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Posted by: 匿名 | 06/16/2008 at 20:42
言われる様に、人員派遣力なんかの問題もあるとは思いますが、新製品の「生搾り みがき麦」が売られていたものが消えて、在来品のみになったのが気に入りません。
Posted by: 奇兵隊 | 06/16/2008 at 19:01
Posted by: zzz | 06/16/2008 at 17:14
To Thomas
> I am a patriot who loves his country and freedom and I am fighting for my family and friends. Especially the younger of them so they can live in a free and open society free of tyranny.
Thank you for your sympathy to Hokuriku earthquake. Maybe you are an Americam, and you recognize yourself a nice patriot, I think it's quite a good thing, and also you have much love for your family and friends. Then please just imagin or think about us Japanese and other Asian people and whole world people as your neighbors,
nowaday, I think I am one of global people as well as Japanese, and each one is linked togather as the same value of human being.
Of course there are some tyranny people everywhere. But even so I don't think it's right that non-blamed citizen should be get caught in and killed by war or any other plots. I believe that wars and any kinds of terrible fascism-like happen just because of egoism of powerful men or conquerors. No one of citizen wants war or such unusal catastrophes and infections. Imagin if you were a soldier and had a duty of walking on in an radioactive environment or killing many people at the same time you have in high risk of death attack. Could you suffer or survive it? On the contrary, if you were a innocent citizen who are liveing under war, you are in a high risk of losing everything such as your family and friens, your house, food, job and even your life.
Don't you think it's horrible and who can bear like this? Even if you conqured a whole world, what will be good for you ? Why do some people want wars ?
Then they should get out of the world of ghost and waken up and stop it!
There must be more peaceful way to control such tyranny ones. And some people knows that sort of better way. I think many Japanese intelligents know it as well. If you want,plese hear from them. Bejamin-san know them, I think. I'm not intelligent so much,sadly, i can't tell in detail. Would you please look at the site of 'Matthue's message',too,Champ! I hope it'll bring you some new conceptions. No offense! please take my opinion to be from utter honest or good intention.
Posted by: May | 06/16/2008 at 12:13
To Thomas
> I am a patriot who loves his country and freedom and I am fighting for my family and friends. Especially the younger of them so they can live in a free and open society free of tyranny.
Thank you for your sympathy to Hokuriku earthquake. Maybe you are an Americam, and you recognize yourself a nice patriot, I think it's quite a good thing, and also you have much love for your family and friends. Then please just imagin or think about us Japanese and other Asian people and whole world people as your neighbors,
nowaday, I think I am one of global people as well as Japanese, and each one is linked togather as the same value of human being.
Of course there are some tyranny people everywhere. But even so I don't think it's right that non-blamed citizen should be get caught in and killed by war or any other plots. I believe that wars and any kinds of terrible fascism-like happen just because of egoism of powerful men or conquerors. No one of citizen wants war or such unusal catastrophes and infections. Imagin if you were a soldier and had a duty of walking on in an radioactive environment or killing many people at the same time you have in high risk of death attack. Could you suffer or survive it? On the contrary, if you were a innocent citizen who are liveing under war, you are in a high risk of losing everything such as your family and friens, your house, food, job and even your life.
Don't you think it's horrible and who can bear like this? Even if you conqured a whole world, what will be good for you ? Why do some people want wars ?
Then they should get out of the world of ghost and waken up and stop it!
There must be more peaceful way to control such tyranny ones. And some people knows that sort of better way. I think many Japanese intelligents know it as well. If you want,plese hear from them. Bejamin-san know them, I think. I'm not intelligent so much,sadly, i can't tell in detail. Would you please look at the site of 'Matthue's message',too,Champ! I hope it'll bring you some new conceptions. No offense! please take my opinion to be from utter honest or good intention.
Posted by: May | 06/16/2008 at 12:13
Let's inquire into the truth by everyone. Let's create the society in a free, openhearted future.
Posted by: 朱鷺 | 06/16/2008 at 03:15
Posted by: しん | 06/15/2008 at 23:42
Posted by: 匿名 | 06/15/2008 at 21:37
Dear Mr. Fulford.
I have been Wondering if the chinese earthquake was just a coincidence. Just seemed unusual. Then today I happened by chance to find your interview with jeff rense on google video. And I listened to it for a while. Then I went to a friends house and when I came home I found out about a 7.2 earthquake in Japan with more than 200 aftershocks. It freaked me out! Does this asian society really exist? Are they really that much of a threat to the Europeans? This is the first i've ever heard of this or you for that matter. I have been studying for almost two decades about the nwo, but have never heard about any groups opposed to them. I know this will sound crazy but is there anyway I could get in contact with them? Or they with me? They could check me out completely, I will be an open book and give them any info they want about me. I am completely sincere. I am a patriot who loves his country and freedom and I am fighting for my family and friends. Especially the younger of them so they can live in a free and open society free of tyranny.
Yours sincerely and respectfully,
Thomas Frye
P.S. This really is happening isnt it? I can't even look at the news anymore because I can see the holes. It's like my eyes are opened as if i've been dreaming.
Posted by: Thomas Frye | 06/15/2008 at 17:50
Posted by: まったく | 06/15/2008 at 17:02
新製品の発泡酒「生搾り みがき麦」がAEON系スーパーのマックス・ヴァリューの酒売り場からなくなりました。
ゴールデン・ウィークに「生搾り みがき麦」を買って、旨かったので時々買っていましたが、突然店頭から消えました。
Posted by: 奇兵隊 | 06/15/2008 at 16:03
HAARP is the facility. not HAAP. Please be precise. http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/ant.html
Posted by: kt | 06/15/2008 at 09:56
Posted by: Takoyaki | 06/14/2008 at 23:39
Posted by: Moon | 06/14/2008 at 21:53
Posted by: 123ja8119 | 06/14/2008 at 21:24