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Posted by: 朱鷺 | 01/30/2009 at 16:27
Posted by: tora | 01/29/2009 at 22:39
Hi there.
Ben, you seem to regard the One World Government, or the World Government, as the messianic entity, for human suffering and environmental havoc will be solved due to its benevolent vision for the world population.
Sadly, you failed. I used to worship you, but not anymore. Why don't you realize that the centralization of power is the one-time dream for global elite known as Illuminati and extraterrestrials who are behind all of the power system throughout the world. USA, England, Russia and even China(to your surprise!) are dominated by the same hands---extraterrestrials. And they have the same vision, furthermore they are not gonna give up the monetary system.
You think that the US neo-nazi were defeated, so the world move toward harmony. Is that what you think? Obama is another pupet, you know.
Wake up to the reality under which we are now being let live, otherwise you'll lose my confidence in you.
Posted by: Repha | 01/29/2009 at 20:46
umh... what is it saying? can someone please give a quick and dirty abstract? thx in advance.
Posted by: cn | 01/29/2009 at 17:32
I too would be very glad if I could read it in English ... or Czech.
Posted by: Jan | 01/29/2009 at 17:18
Posted by Ben on the bottom of the 1/17/09 blog:
※Notice to blog readers: The English and Japanese versions of my daily blog are not necessarily the same. The reason is that sometimes Japanese and English speaking audiences need different information (eg background information).
And apparently it is one of those days... ;>
Posted by: Miriam | 01/29/2009 at 11:41
Please do not rush it.
Because the content need not write in English, I think that it is only Japanese.
Posted by: 朱鷺toki | 01/29/2009 at 11:38
Would be pleased to comment if I could read it...English puleeeeese
Posted by: Bill Hennessy | 01/29/2009 at 09:40
Posted by: GH | 01/29/2009 at 08:24
Is there no English translation of the 28 januari 09 blog text?
Posted by: Helene | 01/29/2009 at 07:25
Please continue to post in English. This is vital information and is being quoted on other web sites e.g. Rumor Mill.
Posted by: Bill Hennessy | 01/29/2009 at 03:53
Thank you for releasing a lot of interesting news.
I would like to purchase your DVD, but I have no idea why you keep a bank account at Mitsubishi UFJ bank. Is it a bank worth to trust? Are you happy to have an account there? Please let me know.
Best regards
Posted by: Makoto | 01/29/2009 at 01:33