Secret negotiations continue over a new
financial system
The Western world is apparently divided
into two camps over a proposed new financial system. One group seeks the
creation of a new global trading currency to be accompanied by local and
regional currencies. Another seeks to unite the US and Canadian dollars with
the Mexican Peso to create the Amero and use it as a new currency in
conjunction with a rebooted Euro and an Asian currency.
What both parties fail to fully recognize
is that no matter what, they still have to burst their bubbles back to reality
first. The severity of the coming collapse could lead to social disintegration
if these people do not negotiate with a more humble attitude suitable to their
bankrupt status.
Finally, the Zionists will keep trying to
ignite world war as a way to escape from this situation but they will not
succeed. They need to understand they have been conned by a group of Nazis who
want to wipe out Israel and turn the Northern European “Aryans” into the “chosen
people.” Please, Zionists, wake up and smell the coffee.