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i would never have bought anything just because it was practical, would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a life time.




>>Japanese nortrious huge forum site <2channel >as hell,
where makes in peoples minds deeply.

I already send message about a 2channel to metropolitan police department and liberal democratic party of Japan, at some mounth ago.
to LDP is before more year ago.

seems they did not anything. a lot of young peoples,boys,and specialy
girls have so much sick feel, attack by maneuvers.

i seem a lot of men and womens face turn pale,as internet addict people has a face un helthy, eye and complexion bad.

i mind it. also me had it.
I think police must message there as pattern message in very usualy.
and makes there more calm. usual forum so worst comunications each other, as <you hell><no you hell.>

police, they thinkings self responsibility to people.but I think
it is no see what`s the point? as so fool.

if not that,2channel under control by new world orders.it`s
compleatly worst.

internet direction,must be adult contents move to isolating other place
with specil domein as <.ex .x .sex >by law rules give.
in the future it ganna an world agreement with each country.

we need institution of control internet contents as WHO or UNIC.

all adult contents need an application for work, specialy
must laws on to own coutly language contents.

internets needs more manege by laws.laws must reach in the internet,
I think its just things. and so simple.
adult and hard contents must need isolate from leguler serch engine,
so needs <ADULT GOOGLE><adult yahoo> R20、with special domein as .x .ex,the domein sort contents compleatle.

everybody knows internet is so worst things in the world.
The 2channel one administrater <HIROYUKI NISHIMURA >as
do nothing about self businnes internet space.there makes just evil hell.and thats all intentions they self.

we dont need the worst evil site.

see this men have a feel to other peopel as same way bush doing this.
they makes only hell.








<<secondly post about a 2channel as
Japanese nortorious forum site.

for example this URL at the sled, <2ch>have.
and one categoly of <island,tropical.>from 150 categoly.


sled name are<i will go trip to Okinawa>from 700 sled.
can post be untill 1000,is they have,its in one sled.
some time spend one sled in few 10 scale minutes.i menn 40minutes.
sometime left after take years the sled.

the url, sled.

first post by maybe her
<i will graduat a college next spring and I will go trip to OKINAWA about a memolyal trip.
please let me know some where place to shoud go.>

4 th post

5 th post
to 4th. you too!

19 th post
are you ok to trip to OKINAWA?? specialy you have problem at you mental??

20 th the post
its you.

70 th post
 _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\     if Okinawa girl likes me around,
 ∑_  ∪ ゚Д゚)    it is same way flys around me?

why anybody keep post to this. because there are also some opinions and infomations
to wants to know something.

but never ever we comunicate like this hate each others.so much toxic for our mentality
deeply.this way been make more hate each others.
but this sled minimum worst maneuvers act.

some other sled they have, build by somebody or maneuvers,
<why Okinawa people so gross?>

it is never such comunications each other in Japanese,and this type post,
all each part of Japanese special type comunity ,example,,

if some incidence at osaka they been make rule with for years,
<oh osaka a developing country,as north korea>
under emotional rule its <buddy>

so we had cracking by it.

it always way they have with behind mentlety emotion <buddy>if not you<scum>they bihind words have.
its how make hate in mind? this way straght to hell.

they make broke,and make complexi each and bihind.
usual people no make explession bihind about as 2ch,
<with out teen age generagtions and low age in 20years old generations.
specialy girl often of they like to dis and say gross to other peoples
by we did not had the mental.
bacause they had diffelent basic educations to us. >

and it ganna inside our mental deeply, and some young guys looks so
down, even I can know this boy do that site.
he looks so bad.shoud not do that.

but also seem some a lot amount infomations other site never have by somebodys posts.
<looks so excite and to know, infomations as underground.>
so there is continue a deep Racism to each others usualy, between the opinions post.

police do nothing to them because they know the diffecult rule emotions
<buddy>if you not<scum>. in make emotions<body> other wise <family>,if they do criminal
racism.they can do nothing.so,,its worst man.

please take a look the under the url.its make feel bad and pain.
a lot of sucide case incidence from this site, they did not do anything.

only they can do if some body make notice a kill about a muder,then they move.
how silly n sissy it.





<<THE 2channel.Japanese nortorious huge forum site.>>  

the japanese norotrious forum site <2CHANNEL> has been young japanese people down in to sick with a lot maneuver.
they have over 700 sled each categoly always up new, each hour,and the sled from 150 categolys,
and 1000 post message are each sled have.it`s huge.
i mean a 1 categoly have 700 sled, 1000 post message each the sled.over 150 categolys.so it`s huge.
categolys by it is like <CAR,BIKE,MUSIC,HIPHOP,POP,such usual things. and specially WOMEN,DIS WOMENS,TEENGIRL,
PORN,and comercial of chat with girls.and more dirtys.> they have pull us emotion with something.
basiclly feeling <buddy>or if not you sameway us <scam> under they word and site.intensions.

some sled have posted a lot of irregal porn pictures,between post.
last day in the rush girl porn one picture <Meiji Tennnou>there are.it`s f●ck
all post by lowest infomation eachothers.so people do so bad each others at the believe they has
something right rule <buddy> or if not you with manuevers.

I said they have simply emotinal rule.must do act funny character,dont
say a truth like, <this site is f●cking wrong >,when maneuver starts work
,you screwed.they make message you <scam><scum><sick><psyco><gross><need hospital this crap>
and you get sick.you sameway do manuevers nexttime.with the rule they make emotion to us with under the word
if under this emotion rule your never bastard with them.but you already screwed.

almost people way from the forum site first,but take years make little interesting in,because
some guys post interesting opinions and you traped with you wrong post to sled.
and a lot of the words there, so people very easy hit with google this site.

we have society type lowest meet to new persons each others, men and women
sometimes.there are lot sexual infomation,teen girl,under teen,opinions,economic,political,incidence, all ways new sled ganna up
each hour.people get addict by take years.and they have emotional rule <buddy>if not you,<scum> .it`s simple rule.

so,but this <buddy>s or <scum> make feel, to other people like a victim peoples on the todays news,they make
post <die><fu●k><scum>.sometimes a lots guys try to rights opinions there are but it is like feel some hypocrisy.

it is 2channel.

a lot of <RACISM, gender RACISM,demanded SEXUAL CONTENTS,irrigal porn,>make young people mind go down to sick,by take years.

this worst edges in very shorty, makes distroy young guys mantal.
also the worst edges makes insanity crimes in the Japanese society.

george W bush always show emotion basiclly <you,,my family,,> as 2channel <buddy>with make bright face at the speach end, you see it.
and they show emotion if you diffelnt family,you basted.

so they too orders.tipical perfect scam doing this.
under this emotional rule,if wants to broke it.kill. its history man.

but under the them bussines rules sosiety by streamlinin with basicly answers of mathematica and calculation,
it`s feel likes perfect.build anything,cant kick back a seems right opinios,if they broke
life so low incomes peoles and life in very traditional peoples,and very scam way with took other peples land.

if that, we must feel it right??but try to broke them rule you bastard feel.
it is theme.

seems that rule basicly calculations, broke us all,so it`s perfectly anti perfect.
can you disturb now?

今回は、post preview では問題ないようです。。





THE 2channel.Japanese nortorious huge forum site.>>

the japanese norotrious forum site has been young japanese people down in to sick with a lot manuevers.
they have over 700 sled each categoly always up new, each hour,and the sled from 150 categolys,
and 1000 post message are each sled have.it`s huge.
i mean a 1 categoly have 700 sled, 1000 post message each the sled.over 150 categolys.so it`s huge.
categolys by it is likethey have pull us emotion with something.
basiclly feeling or if not you sameway us under they word and site.intensions.

some sled have posted a lot of irregal porn pictures,between post.
in the rush girl porn one picture there are.it`s f●ck
all post by lowest infomation eachothers.so people do so bad each others at the believe they has
something right rule or if not you with manuevers.

I said they have simply emotinal rule.must do act funny character,dont
say a truth like,,when manuvers starts work
,you screwed.they make message you
and you get sick.you sameway do manuevers nexttime.with the rule they make emotion to us with under the word
if under this emotion rule your never bastard with them.but you already screwed.

almost people way from the forum site first,but take years make little interesting in,because
some guys post interesting opinions and you traped with you wrong post to sled.
and a lot of the words there, so people very easy hit with google this site.

we have society type lowest meet to new persons each others, men and women
sometimes.there are lot sexual infomation,teen girl,under teen,opinions,economic,political,incidence, all ways new sled ganna up
each hour.people get addict by take years.and they have emotional rule if not you, .it`s simple rule.

so,but this s or make feel, to other people like a victim peoples on the todays news,they make
post.sometimes a lots guys try to rights opinions there are but it is like feel some hypocrisy.

it is 2channel.

george W bush always show emotion basiclly as 2channelwith make bright face at the speach end, you see it.
and they show emotion if you diffelnt family,you basted.

so they too orders.tipical perfect scam doing this.
under this emotional rule,if wants to broke it.kill. its history man.

but under the them bussines rules sosiety by streamlinin with basicly answers of mathematica and calculation,
it`s feel likes perfect.build anything,cant kick back a seems right opinios,if they broke
life so low incomes peoles and life in very traditional peoples,and very scam way with took other peples land.

if that, we must feel it right??but try to broke them rule you bastard feel.
it is theme.

seems that rule basicly calculations, broke us all,so it`s perfectly anti perfect.
can you disturb now?











<japanese nortrious insanity forum site >
with make bright face at the speach end, you see it.
and they show if you diffelnt family,you basted.but other opinions of a lot of DR s show us he diffelnt.

use a family? it`s bad. because there is a lot of familys is us.

and one of huge japanese forum board internet in japan, nortrious diffinitly undercontrol
New worst order.so,there is a lot of maneuvers, with huge its over 150 categorys and each one category
has over 700 sled always up to new each day each hour, and so huge.and the sled has 1000 post a massage is the content.anyway
seems every category you have,and if you find a one categorys, you ganna screwed by take year to other categolys
they make up trap.people Hit easylly on a google with the word.so, also there is infomation specialy about a women,dis women,
teen age girl,car,bike,music,hiphop,bitch,movies,a lot of more.

the maneuvers does simply control trap sometime in the sled, for
each message. and show up friendlly to other the each others.it`s always.
but also there is other interlesting message and infomations and its lot of other peoples post messages or
manuevers does.the maneuvers make a one rule in the sled ,it`s make one type of funny character with under
title of the each sled space.so I mean posts ganna fharther by first emotion the sled title have.

it`s so nasty.I feel pain always.

if broke a rule which is funny character of you post message,for example they ganna post a message like a
specially in japanese laughage, it`s feel worst.

they made up you front of other people.first see this, guys gannna fight for it.but
other people also already under the rule,they make you dis with manuevers.also there is the chaos.almost sled foward with that. and usual in the sled each posts sandwitch between message
,show up the porn, teen age girl irritate picture,so stimulate type of porns.

all post toward by name is it`s likes this.
personal information is only random number of ID and only .

sled title type is alway make feel to people complexilly up set,sympathy,despair, a lot sexual a demand
.I think a lot of young people has sick now.

teenage girl,porn,womens steal finder picture,frist saw this,people way from, but by take year
people screwed also you, with maneuvers.

under the some form of emotionaling rule, people normaly tried broke it, when maneuvers works are start.
made up you are the wack,scam, everything wrost.so a lot guys now do same way doing the manuevers,
under the emotional rule of the sled and the .its make feel us a

a lot people difficult way from.because addict by that lot controls again and the agains.
there is a lot racism,sexual demand,sympathy, by each difflent sled and categorys by other people and
manuevers. and the strong emotion they have pulling us alone, by basicly emotin
addict made by one way emotion the > it makes way the other guys to make same way one way emotionnal
to other people >
it is the control. same way Bush,

must feel them are buddys.so.how came out from them? it is a lot of peoples now.
other right people can not do that.

i say again and again. so people down in to the rule the under the one way emotional,its traped. like very tipical scams
doing. they make fear,safe,alone,and to the control. in the site it`s always. its ganna make people weak.
must way from. but this societys have a lot problem between genders.

so it is same way America gubament,it is make us you chose which emotion?
after feel that fear,to obey.already they compleat usual people need little distance eachother,
they in to the space by emotions or scam.

one way emotional cotrol, it`s must broke by kill man.its histoly.
a lot of men in japanese face to worst.
some people feel no proble maybe, but insanity is going on.i see lot of guys look so worst as me.

and so,, we feel like a addict for the fucking lies, other guy show a right but also it is feel boring.
its troble.

we i mean are young japanese and other country guys maybe has connecting in the mind world,its
we feel because it`s feel good.

new worst order fucking orgasm.i tried broke it,it was also disaster.
but,, only i knew i dont know. this is a compleatly matrix smith make a same system smith.
but i did not lose yet.sorry for trobel english.








しかし、人間は不安定な状況では、いとも簡単にコントロールされてしまいます。国際金融資本の目的は、一刻も早く「世界政府」を樹立させ、極秘裏に世界中の富と利権を掌握することにあります。そのために、不安定な状態をつくりだすことが最優先されています。「世界政府」や「国際協力機関」が完成して行く過程で、今後より多くの紛争と、災害、そして失業者が発生するでしょう。経済的な不安定感による「人民の人民に対する戦い」こそ彼らの目的です。過去もそして現在もそうです。「国際協力機関」がワシントン・コンセンサス(Washington Consensus)を批准してゆく流れの中で、重荷になるアメリカをいつでも切り捨てる計画も用意周到に準備されているとのことです。陰謀論者の唱える「ユートピア論」(アセンションetc.)は、少なくともそう簡単に来ないように思います。そもそも、宗教改革の旗手のマルチン・ルターでさえヨハネの黙示録を嫌悪しています。世界を動かせるほどのスーパー・エリートが、間抜けな陰謀の証拠を(意味なく)残すようなことはないと思います。




一番わかりやすい例は、H.フォードの生んだ大衆車フォードTの付加価値創造のしくみでしょう。フォードは、従業員の賃金を年々引き上げると同時に、車の価格も1908年には800ドルだったものを、1920年代には290ドルに引き下げています(価格低減の法則)。当時、自動車は金持ちのものであり、1,000ドル~3,000ドルと言う値段でした。しかしフォードはF・テイラーの科学的方式を採用、一般大衆が買えるものにしようと考えた。このときフォードに信頼を寄せ100ドルを投じた投資家たちは、後に3,000倍以上の35万 5,000ドルを手にすることになった。日本でなぜ投資詐欺が起こるかというと、経済的原則(付加価値創造のしくみ)についての無知がなせるわざなんです。イノベーションが起きない限りは、賃金というのは下がり続けるんです。逆に、イノベーションを起こすためには、賃金の上昇が必要なのです。自然法である価格低減の法則の外に位置するのは、金融ユダヤの創造産物である中央銀行の発行するお金だけです。


もう書き込まないつもりだったのですが、「30人委員会の支配」や竹中平蔵氏という言葉に反応してしまいました。^^; わたしもフルフォードさん同様、マネタリストは嫌いです。




white color people get next 10 generations with south part earth
and got sun tans,browny skins make you good group us more well. I think. umm isnt it>?white color is only you guys peopel so..you need it!!and truth.its most problem on you.thats it.




どんどん 公表していくべきだと思います

そして 公平な世の中になったらどうすべきか

戦後仕方なく 流れでこうなった、
でも いい思いもした(G7加盟等)
しかし このままじゃいけない
ここで どう出るかを 知りたいです


hi BF,

Expected...but just so you know - a latest official message from RP at : http://www.ronpaul2008.com/

ps - btw I respect your work.
Some Japanese posters on your blog here will encourage you but some others may discourage you... don't pay any attention to those who strongly opposes your views since they don't show any proof whatsoever, and there are good chances they work to realize NWO scenario pretending they don't have any relation to them. Instead of getting disturbed or bogged down ,send them love - you will have protection from negative entities (both visible and invisible) that way.




次いで島田 紳助も国民に我慢を唱えるのを見ました。



get back!















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