deciet and fraud.

You're talking about gangster families of inbred, psychopathic hardened racist Killers here who reinforce each other's views, induct their own kids into the dark side early, ruining their chances of ever being anything like normal, who cannot understand or interact with "normal society," who shield themselves from all criticism by secrecy, and who conduct satanic rituals, sacrificing humans, to collectively draw on evil energy.

The last few weeks have made it abundantly clear just how pschopathic this inbred group is. They are finished anyway. The more power they get, the more they bring ruin like all vampires.

These intellecutal and spiritual dwarfs have put humanity through so much misery that they will surely go down as the most evil and destructive group ever.


It seems to me that the Federal Reserve is the major criminal cabal behind this corrupt system of globalization (NWO). Abolishing the Federal Reserve would be a giant first step and in the best interests of the social world, so it seems to me.


Just for information:
At present time the EU has 32 % of IMF voting rights, the United States 17 % , China 3.7 % and India 1.9 %

China may offer IMF $100 billions during G20 summit

-> http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2...nt_7613932.htm

IMF voting rights should still be adjusted before going into resal SDR-business....

'The heads of the Fed, the ECB, and the Bank of England, must all testify before parliaments and answer to democracy. There is no world parliament, no world government. Who would control a super-IMF?'

From: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/5051075/A-world-currency-moves-nearer-after-Tim-Geithners-slip.html

Firm currencies are good against inflationary tendencies but bad considering deflation and dangerous for several little and anyway poor countries because they further will not be able to modulate their currency-values if needed because they would be fixed by SDR.

By the way: the Moscow Times published an article revealing that the Kremlin intended to use the G-20 meeting, beginning April 2, to push for the IMF to utilize SDRs as 'a super-reserve currency widely accepted by the whole of the international community.'


世界通貨=世界の統合ですか?単一政府=New World Orderですか?いったいどうなっているんですか?ベンジャミンさんは中国を信用していますが、私には信用できません。



"Even the British government and the EU now despise the Federal Reserve Board."

The Rothschilds are getting frustrated with the Rockerfellers? I can see that happening.

eric swan

It should be obvious by now that people with money or property are a threat to the NWO.


Well, if only it were that simple. We cant forget WHO installed the Federal Reserve in the first place, the Rothschilds. This family has been enjoying the illegal fruits of this venture for 100 yrs. Why don't THEY see the horrific damage theyre doing? Why dont THEY cease and desist in their criminal enterprise? Fiat Money printed out of nothing loaned out and interest on top of that? Because they dont want to. Theyre allowed. So what if the world goes down and people starve. This fits right into the plan. They could care less.


Releasing the world from the influence of the Federal Reserve would be a wonderful thing and it looks like we are halfway there. The greed of that organization has been its downfall.
The IMF and the World Bank though I fear are run by the same European banking cartels that run the Fed. It needs desperately to be revamped and given voting rights to all countries, especially those it has raped and pillaged during its existence.
One thing that I would demand in this global restructure is debt forgiveness and the return of control to ALL countries that the IMF and World Bank have ransacked with their lending schemes.
Also the end of attempt to control all food and water of the planet by this organisation too.
Canada used to have great relations with China, I hope it will come onboard.


They are still trying to cull us, at least in the UK.
This is just talk, and is not being taken up as policy, but to have it even discussed at a conference is chilling.
It must be stopped.
*UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt*
"JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society.

...Despite these comments, however, government and Conservative spokesmen this weekend both distanced themselves from any population policy. ”


Wrong url:

Hmmm…I'm afraid I don't understand SDRs well enough, but when I see "international currency unit, based on the Keynesian proposal" I can't help but think NEW WORLD ORDER. Is this the best way to fix exchange rates? What are the loopholes and weaknesses of doing this through the IMF? Who will control and fund the IMF? Isn't this just a globalization of the current problem?
Note to self – read more books…


THat link seems to be empty. I can only see few special chars, no writing at all.


Hi cousin Ben :)

Do you read worldreports.org???

And if you like electronic jazz, check out my site below. If you want a free download code, contact me by email.

Thanks for all you are doing!

Also are you tuned into the freeman movement going on in canada and elsewhere? For example:

thinkfree.ca and worldfreemansociety.org

Regards, Steve


Thanks for these informations. In a former comment I was asking whom is more to trust IMF or FED? OK, according to Dr. Coleman IMF is one of the most importent tools of the 300 Comittee but he didn't or couldn't foresee an IMF exempt from unilateral dominion... will this now be realy true?

Personally I mistrust Strauss-Kahns but it well may be that just he himself has to get along with the signs of time....

For a return to the former existing financial-system should be no way at all despite of whom is ruling, except a gigantic domnfall would be planned- - I don't think so because there is too less unique extent of modifacations which points in that direction.

We will see anyway... still hoping that New Death Order is broken.

The Hedonistic Pleasureseeker

So long as the World Currency is a "hard" currency backed by metals (or a basket of useful commodities that would ensure the currency's long term worth for bartering purposes) the whole world will line up behind it, not least among them 2 BILLION MUSLIMS for whom fractional reserve banking practices are an abomination.

I am convinced the Islamic ban on usury is the real reason that Muslims are portrayed as "terrorists" in the West. Muslims are the last stubborn holdouts against fiat monies, for religous reasons. The Koran forbids the charging of interest on loans and prescribes gold for certain transactions, even charity.

If the World Currency turns out to be fiat(usury-based) then 2 million Muslims will reject it, which means it wouldn't be a "world" currency after all. This is why we need a modernized equivalent of a gold standard for international trade: Those durn scary "moozlims" that so terrorize the Federal Reserve.


The correct direct link is~


This is what we have been waiting for!
The "Mondo"!

Reading about this in the news for about a week, I was very excited that this could be the answer.
The UN is looking at this as well, and is determined to take action.

What will the USACORP do?
That is the next very important question, and it is incumbent upon the citizens to be very vocal about this!




This is good news, Ben. If this crime gang is so isolated, their days are numbered. Clear the US dollar is no longer viable and a ne currency along the lines suggested by China makes sense to me, only who will guard the guardians at the IMF and make sure a repeat of the Fed Reserve corruption doesn't occur?

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