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<欧州合同素粒子原子核研究機構(CERN)と HAARP>
大型ハドロン衝突型加速器(LHC )のブログ
また、月へ大型ハドロン衝突型加速器(LHC )設置計画の噂もある。
・大型ハドロン衝突型加速器(LHC: Large Hadron Collider)実験スケジュールと思われる表
⇒現在、7兆電子ボルトの高出力の状態。 May2008,Beam Commissioning to7TeV

アリゾナ州ユマ 22MAY 異常な低圧、空前の29.33"
ラスベガス  5月 低圧記録更新29.27"
サクラメント 5月低圧記録更新 29.36"
ツインシティーズ 31MAY 2インチのあられ
マンハッタン      野球ボール級のひょう
カンザス        ソフトボールサイズのひょう
カナダ 1.5インチ程度のあられ
ガラパゴス諸島イサベラ島 31MAY 10年振りの噴火
チリ 6MAY 噴火(300年ぶり)
インドネシア  高波災害
ニカラグア ハリケーン
ミャンマー 2,3MAY ハリケーン
アルジェリア 6JUN M5.6
中国四川省 12MAY M7.2の地震
中国 17JUN 24時間で171の余震(四川震災から計10,068回の余震)
日本 14JUN 岩手・宮城内陸地震
アイスランド 29MAY M6.2の地震
ギリシャ 8JUN M6.1の地震
ニュージーランド ホワイト島 12JUN M5.4地震
スリランカ 2JUN 豪雨(7万3000人が避難)
エチオピア 洪水
シエラレオネ 嵐
ケニヤ 豪雨(収穫物が水没。甚大な被害)
キプロス 記録的干ばつ
世界各地 記録的洪水が多発。
アメリカ国内では、連日各地で災害が発生中。 他、多数

HAARP 15ARL-17JUN Record of sending frequency(HAARPの発信記録の情報)

皆既日食  2008/08/01
月食    2008/08/17
五輪開会式 2008/08/08
CERN実験  2008/08/??





日航ジャンボ123便墜落事件 映画「御巣鷹山」の渡辺文樹監督が国策不当逮捕しかも自宅が公安の家宅捜索いまだ宮城県警石巻警察署にぶち込まれたままだ。




Hello Benjamin, i just watched your interview of David Rockefeller and your address to the populations after the interview
Well, im just another citizen of the world, from france btw, but i need to draw attention to you about Military & Industrial Complex of USA, which is made of a force which has nothing to do with your concerns about flaw in the US Army about their airplane carriers or satellites. Let me explain, i tried to make it short..

You already discovered the existence and impacts of HAARP, and thanks btw for trusting information disclosure about the sichuan & fukushima seisms and myanmar typhoon. You could have added the late december 1999 Tempest in France, just a few weeks after the publication of the European Commission report against HAARP, exposing its military nature up to change climate, alter electronical and communications, and alter populations' mind.

But you seem to have no clue about the numerous hidden technologies controlled by the US, more probably by their secret governement than any active faction of regular army. It is about lasers, magneto-hydro dynamics airborne (missiles and planes up to mach 10) and waterborne (torpedos up to mach 2 or 4), anti-gravitational systems (like in flying saucers, able to both go intra and extra athmospheric), free energy -as you probably know, since its also developped extensively in japan-, anti-matter (from mini nukes about to detonate 40kT in a very chirurgical area, up to maxi nukes 1000 times what a A bomb could perform), drones and maybe nanodrones (such as depicted in minority report), mind control, time-line engineering (check about montauk project and philadelphia experiment, stories certified by a retired colonel of regular army), biologicial and chemical weaponry (where compared to it, sars is a joke), many underground facilities such as china has (built under the Majestic recommendations for Scenario 1), and the vast, very vast system of intelligence and electronical spying behind the Echelon project and the NSA trusting itself more than any other secret agencies, connected by the way to Google Microsoft and the underlays of original Arpanet and the infrastructure of Internet.
Believable or not, inform yourself. I only talk about the most documented things. I don't know for instance where they are in the domain of artifical intelligence.

How did they manage to develop all this, and maybe a lot more ? Two ways : 1/ due to expatriation of german and jew scientists before and after WW2, with the so called "operation paper-clip" 2/ By retro-engineering the UFO technology found in 1947, and maybe making a thruce with that civilisation (nothing to do with the real or imaginary "reptiles", btw).
Don't forget that the trilateral is also the insign of the alien civilisation USA met in 1947. And don't dismiss so easily the facts about the presence of alien civilisations if you feel surrounded by the disinformation about this specific subject. It is the key to understand why the Illuminati/Rockefeller thruce is a deceipt : they have a striking power that you probably do not suspect, or for any reason you don't expose in the differents videos i already saw of you. They will absolutely do unbelievable things to accomplish the written apocalypse. And thus, if you study the aftermath and consequences of the time theory to the perspective of the "looking glass", "montauk" and "rainbow"/philadelphia experiment, you will consider that apocalypse, even if it was a forgery, is sorta unescapable.

You can know more about all this with many videos on youtube, but i would recommand you William Milton Cooper for a beginning. He used to work in the naval secret service before doing like you're doing : disclosing. To the price of his life.
I can give you a link for a start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zSc8M5N-78

Don't think what im saying in this message is unfounded or foolish. Took a lot of time and deception to realize all this like you realize what you taught to me about the Japan secret societies. We all have pieces of the puzzle.

Let me know. You have my email address. More to come from and up both of us, if you're ready to follow.

My Best Regards







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